“No.” He shook his head, then looked at me and pulled me closer, so I was curled against his chest. “No, I’m not OK,” he repeated, kissing my hair, caressing my back. “I’m much better than OK.”


I had to leave in two days. Our boss was giving us until Thursday to wrap up filming our pitch. Then, Friday, we had an afternoon meeting in L.A. with one agenda item: wow them.

“We’re all excited to see what you’ve got!” he’d told Sam and me on speaker phone that afternoon. Good thing he couldn’t see the mess we were in right now with an irate mom about to pop Sam’s head off about getting unauthorized footage of her son.

“I assure you, ma’am, we never use footage of anyone without permission,” I interjected. She sure knew a lot of curse words.

“But I saw you—” She started turning her mama grizzly on me.

“We do have a film crew here, but they’re only shooting footage of Miss Cooper. No students will appear on film.”

Now, if we did move forward with this show and a kindergarten teacher as a leading lady, then we’d have to untangle the impossible knot that was gaining permission from each and every parent with a child affiliated with the elementary school. But, for now, we’d grabbed a few shots of the adorable Miss Cooper driving to work in her car, grabbing a quick cuppa in the break room, and working one-on-one with the student whose parents had signed a release form. The good thing was, if we did do the show here, it wouldn’t be all up to me anymore. The Fame! Network would flood this town with their legal and logistics teams. A pang of guilt flashed through me. Heath would hate that.

But he wouldn’t have to be involved, I reminded myself. He wouldn’t have to be a part of it. He could opt out.

“You need to get Heath to sign this.” Sam thrust an envelope into my hand.

“What is it?”

“We need footage of the store. All of the artists need to sign off.”

I started to ask Sam “why me?” but I couldn’t play that dumb. Of course Sam knew I’d been getting it on with Heath. He’d probably known about it before it had even happened. True, he’d been giving me a strangely uncharacteristic pass on the grilling and hazing, but I figured that was just because he was swamped and stressed about our upcoming pitch. He’d always made time for gossip in the past, but I also knew not to look a gift horse in the mouth. You didn’t go up to Sam and question why he wasn’t giving you shit. You simply said a silent “thank you” to the universe and enjoyed the peace and quiet.

“Can you do it?” Sam asked me. He looked pale and shaken from the tongue-lashing he’d just received from that mad mama. Heath would probably pick him up and toss him out a window if he came at him with release paperwork to sign.

“Yeah, I’ll explain it’s about the store, not him.”

“You’re the best.” Sam gave me the double air-kiss and took off.

I headed right to the store. I always wanted to go see Heath, and now I had a reason. He’d told me he’d be there that afternoon.

A few customers were in front, but he was in back, alone, and I was on him like white on rice. He wrapped his big arms around me, and we kissed until we both were breathless.

“You’re a nice surprise.” He beamed at me, smoothing my hair back where he’d tangled it up. Even kisses got pretty heated with Heath.

“I saw someone up front checking out your work.” I felt so happy for him, so impressed by what he’d accomplished. Lots of people wanted to create for a living, but he’d gone ahead and done it. And it looked like he was starting to become successful at it, too.

“I’d rather be back here checking out your work.” I laughed at his cheesy come on, then sucked in my breath as his lips found my throat, his broad, rough palm working its way under my sweater to find my bare stomach. With sure, swift fingers, he unbuttoned my jeans and slid his fingers down to my pussy.

He made a deep, satisfied sound in his throat as he touched me, insistent, reverent, pulling the silk of my panties down to gain access where I was already slick for him.

“Heath,” I gasped, aware of the voices not too far from us. Customers were out front in the shop. “People are right—” I had to bite my tongue to cut off the moan forming on my lips as he started stroking me, finding my sweet spot so fast you’d think the man was magic.

“Then you’ll have to be quiet,” he whispered in my ear, clearly enjoying my torment. Easy for him to say, be quiet. He wasn’t the one about to have a mind-shattering orgasm.

Or was he?

Pulling away, I gave him a mischievous smile. Then I started unbuttoning his jeans.

“What are you doing?” he whispered, his eyes opening wider.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” I smiled flirtatiously up at him. “You don’t get to have all the fun.”

I dropped to my knees and unzipped his fly. His cock was hard as a hammer, waiting for me in his briefs. I pushed the cotton down and pulled out his shaft, my mouth watering at the prospect. With all the fooling around we’d been doing, I hadn’t had a chance yet to go down on him. He was always so quick with getting me off, and then we had sex like bunnies. But now it was time.

Cupping his huge cock with my hands, I licked my lips and looked up at him. “Can you be quiet, Heath?” I teased him, then reached out my tongue to his tip. As I savored his broad crown, he hissed out a groan. With one hand, he gripped the table by his side. With the other, he caressed my hair, my cheek, letting me know without words how good it felt. I sucked him, wet and slick, enjoying making him feel so good.

Taking him in all the way was a big job, and I had to work up to it. I used a lot of saliva and had to focus on relaxing the back of my throat. Good thing I was so eager to take him in. He was so big, he nearly choked me but it got me so turned on to love him that way, down on my knees before him, licking and sucking and kissing. My pussy dripped with pleasure as his need grew, his cock so big and hard down my throat, his fingers starting to fist in my hair.

I moaned on his cock, slurping and sucking, messy work but I wanted it nice and wet for him and I couldn’t wait for him to explode down my throat. My clit throbbed as I sucked, taking in his big shaft, hearing the sounds he made, knowing he was working to stay quiet. It was hot having to keep it secret. But next time I’d have to go down on him somewhere he could talk dirty to me. I bet he’d say the nastiest things.

“You suck so good, baby,” he whispered down at me. I looked up at him and met his eyes with his cock filling my mouth. I sucked and licked and moaned, letting him know how much I was loving it. “You’re getting me close,” he warned me.

I brought my hands up to his hips and grabbed on, letting him know in no uncertain terms I wanted his come down my throat. I wanted to suck and swallow down every last drop.

With a deep groan he barely bit back, he began thrusting more wildly in my mouth, his hand gripping the back of my head and keeping me there working his cock. I’d never felt so possessed while sucking cock, or so turned on. It had always been a trade for me in the past, pa

rt of a “I’ll do you so you’ll do me” bargain. This was on a whole new level. I wanted to suck his cock again and again.

With a shudder and a groan, he started coming down my throat and greedily I swallowed, doing my best to keep sucking. He was so huge and it felt like he came so hard, so much going down my throat, but I wanted it, all of it. Eyes watering, fists clutching his hips, I sucked and swallowed and sucked some more until he slowed, then exhaled deeply.

“Fuck!” he murmured, his hands cupping my face, my hair. I slid off of him slowly, knowing he might be sensitive now. I licked my lips, getting every last drop, and smiled up at him, satisfied.

“Violet.” He gazed down at me, then picked me up and sat me on top of a table in front of him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close, dropping his head to kiss me, bury his nose in my hair. “You’re amazing.”

Had I been able to come up with a snappy retort I would have said something like “right back at you.” As it was, I held him back, closing my eyes and breathing him in, the feel of him, the scent of him, all of him. I couldn’t get enough.



I paced my cabin like I’d been locked in. I wouldn’t mind being locked in, as long as I was with Violet. She was supposed to arrive a half hour ago. And we didn’t have much time left. She was scheduled to fly back to L.A. tomorrow afternoon.

Picking up my phone, I considered texting her. But it would be one of those annoying “where are you?” texts. I put it down.

This was new for me. I was the king of not getting attached, to anything. Material possessions, wealth, prestige and, yes, personal relationships. I’d mastered my independence. It was all I’d wanted for years now, to establish myself free and clear on my own two feet, on my own terms.

Now I wanted to sweep Violet off her feet. I’d had women after me before, extremely interested in what I had to offer and persistent as hell. I’d had no trouble avoiding them. Now, I was the one in hot pursuit, gripped by the consuming need to have and hold and never let go.