“What was that kiss back there?” I ask him.

His eyes dart up to mine and we stare at each other for a long moment.

“I didn’t know if we were going to make it,” he says in a soft voice that makes the heat swirling through me settle between my legs, “and I couldn’t die without tasting your lips. Did you not like it?”

“No,” I quickly say. “I mean yes. I mean no… umm. What was the question?”

His hand slides around to the back of my neck and he pulls me in for another taste. My eyes close as his lips press against mine.

“Mmmmm,” I moan as my mouth opens and I feel his hot tongue slide into it. His strong hand is wrapped around the back of my neck, holding me in place as my body melts.

He pulls away too soon and my lips are still in the air as my eyes slowly open. My body is burning with need for more of him.

“Did you like that?” he asks as he stares at my parted lips. “That was the question.”

I swallow hard as I stare into his gorgeous brown eyes.

“I’m not sure,” I say as I lick his taste off my lips. “Can you try one more time?”

He grins and kisses me deeper…

Chapter Three


The sweet taste of my mate is filling my mouth and driving my bear mad as I make out with her. Her lips are as soft as peaches and taste even better.

My cock has never been harder and it’s burning with every delicious second that goes by. All I can think about is how good it’s going to feel when I sink my big dick into her tight little pussy. I’m imagining how soft and wet and warm it’s going to be as I hold her tight against me and explore her sweet mouth with my tongue.

I can’t believe I gave up on finding this girl. I hate to say it, but my bear was right. I deserved all the shit he gave me. If I knew she was going to be this fucking spectacular, I would have slapped my old self too and then continued looking for her.

She moans when I pull away from her mouth and lean back to get another look at her. This is torture. I don’t know whether to taste her or to stare at her. They’re both equally good.

My girl has long brown hair pulled back into a ponytail and the most vibrant blue eyes I’ve ever seen. She’s as beautiful as an angel and I still can’t believe she’s real.

For the first time in months, my bear is calm and silent inside me. He’s watching her in awe as well. It won’t take long for him to begin harassing me to claim her pussy and put my mark on her neck, but for now, he’s just reveling in her beauty, just like I am.

My hands are still on her thick body and they’re not going anywhere anytime soon. Once I touched her curvy body, my hands haven’t left. I don’t know how I’m going to gain the strength to remove them. This is where they belong and I have a lot of lost time to make up for.

“Ethan.” Her lips curl up into a smile as she says my name for the first time. I can’t resist. I kiss those smiling lips again and press my tongue in deeper until she’s moaning into my mouth and my hard dick leaks pre-cum down my thigh.

“What’s your name?” I ask when I pull away. I need to know.

“Chloe,” she says. “Chloe Webb.”

“Chloe,” I whisper, loving the way it feels on my tingling lips. “Chloe my mate.”

“Your what?” she asks with a giggle.

“Nothing,” I whisper. “We’ll get to that later.”

There’s a pounding on the door of the ambulance and I push it open with a growl. If it’s that creep who called her blue eyes I’m going to be in some serious trouble. I didn’t like the way he looked at my girl and if he’s back sniffing around my property, I’m going to have to tear his fucking throat out.

“Oh,” I say in surprise when I see the Chief standing there. “Hi, Blake.”

He looks at me and then looks at Chloe. My bear starts rumbling and pacing around inside. He doesn’t like Blake looking at her even though he’s the fire chief and a good friend. To be honest, I don’t like it either, but I’m not about to start a fight with one of the closest people in the world to me over an innocent look.

“I see your bear found what he’s looking for,” Blake says as he turns back to me.

I nod. “He did. And I found what I needed.”

He studies my face as he rubs his jaw with the salt and pepper beard on it. “Good. The fire is out and we’re moving out soon. Rylan and Carter are almost done securing the building.”

“All right.”

“What about her?” he asks. “Miss, would you like to go to the hospital to get tested further?”

“I already checked her,” I snap. There’s something about him talking to her that I don’t like. I’ve never been so possessive of anything in my life before, but anyone going near her, talking to her, or even looking at her is sending me spiraling off the deep end. I can’t control it. “She’s fine and she’s staying with me.”

Blake’s eyes harden when they snap back onto mine. I can sense his inner polar bear getting pissed over the tone of my voice and he starts breathing a little heavier.

“I asked her,” he answers with a warning in his tone.

That’s the problem. I don’t like him talking to her.

“It’s okay,” Chloe says. The sweet angelic sound of her voice soothes me and I take a deep breath, wondering why the hell I was ready to fight my oldest and closest friend. “I feel fine. I can stay with Ethan for a bit.”

Blake takes a deep breath and nods. “Fine. Be on the truck in ten minutes.”

He closes the door and I’m on her once again, kissing her and making her mine.

“Shouldn’t we be going?” she asks after we’ve been kissing for an eternity. My cock is aching and my balls are so full and heavy that they feel like they’re going to burst if I don’t get some relief soon.

It’s torture, but I pry my hands and lips away from her and carry her to the truck.

“Hey, blue eyes,” that little prick says as we pass him outside. “Where are you going? Want to hang out?”

My arm darts out and I grab him around the neck with an impenetrable grip. His hands fly up to my wrist, but I’m not letting go until he gets the message loud and clear.

“This is my girl now,” I hiss into his face. “You touch her and I

’ll take your hand. You look at her and I’ll take your eyes. You talk to her and I’ll take your life. You understand me?”

His face is turning purple as he opens his mouth to answer, but nothing comes out. I’m choking the words out of him.

“Do. You. Understand. Me?” I growl.

He nods his head up and down as best he can. “Good.”

I throw him back and he slams into a parked car as he chokes in panicked breaths of air. Everyone from her company is staring at me in shock, but I’m glad. I want all of them to know what happens if they try to step foot on my territory. And Chloe is now my territory.

“I guess he’s on Team Mate after all,” I hear Rylan say as I grab onto the firetruck and climb up to the roof while I have Chloe clutched to my chest.

I guess I am.

Carter turns the truck on and it begins to rumble under us. He pulls out of the parking lot and Chloe grips onto me as she looks around with fear.

“Don’t be scared, peaches. I got you. I’ll always have you.”

She settles down as the truck turns onto the road. I pull her onto my lap and hold her tight as she looks at the burnt building as it gets smaller in the distance.

I have a million questions for her, but she’s been through a lot and I don’t want to put her through any more hardship. But there’s one question I need to know the answer to.

“Who handcuffed you to the desk?”

My blood is boiling and my bear is on edge as we wait for the answer. I’m going to take the life of whoever is responsible. I’m going to end them.

I’m squeezing my hands into fists and clenching my jaw just thinking about it.

She looks up at me with her tender blue eyes and the anger in me settles for the moment. I tuck a strand of her brown hair behind her ear and force out a smile. “It’s okay. You can tell me. I’m going to protect you now, Chloe. I’m on your side.”

She takes a deep breath and I know that she believes me. “It was my boss. Aylwin Kirk.”

My bear lets out a low growl that I feel vibrating throughout my chest. She must feel it too because I see her eyes narrow in confusion.