“Take a good look at yourself,” I commanded her, trailing my fingers along her outstretched arms. “Do you see how good you look like this?”

Her breath started coming faster as she grew more turned on. She liked the sight of herself bound, tied there for me.

“I can do what I like with you, Ana.” I reached down and drew circles around her breasts. Then I trailed a lazy hand down my stomach. “Part your legs for me.”

She drew them apart as much as she could, needing to stand on tiptoes to do it well.

“Nice,” I praised her, stroking her quivering flanks as she strained to keep her position. “I like how hard you’re working to please me.”

She moaned softly between her parted lips. “I think we need another light on, don’t you?” I left her for a moment to flick on yet another light, this one illuminating her more directly. She bit her lip and looked down and away, seeming to feel ashamed by the exposure.

Swiftly, I went to stand behind her again and caught her chin in my hand.

“Ana, you watch everything I do to you. Do you understand me?” She nodded her head, wide-eyed, still held firmly in my grasp.

“I have a lot planned,” I told her. “And I want you to watch every second of it.”



In the mirror, my hands were bound above my head. Ash stretched me up, my arms twisted over me. My ribs stuck out with the effort, and my stomach lifted and sank with my pants.

I’d never seen anything so erotic. Ash stood behind me, his larger frame dark and powerful, shadowed behind mine. He’d turned the light on directly over my head. Nowhere to hide, he could see everything. He could see every pant, the detail of my peaked nipples, the glistening, slick heat building between my thighs. I stood now with my legs closed, clenched, enjoying the throb in my pussy. But I had a feeling my legs wouldn’t be together for long. Sooner rather than later, Ash would command me to part them. And I’d love it.

Ash trailed a finger along the curve of my waist. “I love seeing you watch yourself. You’re very visual.” I followed the path of his fingers, feeling them tingle along my skin, mesmerized by the thick, calloused feel of them. He had such expressive hands, hands that played piano and guitar and my body was no different. He treated it like an exquisite instrument that he’d been born to play. And he was a master artist.

“Watch in the mirror,” he instructed me. I looked up, but still watched his hands, snaking their way along my outstretched, naked skin, heating me up, making me quiver. “Do you see how beautiful you are?”

His voice in my ear, his breath along my neck, I shivered under his attentions. He did make me feel beautiful in a way I’d never experienced before. I’d always felt somewhat average, grateful I mostly seemed to pass under the radar. I didn’t have anything about me that garnered too much attention, either negative or positive, and that seemed about right for my temperament. In high school, I’d seen kids get so mean with some unfortunate girls. And the opposite didn’t really appeal, either, the girls strutting around, relentlessly pursued by aggressive jocks. They seemed to thrive off of it, but I would have hated the pressure, the spotlight.

But here, it was just me and Ash. Here, he could be as aggressive as he wanted. He could pursue me with as much passion as he dared and I’d thrill to it all. Here, it wasn’t a show. It was just him and me and I didn’t have to feel afraid. I knew whatever he had in store for me would be new, but I just as certainly knew he’d take care of me. And I’d love it.

“Watch how you respond to me.” Ash stood behind me, his broad, warm chest against my back. Slowly, he brought his large hands under the mounds of my breasts and cupped them, full and warm. Not rough, just owning me. A sigh broke from my lips as I watched him grasp me, thrusting my tits up and out, massaging them.

“I love touching you, Ana,” he said as he continued to play with me, showing me how erotic he found me. “You’re perfect. And do you see how you respond?” He held my breasts in his hands. As I watched in the mirror, he slowly swiped his thick, calloused thumbs across the sensitive tips of my nipples.

“Oh!” I cried out, pulling my wrists against my restraints. I felt so exposed, so vulnerable tied like that and the sensations he brought out in me were so intense. I couldn’t get away.

“Watch!” he commanded and I realized I’d closed my eyes in the onslaught of desire. I opened them again and watched as he circled my nipples, drawing his fingers lightly along the edges of my dark pink buds. Then he drew his thick fingers together over my sensitive tips. “It’s like you’re made for me Ana. Watch,” he ordered me again, low and gruff, and then he pinched his fingers together, hard.

My mouth opened wide as I gasped and felt an electric shock of lust burst through my throbbing, swollen clit. It was hard to keep my eyes open, but it turned me on even more to fight through it, follow his command, watch him play with me as he liked. And watch my response. He was right. We were a perfect fit. I got so turned on from his every touch.

He stepped back. “Now let’s take a look. Are you wet for me, Ana? Spread your legs.”

Whimpering slightly, I slowly moved my legs apart a little. It made no sense, I knew I’d shown Ash everything, but I still felt a twinge of embarrassment. It still seemed naughty to me to enjoy this so much. That I should be so turned on by being tied up and owned, possessed by this rough, demanding man. Parting my legs and allowing him access would only expose me further, show him how much I loved it.

“Wider!” he thundered and I started at the intensity of his voice. He meant it. I moved my feet apart farther. The wider I got, the more I had to stand on my tiptoes because my wrists were bound. I spread them as far as I could, standing for him in front of the mirror under the light, parted legs, up on the balls of my feet.

“Good,” he praised me and there it was again, the flush of response to pleasing him. My pussy gushed with warm, wet joy when he pet me, when I pleased him. There was no fighting the response. It was how I was wired. I just hadn’t realized it until I met Ash. Ash tapped into it. It was Ash who dialed into me so intimately, teaching me aspects of myself I’d never known.

He brought one hand to my breast again, cupping it, holding me there firmly against his chest. Then he brought the other to my inner thigh, caressing it lightly.

“What am I going to find, Ana?” he teased me. I turned my head to the side, closing my eyes, biting my lip. He was going to find me soaking wet, that’s what he was going to find. I still hadn’t 100 percent accepted that this was who I was, that this was exactly the kind of sexual play I most craved. It wasn’t what good girls were supposed to want.

“Oh no, Ana. That’s not going to work,” he whispered low in my ear, keeping his fingers grazing my thigh, not up further, up where I quivered with need for him. “You know the rules. You have to watch.”

I swallowed. This was hard. He required so much. I had to give him everything.

“You need me to touch you, don’t you, Anika?” Oh, did I. My clit throbbed in response to his words and I whimpered with need. He knew exactly how to touch me, just how to tease me, then right when he needed to get rough. With his expert fingers, I could be coming full and fast and hard in seconds. “Tell me what you need?” he asked, his fingers still light, still not where I wanted them.

“Please, touch me, Ash. Please.”

“You need me to touch your clit?” He kept his voice controlled, his hand on my thigh light, but his hand on my breast grasped me hard and it made me moan.


“You know what I

require, Ana. You need to ask for it.”

“Please, touch my clit! Please, Ash! I need it.”

“Watch!” he commanded. I opened my eyes. He parted my folds and brought his thumb down right on the center of my slick, pink nub.

“Ah!” I screamed, watching him touch me right there, right where I was so slick with need.

“Look how wet you are.” He parted my sex and I could see it, how swollen and slippery I was for him. How much my body cried out for his. He plunged a finger up inside of me and it was hard to keep my eyes open, but I did it. I knew he’d want me to. And it was riveting to see him pleasure me in the mirror, one hand on my breast, the other sliding in and out of my pussy. My juices coated his fingers and they shone in the light, attesting to my desire. He slid along me, taking me higher, higher.

But then he withdrew, leaving me standing, panting, quivering, about to come but deprived.

“Ash!” I bit out, shuddering.

“See what you do to me?” He stood next to me and took his long, hard, thick cock in his hand. I groaned, licking my lips. He was so fucking huge.

“You’re so thick,” I murmured. I loved how wide he was, not just long but broad, too.

He stroked his length. “Do you like how I stretch you?”

“Yes,” I groaned, almost feeling him do it. It shattered me when he was inside me, drove every thought from my body. He filled me so completely.

“You feel so tight around my cock, Ana. I could fuck you all day.” I groaned in frustration as he drew his hand rhythmically up and down his cock. At first, he’d used the juices from my pussy to lubricate his shaft, but now at his crown I could see drops of precome glistening. He swirled his fingers across the tip, then worked it down his full length, growing even bigger as he did it.

“Please!” I begged, shaking with need. I didn’t care anymore, didn’t care if I shouldn’t want this, shouldn’t be so turned on by this dominant play. I needed his cock. I needed him driving so deep inside of me, no condom, just him fucking me until I could feel every last drop of his come buried inside of me.