“So far so good,” she says.

“Most beautiful storm I’ve ever seen,” I tell her.

Lexa is already in the cockpit of her ship, with Marina riding shotgun. Adam sits in the back, a Mogadorian blaster across his lap. He avoids making eye contact with me. I notice a rustling in the front of his shirt and realize he’s got Dust with him, the Chimæra shrunk down to a gray mouse until it’s time to join the fight. Nine piles in across from Adam, and Bernie Kosar bounds in after him. Five follows after Nine but pauses in front of me and Six, his one eye lingering on the light show outside.

“You know, they’re going to shoot us to pieces the minute we fly out of here,” he says.

“Not if we give them something else to shoot at,” I say.

Six and I usher Five onto the ship, follow behind him and close the door after us.

“Good to go?” I call out to Lexa.

“Say the word,” she replies.

Sam and Rex, now in charge of maneuvering our warship, have us positioned so that the docking bay doors are right above the horde of Mogs gathered below. They crowd the area in front of the mountain’s entrance, shooting up through the force field that prevents us from returning fire. They haven’t breached our warship’s defenses yet, but that doesn’t stop them from trying. I guess we made them mad when we took down their flagship.

“All right, everyone with telekinesis, grab hold of those Skimmers,” I say, indicating the dozens of Mog ships that we stripped for parts earlier. “Let’s dump them. Lexa—”

“Use the ships as cover,” she finishes my thought. “I got it, John. The drop won’t take more than ten seconds.”

Nine cracks his knuckles. “We’re ready.”

As a group, we exert our telekinesis to shove the dormant Skimmers out the docking bay doors. To the Mogs down below, it must look like they’re being dive-bombed by dozens of their own ships. Lexa eases our ship out with the others. If it wasn’t night, if it wasn’t chaos, maybe the Mogs would be able to pick our vessel out from the others. Instead, they shoot at everything; the darkness comes alive with streaking arcs of blaster fire.

It’s oddly silent on board the ship.

For a moment, we’re in free fall. All of us hold on to seatbacks or safety harnesses. We absorb a few hits from the blaster volley but nothing that knocks us off course or does any real damage.

The first of the Skimmers begin to hit the mountain’s force field and explode above the Mogs. Nothing gets through, of course. That doesn’t stop some of the stupider ones for scattering or ducking for cover. Little fireballs pockmark the force field, and it’s through that heat that we pass.

“Here we go,” Lexa says.

At the last possible moment, she brings us out of free fall with a flourish, levels us off and drops us to ground level. She lands our ship right on top of a few dozen Mogs, crushing them into the ground. Now that we’re the only ship that’s gotten through the force field, they’re focusing their fire on us. Nine kicks open the exit ramp, welcoming it.

“LET’S GO!” he bellows as the whistle and hiss of blaster fire fills the air.

Five leaps towards Six and Adam, scoops one up in each meaty arm, and flies them out the exit. They go invisible before they’re outside the confines of the ship. Five’s a skilled flier; I have to trust that he’ll carry them unharmed over this mass of Mogs and get them in the entrance.

That leaves me, Nine, Marina and BK to lead the assault.

None of us says anything as we stride into the chaos, right towards hundreds of Mogs ready to kill us. We don’t need to discuss strategy. We’ve done this before.

As soon as we’re clear of the ramp, Lexa gets her ship out of harm’s way. She doesn’t fly straight up, though. Instead, she takes off with a corkscrew, cleaving through the first wave of Mogadorians. I’m grateful for that.

Blaster fire burns the air around us. With the chaos created by Lexa’s departure, the explosions overhead and the fact that they’re all crammed together in front of the cavern entrance, the Mogs are just as likely to hit each other as they are to hit us. Even so, Nine and Marina don’t waste any time telekinetically ripping their guns away from them. Soon, it’s raining hardware as they bring the blasters down on the Mogs’ heads.

I unleash my stone-vision, painting it across the nearest row of Mogs. As soon as I’ve done that, Marina jackhammers those Mogadorian statues with a barrage of icicles. Their bodies break apart into shards that Nine catches with his telekinesis and sets to spinning around us. It’s like we’re surrounded by a meteor shower of broken Mogadorian body parts. All the debris serves to act as cover, deflecting most of the Mog blaster shots.

There are a few piken scattered in the crowd of Mogs. The big beasts are fired up from all the mayhem and end up trampling through the vatborn to charge us. Hideous as always with their muscular bodies that look like someone crossbred an ox and a gorilla, then added fangs, claws and spiky gray skin, I briefly remember how one of these things used to terrify me. Back in Paradise, just one piken rampaging around our school almost killed our whole group.

Now, I stand my ground.

The piken closest to me gets met with a jet of fire from both of my extended palms. It screams and cooks, its thick body engulfed in flame. I pick it up with my telekinesis and sling it back into the crowd, hoping to crush some Mogs before the thing fully disintegrates.

Bernie Kosar latches on to a second piken. My old friend has taken on one of his favorite battle shapes: powerful wings, a lion’s body, an eagle’s head—essentially a griffin. With a flap of his wings, he gets over the piken, then smashes his beak through its spine.

Another piken bears down on Marina. Nine flashes in between them and punches clear through the piken’s snout. He grabs the underside of the beast’s jaw and lifts, snapping its head apart before tossing it aside. Nine’s arm is all carved up from shoving into the piken’s mouth, but Marina quickly heals him.

I sling fireballs into the Mogs. Whenever the blaster fire gets too heavy, I create some new cover with my stone-vision. We press forward, gaining ground. The Mogs are beginning to backpedal towards the cavern entrance.

That doesn’t last long. Five appears behind them, his body completely steel, holding a blaster in one hand and brandishing his blade in the other. He lights up a bunch of Mogs from behind before taking to the air. With methodical glee, Five repeatedly cannonballs into the crowd, crushing Mogs beneath his heavy metal frame, standing up, stabbing any around him then taking flight again to repeat the process.

John, a calm voice in my mind, a reprieve from the madness around me. It’s Ella. Six says the shields are down.

I look around. We’ve halved the number of Mogs out here, but there’s still a lot of fighting to be done. I’ve got blaster burns on my arms and chest that I quickly heal. Nine and Marina are constantly needing to heal between assaults too. Five’s the only one who looks like he’d be happy mopping up vatborn for the rest of the night. Time to finish this up.

Marina, I reach out telepathically. Give me an igloo.

Marina reacts immediately. She creates a dome of ice over her and Nine, thick and sturdy. As soon as it’s created, I hit the structure with my stone-vision, turning it from ice to solid granite. Then I run forward, joining them underneath it. BK charges in, too. Five sees what we’re doing and snorts. Instead of diving in with us, he simply flies clear of the battle. Mogs run towards us, but Marina and I quickly seal the entrance.

“Sweet bunker,” Nine comments in the dark.

Open fire, I tell Ella.

The four of us huddle underneath the stone igloo as our warship bombards the Mogs surrounding it. The ground shakes, and the air gets hot enough that Marina has to start generating a field of cold to keep us from boiling. Cracks form in our makeshift structure, and chunks rain down on our hair; but I quickly seal them up with my stone-vision.

It only takes about thirty seconds.

When the shooting stops, Nine slams thro

ugh the stone cover with his telekinesis. Outside, the ground is completely scorched. Thick dust hangs in the air, and twisted chunks of melted blasters litter the ground.

The entrance to the mountain base is clear.

Five floats down from above. “There weren’t many left inside,” he says with a crazed smile. “They panicked when you brought down the Anubis and rushed out here to honor their Beloved Leader.”

“Did you see him?” I ask. “Any sign of Setrákus Ra?”

He shakes his head. “Probably cowering down in the vats.”

We take a moment to catch our breath, then move forward into the cavernous complex. The place is just like I remember it. The gray stone walls are polished smooth, accented every twenty feet or so by a power conduit or a halogen lamp. The air is cool in here, the ventilation system on full blast. On our left, there’s a staircase carved out of the rock that leads up to where we think the control rooms are. On our right, a tunnel slants downward, deeper into the mountain, down to the vats.

He’s waiting for us there. I know it.

A handful of vatborn come charging out from the tunnel. Stragglers who missed the real fight. I dispatch them with a fireball, almost like an afterthought.

There’s no sign of Six and Adam yet.

“What are we waiting for?” Five grumbles. He and Nine press ahead, towards the down-sloping tunnel, like they’re in a competition to get there first. Marina and BK stay on either side of me.