Carefully, I bring down one trembling leg at a time. Her whole body is shaking as the warm water washes over her. She can barely keep her eyes open as I hold her up.

I take her out, wrap her in a fluffy towel, and then quickly take off my wet clothes and toss then into the shower after I turn the water off.

“It’s okay, peaches,” I whisper to her as I pick her up and cradle her to my chest. “You’re with your mate now. You have nothing to worry about.” I kiss her forehead and she smiles even though I’m pretty sure she’s already asleep.

I bring her into my bedroom and lay her on the bed. By the time I close the curtains and return to her, she’s already in a deep sleep.

She’s so fucking perfect. I can watch her sleep for days.

Her gorgeous face looks so angelic and peaceful. Even my furious bear calms down as I admire her beauty.

I lean down and give her a soft gentle kiss on her lips. She moans, but doesn’t wake.

“I love you,” I whisper as I cover her with my sheets. “Now and forever.”

After laying out some fresh clothes that are going to be way too big for her, I close the door to let her sleep and return to the bathroom.

I take her clothes from the floor so I can wash the smokey smell out of them. I want to smell her intoxicating scent when I’m with her and the heavy smell of the smoke overpowers it.

My body freezes when I see her panties.

Shit. My cock is already aching again just knowing her sweet pussy was touching that fabric.

I can’t help myself. I’m so weak when it comes to her.

With my heart pounding, I take them and put them to my nose, inhaling her delicious scent once again. I start jerking off and when I’m ready to cum, I bunch them around the tip of my cock and cum all over them.

“Mmmmmm,” I moan as I melt against the wall.

I turn to jelly, but my cock doesn’t soften.

It won’t until I feel the soft walls of her fresh young pussy clamped around it.

Until then, I’m just going to have to suffer.

Chapter Seven


I wake up with a heavy moan. I was in such a deep sleep that it takes me a second to remember where I am, but when I feel the pulsing heat of complete and utter satisfaction flowing through my pussy, I remember. I’m with Ethan.

Man, that was unreal. A part of me thinks it must have been an incredible dream, but my pussy has never felt this good and satisfied, so I know it must be real.

There’s a pile of clothes next to me and I smile when I see that he folded them nicely. He’s a man who pays attention to the small details, which I love.

Details like folding, not details like size. I chuckle when I pick them up and see how enormous they are. There’s no way they’re going to fit, but unless I want to walk around his house naked, which I seriously consider for a split second, I’m going to have to try.

I slip on the gym shorts and pull the string as tight as I can until the waist is so scrunched up that it looks like a frill. I tie the string and laugh when I see that the shorts look more like pants on me. This guy is huge.

The shirt is equally ridiculously big, but I manage to tie the bottom into an 80’s knot and stick my bare shoulder out of the head hole, so it looks kinda cute.

My hair was wet when I went to bed so I have a weird bumpy afro-thing going on. I quickly brush it out and wrap it up into a bun. I wish I had some make-up, but at least I look better than before. I was horrified to see what my watery eyes had done to my eye make-up before my shower. I looked like a goth kid who got caught in the rain. I guess that’s what happens when you buy mascara at the dollar store. Oh, well. It was all I could afford.

When I’m looking as good as I’m going to get, I open the door and creep down the hall. Ethan is in the kitchen, listening to old rock music as he cooks.

I lean against the wall and take a moment to admire him as he moves around the kitchen like he belongs there. For a big hulking guy, he’s very light on his feet and agile.

“I hope you’re hungry,” he says with his back to me. “I’m cooking up a storm.”

I smile. How did he even know I was here?

“I’m starving.”

He turns around with such a sexy smile that it makes my body shudder.

“Good,” he says with a grin. “I like a girl with an appetite.”

I have an appetite… for him.

“You look stunning,” he says as he looks me over slowly from head to toe.

“I’m wearing quadruple XL clothes and my hair looks like a bird’s nest in January. I’m hardly stunning.”

He shakes his head as he skewers me with a heated look. “You’re stunning.”

His dominant voice leaves no room for argument. He says it like it’s a fact and that’s that. It’s not open for discussion.

I smile shyly as I feel my cheeks start to blush. For once in my life, I do feel stunning. He’s making me feel that way.

“Come sit,” he says as he points to the granite island.

I walk over and sit on one of the barstools as I watch him move. “I’d offer to help, but it looks like I’d just get in your way.”

“I love to cook,” he says as he pulls some delicious smelling salmon out of the oven. “When the crew gets together at the station, I’m always the one to cook.”

“So, what’s on the menu today?”

He smiles as he shows me. “I didn’t know what you liked, so I made a few things. Maple salmon or grilled veggie sandwiches for the main course. Sweet potato, arugula, and wild rice salad with ginger dressing for the side, and of course...” I wait in anticipation as he opens the cupboard and pulls out a bag of potato chips. “…chips.”

My mouth is hanging open in shock. I’ve never eaten like this before. Ever.

“You made all of this while I was sleeping?”

“It was either that or pace up and down the hallway, driving myself insane while I waited for you to wake up.”

I laugh. “I’m glad you chose the food.”

He grins as he takes out two plates.

I’m supposed to be at work right now. I have a peanut but

ter and jelly sandwich under my desk. Did I fall into some sort of an alternate reality or something? How did I get here, but more importantly, how can I stay?

“The sandwich looks incredible with some salad,” I say with my mouth already watering.

He makes me a plate and adds some of the salmon with it. “You have to try some of the salmon too. I caught it myself.”

“You like to fish?”

He shakes his head. “No.”

“Then how did you catch it?”

A flash of panic crosses his face. “I meant at the grocery store. So, Chloe. Are you from Montana?”

I start to tell him about myself. I’m usually pretty candid with personal details, but for some reason, everything comes flooding out when I talk to him. I tell him all about how I left home when I was seventeen.

My mother was always drunk and I got into a huge fight with her druggie boyfriend. He slammed me against the wall—I leave that part out since I think he might storm out of here and run to Atlanta to break Roger’s skull if I tell him—and I knew that it wasn’t a good place for me to be anymore. I left the next day and got on a bus to Montana. I didn’t even know what Montana was, just that it was the next bus leaving.

I rented a small room over a nice couple’s garage for three hundred bucks a month and got a job working for Aylwin Kirk. It was all going okay until he tried to kill me.

He listens so closely, absorbing every word that comes out of my mouth with interest. He asks questions and I can tell that he wants to know everything about me. Kinda like I want to know everything about him.

I watch in awe as he devours the huge helping of salmon and polishes off three sandwiches, the big bowl of salad, and the bag of chips. This man has a giant appetite and not a lick of fat on him. He’s all big shredded muscle.

“What about you?” I ask him after I finish my bite of the delicious food. “Were you born in Blackcloud Point?”

“No,” he says as he scoops another heaping helping of salmon onto his plate. “I moved here three years ago, and before that, I was traveling the country for ten years. Just drifting from place to place.”