“Go,” I tell the others. “Get to the elevator. I’ll hold it off.”

I have no idea how I’m going to do that, but they don’t need to know that.

“John, don’t be stupid,” Sam says. He drags me along, and I’m powerless to stop him.

“You’re a brave kid,” Lawson grumbles. “But you’re our biggest asset. If we get out of this, we’re going to need you.”

The Piken-Mog comes into view about fifty yards down the hall. It roars, excited to finally have us in its sights. The thing, barely more than an animal, beats its thick fists against the scarred flesh of its bulging pectorals.

Lawson turns to Caleb and Christian. “You’re up.”

The twins nod in unison. Christian immediately turns around and starts walking right towards the Piken-Mog.

“Stop!” I yell at him, then turn on Lawson. “Are you crazy? You can’t just send him to die!”

At first, the Piken-Mog seems confused by this development, some remnant of its trueborn brain registering that this solitary human must be insane. But then, with a line of drool dangling from his under bite, the Piken-Mog charges, bearing down on Christian.

“It’s okay,” Caleb interrupts. “Watch.”

Of course I watch. I couldn’t look away if I wanted to, even as we back down the hallway. Christian unloads his gun into the Piken-Mog, but the bullets are either absorbed or deflected by its thick hide.

Lawson grimaces. “Was hoping bullets might do it.”

“That’s your plan?” Sam shouts, wide-eyed.

The gorilla-sized Mog reaches Christian in seconds and claps his hand over the kid’s head. He hoists him up like that and smashes him first against the wall, then against the floor. Christian doesn’t make a sound. He even keeps on shooting.

And then, after a particularly sickening slam against the floor, Christian evaporates in a burst of blue energy. The Piken-Mog looks stunned.

“What the—?” Sam exclaims.

Next to me, Caleb begins to glow. His whole body begins to vibrate, blurring, splitting apart.

A second later, there are two more of him. Two brand-new twin versions of Caleb. They blink their eyes, getting their bearings, then look at the original. Caleb nods towards the Piken-Mog, and they sprint into a hopeless battle.

He never had a twin brother. It’s a Legacy. He can duplicate himself.

“Two at a time,” Lawson says. “Getting better, son.”

“Thanks,” Caleb replies as we retreat. He looks a little wobbly. Behind us, I hear the Piken-Mog thrashing these newest twins. A glance over my shoulder reveals that they’re playing it smarter than Christian did, using hit-and-run to distract the brute. They won’t last long, but they should at least slow him down.

“I have questions for you,” I say to Caleb.

“I figured you would,” he says, not meeting my eyes.

“But all of them can wait, except one,” I continue. “How many duplicates can you create?”

“Not enough,” he replies, swallowing hard. “It’s hard. I’m . . . I’m only learning.”

“That beast is shrugging off bullets like they’re mosquitoes,” Sam adds. “We need to lose this thing until one of us, uh, until one of us with every Legacy can take him down.”

I glance down at myself, looking at my wounds. Closer now. I can feel my power slowly returning. I also feel light-headed on account of all the blood lost.

Our group takes a few sharp turns through the twisty subterranean hallways. I think we’ve doubled back at this point. We pass bodies, places where battles took place, but no one is alive. There’s a good chance we’re the only ones left.

Soon, we hear the thumping footsteps again. The snarling, the knuckle dragging.

“Bastard doesn’t give up,” Lawson says.

I try to fire up my Lumen as a test, but again my body clenches in agony. Every ounce of me needs to be dedicated to healing right now.

We turn another corner and—


A line of vatborn Mogs with their blasters pointed in our direction block the entire hallway. Walker, still under one of my arms, shoves me hard to the side and brings up her rifle. As I fall towards the floor, knocking into Sam as I do, the agent sprays down the entire line of Mogs. Chunks of them ricochet through the hallway.

The Mogs are frozen in stone.

“What the hell?” Walker says.

“You really saved our lives there,” Sam says.

“Shut up, Goode.”

I look around. “Daniela was here, if—”

A roar from behind us. The Piken-Mog again barrels into view.

“Through here!” Caleb yells, already helping Lawson squeeze between two stone Mogadorians. “These should at least slow him down.”

I’m not so sure about that. The Piken-Mog is charging hard, its shoulders lowered. It’ll plow right through us and those stone Mogs. It’s now or never. Damn the pain. I start to build up a fireball in my hands, even though doing so makes my whole body clench up.

“Get down!” someone shouts.

I duck my head just as a silver beam of energy streaks from behind the Mog statues and hits the Piken-Mog. It spreads across his massive frame, slowly wrapping him in a stone covering. He’s frozen about ten yards from us, fists raised in the air, mouth open in a bloodthirsty cry.

Done using her stone-gaze, Daniela rubs her temples like she’s got a splitting headache. Seeing me and Sam, she cocks her hip and raises an eyebrow.

“Is this, like, my official role with you people? Monster stoner and saver-of-asses? Because . . .” Daniela trails off as she sees the kind of shape I’m in. “Goddamn, man.”

“Yeah, thanks for the help,” I say, squeezing her shoulder as I climb through her wall of statues. Daniela is scuffed up like everyone but overall in pretty good shape. There are stone Mogs everywhere in this hallway. She’s been wearing out her Legacy.

“Oy, you made it,” says Nigel. He and Ran are huddled in between some Mog statues, using them as a hiding spot. The British kid is pale, the wounds he suffered against Phiri Dun-Ra still bleeding heavily.

I nod, feeling guilty, like I let them down. Too much death here. Too much destruction.

“Come on,” I say. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

Patience Creek has gone quiet. Without anything chasing or shooting at us, our ragtag group makes the elevator without a problem. It still works, although we have to spend some time clearing out a couple of bodies. There are a lot of those. And not enough survivors.

We head to the lowermost level first and find Malcolm, along with a few scientists, Agent Noto and the five Chimærae. All the animals made it through the fighting with nothing worse than some singed fur and, in Bandit’s case, a mangled tail. Everyone, humans and Chimærae alike, look downright exhausted.

After that, we start to search the other floors. We don’t encounter anything but death until w

e reach the uppermost level, the one where Lawson previously kept his control center. There, we’re drawn to the sound of televisions tuned to what sound like a dozen terrified newscasts.

Five stands in Lawson’s office, his back to the door, watching the news on the wall of screens. He extends his blade when he hears us coming but quickly sheathes it once he realizes that we aren’t Mogs.

“She got away,” Five says simply, sounding frustrated. “They had a staging area a few miles south of here in the forest. Took off when they realized the tide was turning. I know how they operate. They’ll be back soon with reinforcements.”

Sam and I enter the room cautiously while Five speaks, the rest of our group waiting outside. Five wears a set of fatigues that he either found lying around Patience Creek or stripped off a dead soldier. I guess the latter is more likely considering the blood splatters on the camouflage.

“You going to try locking me up again?” Five asks, looking at me over his shoulder.

“No,” I reply.


Sam and I come to stand alongside Five, the three of us staring at the monitors. The Mogadorian bombardment has begun. We’re looking at footage from at least ten different cities, all of them being slowly erased by warship fire. My eyes bounce from catastrophe to catastrophe, eventually settling on the Arc de Triomphe as it crumbles down the middle, its two pillars breaking apart against each other.

“This planet is toast,” Five says.

Sam ignores him and looks at me. “What now, John?”

“We throw everything we have at them,” I say immediately, glancing in Five’s direction. “Everything. And we either end this war, or we die trying.”


WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO MOURN OUR DEAD. OUR friends, and the ones we barely got a chance to know. We don’t have time to grapple with how many lives were lost, our responsibility for that.

It’s probably for the best.

By the time we land Lexa’s ship outside of Patience Creek, the massacre is over. We’re just in time to help the survivors escape. We don’t want to be here when the Mogs send in reinforcements. There are other battlefields that need our attention.