But Dom didn’t want to go public. I didn’t know if he wanted things on the down low for his own reasons, or out of some misplaced desire to protect me, but when I’d bring up wanting him to meet my father or brother he’d laugh it off like I was so naïve. Most frustrating of all was how little we got to see of each other. It seemed like he was always working, every night. I didn’t work long hours, but my twenty a week were always during the day. So most of the time I saw him, he was working security at the country club or over at the 2am Club.

But guess who I saw all the time instead? Creepy, crazy Brock. Eyeing me, following me, cornering me whenever he could. That text he’d sent me the other day was disturbing. He called me a whore and said he was going to make me his whore. But worse was the picture he sent along with it. I couldn’t even tell what it was, but it looked bloody. I blocked him and he apologized the next day, telling me he’d been drunk and he didn’t even remember what he’d sent me. He asked me to forgive him, telling me he was crazy about me and he’d treat me so good if I’d only give him the chance.

I hadn’t gotten any more texts, but yesterday when I walked out to my car in the garage someone had left a sign on my windshield: WHORE. It looked scrawled in a child’s red crayon. He hadn’t signed it, but who else would do something like that?

I still hadn’t mentioned the text or the note to Dom. Honestly, I was worried about how angry he’d get. I could see him beating Brock to a pulp. And I didn’t actually know Brock had written that note on my car. But I did want to say something about it to my brother. He knew Brock and his family. Maybe he could talk to them about it.

Around a quarter to eleven, Colt said his good-byes. He had a whole lot of nightlife ahead of him, parties and clubs with his vast network. I walked him out, pulling him to side in the lobby.

“Colt, before you go, I have to talk to you about Brock. He’s really creeping me out.”

Colt listened, but he was distracted, wanting to head out on the town. He’d already spent the majority of the evening with his kid sister. I realized I should have waited until the next morning to talk to him.

“Brock’s got a crush.” Colt shrugged off my concerns. “Sure, he’s intense, but you’re amazing. Any guy would be crazy about you. Have you tried talking to him?”

“That doesn’t work.”

“OK, I’ll talk to him next time I see him. Tell him to ease up.”

“Colt, he’s scary.” I knew I should tell Colt more details. I’d show him the note but I’d already thrown it out. I’d deleted the text as soon as I’d received it. And somehow I felt embarrassed and worried about sharing all of it. It might open up questions about who I was dating. I wanted Colt to have a good first impression when he finally met Dom, not see him as the guy who’d made Brock so jealous.

“Look, steer clear of him,” Colt advised me. “I’ll talk to him soon and take care of it.”

I watched him walk out, knowing I had a bunch of friends still partying upstairs, expecting me to head out with them later on as well. But I wasn’t up for it. I stepped out and got a car home, sending Penny a quick text on the way to let her know I was fine but tired and heading to bed.

I looked out the window as we drove, despondent. Dom had promised me I’d see him on my birthday. I hadn’t. And he was all I wanted.

I let myself in and headed up to my bedroom. When I opened the door, I almost didn’t recognize it. Roses of every color filled the room, the gorgeous velvet petals scenting the air from vases on every surface. Petals were strewn on the floor and even spelled out Happy Birthday on my bed. A smile lit up my face. There wasn’t a note, but it had to be Dom.

I called him and he answered on the first ring. “Thank you,” I started.

“How do you know it was me?” he asked, but I could hear him smiling.

“How did you get in?”

“It’s easy to get into your house.” It sounded quiet on his end, not like the usual noise when he was working at the 2am Club.

“We have a security system,” I reminded him.

“Not a problem if you know what you’re doing.”

“You’re dangerous.” I shook my head.

“I’ve told you that right from the start,” he agreed.

I paused. “I was hoping I’d see you today.” I didn’t want to sound too disappointed. He’d showered me in rose petals after all. But still I felt sad I hadn’t seen him.

Suddenly, there was a knock at my window. Dom was outside of it, holding his phone to his ear. “I told you you’d get to see me on your birthday,” he spoke into the phone I still held.

“What are you doing?” I ran to the window, opened it and let him in. He was standing on a narrow ledge, looking calm and collected as he climbed easily in through the window. How had he even gotten up to the second story? “Are you a ninja?”

“I have a lot of talents, Gigi.”

“Yes you do,” I agreed, pressing myself against his body.

“I told you, it’s easy to get into your house.” He dipped his head down and kissed me, fierce and demanding. Hands to his shoulders I clung to him, melting back under his assault, letting him know with every sigh, every kiss, I was his, his alone.

“And you’re here by yourself.” His gaze clouded for a moment, but by now I knew why. He wanted me alone, he just worried about me.

“My brother will be home later tonight.”

“Well, I’m here with you now. Happy Birthday.” He looked down at me and stroked my cheek. “I have something for you.”

“All the rose petals weren’t enough?” My whole room looked like a magical fairyland and smelled like a garden in spring.

“Nothing would ever be enough.” My heart tightened in my chest. For a man so tough and rough, sometimes he said the nicest things to me anyone had ever in my life.

We sat on my bed and he handed me a box from one of the boutique jewelers in town. I knew right away he’d spent too much money.

“Dom,” I started to protest. He shouldn’t be spending his wages on me.

“Open it,” he insisted. Slipping off the ribbon, I lifted the lid then opened the velvet box. Nestled on the satin inside lay a thin gold chain necklace with an open heart charm at the center. Delicate, simple and perfect.

My eyes filled as I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I love it.” I said I loved it, but I meant I loved him. I loved Dom so much my heart hurt like it would burst.

“It’s nothing much, but—”

“It’s beautiful, Dom. I’m going to wear it all the time.”

“Nowhere near as beautiful as you.” Together we sank back onto my bed, all thoughts of necklaces gone as we tasted and touched. He had my clothes off in minutes, as if they offended him and he couldn’t be done with them soon enough. The way he touched me, it felt like he was worshipping or memorizing, like each and every inch of my body blew his mind. But then his touch was rough, too, claiming, demanding, letting me know every inch he touched was his.

He licked my neck, then sucked there, not hard enough to leave a mark but enough to make me moan and throb as I dug my nails into his strong back.

“Tonight I want to taste you, princess,” he whispered.

Arousal pooled between my legs at his words. He’d touched me plenty, slipping his fingers down there at the beach when we’d managed to find a few stolen moments, and once in his truck when he’d given me a ride home from work, making the most of the one hour we had between the end of my shift and the start of his. On his lap in his truck, one of his powerful arms around me, he’d stroked me so masterfully. He’d watched my every reaction, coaxing and milking every drop of pleasure out of my body until I melted into him, nearly sobbing with need and desire and then, finally, pleasure, such intense pleasure I knew no words to describe it.

He spread me back along my bed and kissed a trail down my body, along my stomach, down to my thighs. A quiver of anticipation stole through me. He’d talked about wanting to do this, and I’d thought abou

t it a lot, but it still seemed like a big deal. Did he really want to? Up until a few weeks ago I’d thought guys didn’t like it.

“Are you sure you want to, um…” I looked down at him.

He licked his way toward my glistening pussy, then looked up at me with his eyes half-crazed with possessive desire. “I need to devour you.” He looked almost feral, barely controlling himself. “But you have to tell me I can.”

“Dom.” I sighed with need, wondering at the mixture within him, savage and gentleman all in one. “Yes.” I parted my thighs in invitation. “Please.”