“His beard is the size of Texas.”

“It is formidable.” Even Gram had to admit it. We three stood in a row surveying Heath. Poor Heath. He had no idea.

He lurked in a corner looking like a massive bear that had stumbled out of the wilds and found himself in the midst of black tie event in New York City. It sounded like the rough premise for a Disney movie. Only Heath didn’t look Disney, he looked R-rated like a sniper about to pick off a target. And I bet the ladies would love it if he took off his shirt. The man was massive, built like a goddamned tree. He got bigger every time I saw him. But right now he didn’t seem to be enjoying the attentions of any ladies. He was most definitely giving off a “leave me the fuck alone” vibe, clearly counting the seconds until he could declare he’d fulfilled his duty as grandson and leave the party.

“Beards are in,” Ana insisted, inspiring a slightly jealous look from me. “But he could use a trim,” she conceded.

Finally sensing himself in the crosshairs, Heath looked over. As soon as he saw us, his scowl deepened and he ducked into the crowd for cover. Smart man. But I doubted even mountain man Heath had the cunning to avoid the skills of Gram.

“I think Heath would do well with some feminine company.” Gram decided it right then and there.

“Do you think someone outdoorsy, like him? Or maybe opposites attract?” I could already see Ana going through her mental file of friends, starting to play matchmaker.

“Seriously, the last thing Heath wants is company.” I knew it was a losing battle, but the guy had really been there for me this past winter right when I’d needed him. The least I could do was defend a man’s right to privacy.

“Perhaps an outdoorsy woman would do.” Gram considered the idea, not sounding convinced. “Either way, we have time before your wedding. Almost five months. Plenty of time to see which way the wind blows for our Heath.” Looping her arms through ours once again, she resumed our former journey across the floor.

I shook my head. Poor guy didn’t know what he had coming to him. I didn’t know how it would all happen, but somehow I did believe that Gram would see to it that Heath wouldn’t be attending this party stag next year. It made me laugh. But now that Gram had said it, maybe I had to agree. Heath might need someone to shave him down and give him a reason to shower, at least every other day.

“Now, are you ready?” Gram asked me, sounding serious.

“To sing a few songs?” I looked at her and smiled. “Yup, I think I can handle it.”

“Excellent. They’ve been warned in advance this time. After their session break or set wrap or…” She gestured to indicate some sort of musician’s term.

“Sure, no problem. I’ll go on when they’re ready.”

“I’m so looking forward to hearing you sing.” She gave us each a hug and went off to welcome more guests.

“She’s got it all worked out for your brother, huh?” Ana looked up at me, a twinkle in her eye. I stepped closer, wrapping my arms around her waist. I couldn’t resist. She looked too tempting. I dipped my lips down to hers and gave her a kiss. No cameras here like last year, I could linger as I wished.

Until I heard a not-so-subtle throat clearing. And if I had to make a guess…I turned and, yes, it was my older brother Colton.

“Hey, man,” I greeted him with the usual warmth I felt when it came to him. Which was to say, not so much.

“Colton!” Ana declared, giving him a big hug. He looked surprised, but pleased. Big jerk, of course he was, with Ana’s arms wrapped around his shoulders. The minute she was done, I pulled her to my side again. “Good to see you,” she continued.

“Ana.” What, was that a smile from the Baron of Warwick? Should I alert the appropriate authorities?

“How you been?” I asked him.

“Not as good as you,” he retorted, giving me what might have been a conciliatory nod. “You’ve had a great year.”

“Ah, thanks?” It came out as a question. Because never before had praise come forth from the man who disdained me and everything I did.

“Good album, by the way.”

“You’ve listened to my album?”

“I have,” he agreed. “And I like it.”

I had nothing to say to that. This was turning out to be the strangest holiday party I’d ever attended.

“You think you’ll record again with your old band, or is this your new direction?”

What, was my older brother asking about my career as if he respected it as a legitimate choice?

“I think Ash is still figuring that out,” Ana supplied for me, sensing I was still too shocked by Colton’s line of questioning to come up with a response. And she was right. I hadn’t exactly quit The Blacklist, but we weren’t on the best of terms, either. Johnny, our drummer, had been fine with all my solo work, but Connor hadn’t. He’d hit the roof. He’d left me more than one drunk voicemail message at three a.m.—was there any other type of voicemail message left at three a.m.?—alternating between telling me I could go fuck myself to making fun of what a crybaby wanker I’d become with my new “touchy feely bullshit songs.”

Connor had a lot to sort out. I hoped he was able to do it, but I knew I couldn’t be his partner-in-crime any more. Hopefully one day we’d patch together a friendship again, but I wasn’t holding my breath. I had more important things to hold on to.

Wrapping my hand protectively around Ana’s waist, I drew her to me.

“Enjoy the party.” Colton nodded at the both of us, apparently already on the move. There, that was more like the big brother I knew, always large and in charge and moving from point A to point B on his to do list. Before he left, he leaned over to me.

“She’s a keeper.” But before I could agree and give him a “get in here, bro” hug, he added, “Don’t fuck it up.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, not so much feeling the hug anymore. But he was right on both counts.

Then he was gone and I had Ana in my arms again.

“When do you have to go on and sing?” she asked me as she wrapped her arms up around my shoulders.

“Not for a while.” I leaned down and kissed her again. I’d never tire of her taste, her feel, the sighing sounds of pleasure that slipped from her parted lips.

“I know this secret passageway,” she whispered up into my ear. “Not even the catering staff use it.”

“Yeah?” I smiled, liking where this was going. “That sounds naughty.”

“It is,” she assured me. “Last year, all kinds of naughty things happened back there with this rock star I’d just met.”

“Oh, yeah?” I gave her earlobe a light lick, then a quick, teasing bite. “That sounds filthy.”

“So filthy,” she agreed. “Just how I like it.” She smiled at me, full of mischief.

“Is that right?” I had her hand in mine, quick, leading her through the crowd before she could say another word. People smiled and tried to engage, but I pushed on ahead. We had a place to go, and I had a woman to do.

That’s how it was between us, how it always had been, right from the moment we’d met. Like a match bursting into flame. And even now that I knew I had her, that I’d have her for the rest of my life, it hadn’t slowed me down, calmed my insatiable need. The gift of Ana to have and to hold, it spurred me on. I needed to hold her, to have her, right then. And again and again for the rest of our lives. Lucky dawg that I was, I got to do exactly what I wanted.



“Show me how wet you are for me,” Ash panted after he pulled me into the empty hallway.

He made me so wet. His casual touches in the middle of a crowded party, the PG-rated kisses, all it made me do was think of more. Now that I knew how good he could make me feel, all he had to do was run a hand across the small of my back and I felt it deep in my core. Now, I was glistening and slick for him.

I slowly pulled up my dress as he watched. Then I slid down my panties to my thighs so he could see my slippery sex.

“So pretty,” Ash admired me. “Touch yourself, baby. Show me how you want it.”