“Hey, Six, why don’t you let someone else have a turn?”
It’s Sarah, sidling up next to us. Six lets me go, suddenly looking sheepish. I’m not sure I can remember seeing her tough exterior crack that much. I feel a blush creeping up my own cheeks. I’m glad it’s dark out here.
“Hi, Sam,” Sarah says, hugging me too.
“Hey,” I reply. “Fancy meeting you here. It’s a long way from Paradise. ”
“No kidding,” Sarah replies.
Over Sarah’s shoulder, I watch John jog over to us. He’s joined by a stocky brown-haired guy who I assume is the Number Five who posted that message online. It’s what brought Dad and me to Arkansas, his internet-scanning program having picked up the news story. We drove nonstop from Texas to make it here in time for the end of the battle.
While Five lingers at the back of the group looking nervous to be meeting so many new people, John strides right towards me. A grin splits my face—it’s more than just being united with my best friend, it’s the feeling that we’re going to be part of something great together. We’re going to save the world.
John grins back at me, clearly excited that I’m here, yet there’s something in his eyes that I can’t really decipher. He clasps my hand tightly.
“Just answer me one question,” John says abruptly, not letting go of my hand. “Do you remember that day in your room, when you first thought I might be an alien?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“What did you do?”
I squint at John, not really sure why he’s asking me this. I glance back at my dad, who is watching this exchange curiously, waiting for me to introduce him to the Loric. “Um, I pulled a gun on you. Is that what you mean?”
“Oh, Samuel,” my dad mutters reproachfully, but John grins at my response. Immediately, he pulls me into a hug.
“Sorry about that, Sam. I just had to make sure you weren’t Setrákus Ra in disguise,” John explains. “You have no idea how good it is to see you. ”
“Same here,” I reply. “I’ve really missed having to fight giant worm creatures. ”
John chuckles, taking a step back from me.
Five tentatively raises his hand, stepping forward. “I’m lost. Setrákus Ra can shape shift?”
That’s news to me too. I find myself subconsciously touching the burns on my wrists. I know firsthand the kind of evil Setrákus Ra is capable of. “How do you know that? Did you go up against him?”
John nods solemnly, glancing in Five’s direction. “Yeah. I’d call it a draw. I’ll bring you both up to speed, but first . . . ” John’s gaze moves to my dad. “Sam, is this who I think it is?”
My smile grows again. It feels like I’ve been waiting years to introduce my friends to my dad. “Guys,” I say, pride in my voice, “this is my father, Malcolm. I can confirm that he’s definitely not Setrákus Ra either, if you’re worried about that. ”
My dad steps forward, shaking hands with each of the Garde and Sarah.
“Thanks for the help out there,” John says, motioning to my dad’s rifle. “Glad you brought some hardware. ”
“Looked like you had it under control,” my dad tells John. “I’ve just wanted to shoot something Mogadorian for a very long time. ”
“Under control,” chuckles Six, shaking her head. “Looked to me like you were about to get swallowed, John. ”
“So, it wasn’t my best plan. ” John shrugs, smiling. Sarah pats him on the back encouragingly.
Five is studying my dad and me. “You’re not Loric,” he says matter-of-factly, like he’s just put it together. “I thought for sure you must be a Cêpan, being so old and all. ”
My dad chuckles. “Sorry to disappoint. Just an old human, hoping to help. ”
Five turns to look at John, nodding. “You’ve got a real army here. ”
Six and I exchange a look. I’m not really sure if this new guy is being sarcastic or if he’s really just kind of dense. Judging by her face, Six isn’t sure either.
“There’s the six of us here, and four waiting for us back in Chicago,” John says patiently. “I don’t think ten people really qualifies us for army status, but thanks. ”
“I guess not,” mumbles Five.
“I want to hear everything about how you guys found each other,” John says. He looks at my dad almost cautiously, like he just knocked on our family’s door and asked if I could come out and play alien invasion. “First, Mr. Goode, I just want you to know that I never meant for Sam to get wrapped up in all this. I’m sorry I’ve put him in danger, but I don’t think we would’ve made it this far without him. ”