On cue, Six and Sarah materialize at my side. Five stumbles backwards, nearly tripping over his backpack.
Six steps forward. “I’m Six,” she says, blunt as ever. “John is too nice to tell you that your crop-circle stunt probably could’ve gotten you killed. It was stupid. You’re lucky we got here first. ”
Five frowns, looking from Six to me. “Wow. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause trouble. I just—I didn’t know what else to do. ”
“It’s okay,” I say, nodding at his pack. “Grab your stuff. We can talk it out on the road. ”
“Where are we going?”
“We’re bringing you back to the others,” I say. “We’re all together now. It’s time to start the fight. ”
“You’re all together?”
I nod. “You’re the last one. ”
“Wow,” Five says, looking almost embarrassed. “Sorry I’m late to the party. ”
“Come on,” I say, waving again at his pack. “We really need to move. ”
Five leans down and grabs his backpack, and then looks at Sarah, who’s been standing by silently. “What number are you?”
She shakes her head. “I’m just Sarah,” she says, smiling.
“A human ally,” breathes Five, shaking his head. “Guys, my mind is officially blown. ”
Six shoots me a look of bewilderment. I’ve got the same feeling. Maybe we’ve been through too many fights and close calls, but it seems like Five is way too casual. We should already be on the move, away from this place, and he just wants to stand here and chat.
“Look,” Six snaps, “we can’t just stand around gabbing. They could be co—”
Six is cut off by the sudden roar of a noise overhead. It’s a sound made by no earthly machinery. We all look up just as the silver Mogadorian ship throws on its floodlights, momentarily blinding us. Five, shielding his eyes, turns to look at me.
“Is that your ship?” he asks.
“Mogadorians!” I shout at him. Already, dark shapes are descending from the ship, the first wave of Mogadorian warriors on their way to attack.
“Oh,” says Five, blinking confusedly at the ship. “So that’s what they look like. ”
“GET THE XITHARIS STONE OUT!” I SHOUT TO Six. “If we all go invisible now, we can get away befor
e they’re on us. ” She begins fumbling through her bag and pulls it out, but it’s too late.
Before she can do anything, the air around us crackles as the first wave of Mogadorians let loose with blaster fire.
My bracelet expands just in time to deflect a pair of shots that would’ve hit me right in the chest.
Instead, the fire hits the ground close enough to Six to send her toppling backwards. As she’s falling, she tosses Five the Xitharis Stone, but he just stares at it, clearly unsure of what it is. There’s no time to school him. Beyond the first group of Mogs, I can see more of them zipping down on ropes from the belly of their ship. We’re going to be outnumbered in a bad way soon.
Sarah has already dived behind a nearby parked car. On her side in the dirt, she squeezes off shots with her pistol. I watch the first two kick up dirt at the feet of the nearest Mogadorian, and then the third nails him right in the sternum. The Mog disintegrates and Sarah takes aim on another.
Six went invisible as soon as she hit the dirt. I’m not sure where she is now but storm clouds are suddenly roiling overhead on what moments ago was a calm and clear night. She’s definitely getting ready to strike.
Five is next to me, rooted in place, still staring at the rock in his hand. My shield is taking a lot of blaster fire now. Five would probably have already been gunned down if he wasn’t right next to me.
“What are you doing?” I scream at him, roughly grabbing his arm. “We have to move!”
Five’s eyes are wide and unresponsive. He lets me pull him backwards. I toss him to the ground behind the statue of the Boggy Creek Monster. The wooden statue quickly explodes into a thousand charred pieces, but the concrete base holds off the rest of the blaster fire for now. I let my Lumen ignite on my unshielded hand, building up a sizable fireball. Five watches me, staring in shock at the swirling flames. I ignore him for the moment and lean out from cover, launching the fireball at the nearest group of Mogs. It engulfs three of them, turning them to ash instantly. The rest scatter.
I hear raindrops starting to fall, although none are hitting me. In fact, the rain seems localized over by the Mogadorian ship. Thunder rumbles. Whatever Six’s play is, I trust her.
“Are you all right?” I shout over to Sarah. The car she’s hiding behind is only a few yards away, but it feels like the length of an entire battlefield.
“I’m fine!” she yells back. “You?”
“I’m good, but I think Five is shell shocked or something!”
I notice three Mogadorians cutting across the street, trying to flank Sarah. Before they can, I reach out with my telekinesis and yank their blasters out of their hands. Seeing them, Sarah shoots the closest one right between the eyes. Before the rest can draw their swords, a lithe shape lunges at them from the shadows.
Bernie Kosar in the form of a panther, his black fur nearly indistinguishable from the night, tears out the throat of a Mog he’s pinned down, then slashes the other across the face. That group decimated, BK slinks around the side of the car, staying close to Sarah.