With a seductive smile on her face, she looked down, but then she took both sides of her dress in her hands and inched it up her thighs, then farther up her hips until I could see her slick, bare pussy. “So pretty,” I admired her, then backed her up against the refrigerator. I dropped to my knees and pushed her against the cool, metal surface.

“Dom! What—Oh!”

I grabbed her thighs and spread her, holding her there as I ate my appetizer. So pink and ripe and sweet for me, there was no finer delicacy to whet my appetite. I ate her relentlessly, no art of seduction, no slow build up, nothing but possession. Mine. My woman, my pussy, all mine tonight.

She came, full and warm, crying out into the kitchen. I licked and sucked the spasms from her, until I could feel her go limp. Setting her down on her heels gently, I stood up, a satisfied smile on my face.

“There, now. Ready for dinner?”

“Oh my God.” She brought her hand to her forehead as if she didn’t believe what I’d done. And I was just getting started.

I led her into the dining room we’d never used. Two long, elegant white candles flickered on the table from silver holders. I’d set the table with crystal wine glasses, real china plates and linen napkins. This safe house had clearly been used for only the highest-end of the lowlifes.

I held out her chair for her. She sat and I did as well across from her. “All those nights I had to watch you all dressed up at that damn country club,” I reminisced, shaking my head. “Now I finally have you all to myself.”

“That was all I ever wanted.” She looked at me, smiling in the candlelight like an angel. One tendril of her strawberry blond halo of hair caressed her cheek. What had I done right to deserve her affection?

“Here’s to getting what we want.” She meant the toast to be celebratory, and I clinked my glass and gave her a smile. But I fell silent for a bite or two. What did she want, after this was all over? What we had right then was not reality, not by a long shot. But then I gave myself a mental shake. When you found yourself smack in the middle of a fantasy, a hot one, the kind of scenario that surpassed your wildest dreams, you couldn’t waste time thinking about what would happen when it was over. You had to dive right into it.

The food tasted great. Not as good as the appetizer, but nothing was. I’d never been a guy to engage in drawn-out dinner conversation, offering long opinions over movies or football teams, but with Gigi talking came easy. She laughed over stupid stories I told her about the guys I’d served with. I never gave specifics about exactly where we’d been or what we’d been doing. Any guy who came straight out and told you he was in the Special Forces clearly wasn’t. Real Green Berets not only followed orders to keep information classified, they understood sharing details could somehow, someday put the audience at risk.

Gigi didn’t pry. She seemed to enjoy just what I told her, laughing in that light, sparkling way she’d always had that lifted me up. And I loved listening to her stories. She may have grown up surrounded by wealth and privilege, but she had a knack for seeing right through people and understanding exactly who they really were. She was doing a job for some friend of her mom’s, redecorating a room, and the poor woman cared so much about what other people thought she kept changing her mind every time Gigi met with her.

“So and so told me she likes this!” Gigi mimicked her, then threw her hands up in exasperation. “It’s like she has no idea what she even likes herself. It’s only what her friends say they like.”

“I’ve seen that a lot.” If a person didn’t have a strong sense of self, others could get them to do just about anything. I hadn’t thought Upper East Side society ladies and motorcycle gang members had a lot in common, but the more Gigi talked, the more the two groups sounded exactly alike. The mob mentality, the pressure to conform, the vicious attack that followed anyone’s attempt to cross a leader. Apparently Gigi and I had a lot in common.

“Room for dessert?” I asked, standing to clear her plate. I was such a gentleman. Just wait until she saw what I had planned for the after-dinner treat.

“Always.” She tried to stand up but I insisted she sit. When I returned, I carried one bowl of ice cream with one spoon.

“Aren’t you having dessert, too?” She looked dismayed.

“Oh, yes I am,” I assured her. Setting the bowl down, I patted the table next to it. “Come up, Gigi. Right here.”

She looked at me with curiosity, but she did as I said. “Lean back.” Resting back on her elbows, surprise and some excitement started brewing in her face as she watched me bring her feet up, heels and all, first one on the table, then the other. I spread them apart nice and wide, working her silk dress up to pool around her waist.

“Mmm, I missed this.” I reached out and stroked her pussy.

She laughed, then sighed with pleasure as I pet her. “Dom, it hasn’t been long.”

“Too long.” I took a spoonful of ice cream and reached over to feed it to her. She slipped it into her mouth, looking at me as she slowly licked. Then I took another small spoonful and smeared it on her clit with the cold spoon.

“Ooh!” she gasped, tilting her head back. Leaning down between her thighs, I licked and sucked my dessert, catching every drop as it traveled down her slit. Sitting back, I looked at her wickedly.

“Ready for more?” I watched her ribcage rise and fall with heavy pants.

“Yes!” she agreed, the hedonist in her taking over as she leaned forward again to take the spoonful I offered her into her mouth.

“Now my turn.” I smeared more ice cream on her, using the cold metal spoon against her clit before I dove into her again. She was by far the most succulent treat I’d ever tasted. I never wanted a bowl or a cone again. It would be Gigi and Gigi alone when I wanted a creamy treat.

When I had her so slick and ready she was moaning and writhing beneath my mouth, I stopped. It was time. I gathered her in my arms and carried her across the entryway, up the stairs and into the master bedroom. That California King bed was made for us.

I set her down on it, unclipping her hair and letting it cascade all around her face, framing it. She looked up at me with love and trust in her eyes.

“You ready?” I asked, my hands traveling the length of her dress, gathering it in my hands to pull it up and over her head.

She looked up at me, completely naked, her pussy glistening with arousal. “I’ve been ready for you for years,” she confessed, reaching up to grasp my shoulders. I kissed her and kissed her more as she unbuttoned my shirt, less and less adept with each button as she grew more impatient, more needy.

I stood and pulled it off my head in a clean move, undershirt, too. Her eyes got a wild heat in them as she watched me strip down completely. I took a condom out of my discarded jeans’ pocket and unrolled it along my length.

“Dom,” she cried out, reaching for me. Laying down on top of her, skin to skin, flesh to flesh, I had no idea how I’d waited so long. Or why. Now that I was so close

to pure heaven, no reason in the world seemed like a good one to have denied it. All shivers and sighs of pleasure, she moved against me, with me, her hands and mouth climbing, traveling, her legs twining around mine.

I’d gotten her good and wet downstairs, but still I wondered how it would be for her when I tried to enter her. I knew it would be a tight fit, and her first time would hurt. I hated to hurt her, but pain in service of pleasure was a different thing. My Gigi didn’t seem to mind a mix in her lovemaking.

Positioned over her, I nudged my tip to her dripping entrance. “You ready?” I nuzzled down at her neck, holding myself back, reminding myself that even as I entered her I’d have to show restraint. There’d be time to get rough, time to pound into her and demand what I wanted. But this was her introduction, her welcome into the world of carnal delight. I wanted it to be good for her. Then we’d do it a hell of a lot more really, really soon. Like maybe even later on tonight.

“I want you inside me,” she purred and ground against me like she couldn’t wait another second. I couldn’t agree more.

The feel of her tight, slick pussy fitting around the tip of my cock made me suck in my breath with intense pleasure. Fuck, if even that felt so good… I eased in more, stretching her, reading all her emotions and reactions on her face. I could see some pain there, but her lips were a perfect O of pleasure, her fingers digging into my muscles as if to hold me there, keep me, show me she wanted more.

Moving slowly, inching in and inching out, I could barely breathe it felt so good. She sheathed me so tight, so wet and quivering, and I kept sinking into her deeper, and deeper. I waited for her to cry out in pain, tell me to stop, and then I got to it, her virgin’s barrier.

“I’m sorry if this hurts,” I murmured, holding myself still above her.

“Dom, I want you so much.” She looked up at me, trusting, her hands clutching at my back, her legs wrapped around mine. I sank into her, thrusting past. She winced and cried out, turning her head from mine. I captured her lips in a kiss, wanting her to instantly forget the pain, wanting her only aware of me, of us. Moving in rhythm, slowly, in, out, farther in again, she started moving with me again, shifting her hips, opening her thighs more. When a throaty moan came from deep within, her eyes closed, I knew she’d moved beyond the pain. It spurred me to sink all the way in, my huge shaft stretching and filling her impossibly tight, virgin pussy, my balls touching her rear.