I’m confused which way the exit is; and as I lead us through a series of tunnels with my pendant swinging around my neck, Sam and I each pick up a discarded gun. We run with them chest high, firing at anything that gets in our way. Even though we don’t know where we’re going, we don’t stop moving until we come to the cells with human prisoners. That’s when I know for certain we’ve gone the wrong way. I pull Sam in the other direction, but he plants his feet and stops me. I can see the concern and hope on his face. The cells have their steel doors stuck a foot above the floor and the bubbling blue force fields have disappeared.

“They’re open, John!” he yells, tossing his Chest at my feet. I drop my gun and pick up the other Chest, and Sam finally says what I knew he was thinking: “What if my dad’s here?”

I look into Sam’s eyes, and I know we have to check. He runs along the left side of the corridor, yelling into each cell for his dad. I’m investigating the cells on the right when a boy my age with long black hair sticks his head under a door. When he sees me, he puts a hand cautiously into the corridor.

“The force field is really gone?” he shouts.

“I think so!” I yell.

Sam hoists his gun over his shoulder and ducks his head under the boy’s cell door. “Do you know a man named Malcolm Goode? Forty years old, brown hair? Is he here? Have you seen him?”

“Shut up and stand back, kid,” I hear the boy say. There’s a grittiness to his voice, something that makes me uneasy, and I immediately pull Sam to the side. The boy grips the bottom of the door and rips it from the wall, tossing it into the corridor like a Frisbee. The ceiling cracks and boulders fall, and I use telekinesis to shield Sam and me from being crushed. Before I can say a word, the boy emerges clapping the dust off his hands. He’s taller than I am, shirtless and muscular.

Sam steps forward, and to my surprise he aims his gun at the boy’s head. “Just tell me! Do you know my dad? Malcolm Goode? Please!”

The boy looks past Sam and his weapon, focusing on the Chests under my arms. That’s when I notice the three scars on his leg. They’re just like mine. He’s one of us.

I drop the other Chest to the ground in shock. “What number are you? I’m Four. ”

He squints at me and then offers his hand. “I’m Nine. Good job staying alive, Number Four. ”

He reaches for the Chest I’ve dropped. Sam lowers his gun, retreating down the corridor, stopping every few seconds to look inside a cell. Nine places his hand on the Chest’s lock and it instantly shakes and snaps open. A yellow glow lights up his face when he opens the lid.

“Hell, yeah. ” He laughs, placing a hand inside. Nine pulls out a tiny red rock and shows it to me. “You have one of these?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. ” I’m embarrassed by how little I understand the items in my own Chest.

Nine places the rock between his knuckles and aims his fist at the nearest wall. A white cone of light appears, and instantly we can see through the wall and into an empty jail cell.

Sam runs in our direction. “Wait! You have X-ray vision?”

“What number is the nerd?” Nine asks me, digging around in his Chest again.

“That’s Sam. He’s not Loric, but he’s our ally. He’s looking for his dad. ”

He tosses Sam the red rock. “This will make shit go faster, Sammy. Just aim and squeeze. ”

“He’s human, dude,” I say. “He can’t use this stuff. ”

Nine places his thumb on Sam’s forehead. Sam’s hair blows upward and I can smell electricity in the air.

Sam stumbles backwards. “Whoa. ”

Nine ducks his hands back into his Chest. “You’ve got about ten minutes. Get to it. ”

I’m amazed that Nine has the ability to transfer powers to humans. Sam runs down the corridor, inspecting cells with a flick of the wrist. When he gets to the large metal door at the end, he aims the rock at it, exposing more than a dozen armed Mogs on the other side, and one is twisting together exposed wires in an open keypad.

“Sam!” I yell picking up my gun. “Get back!”

Whoosh. The door rises and the Mogs rush forward. Sam sprints away, firing over his shoulder.

“You have any other Legacies yet?” I ask Nine over the sound of my gun.

He winks, and then he’s gone, running along the cracked ceiling at super speed. The Mogs don’t notice Nine until he’s dropped behind them, and by then it’s too late. He’s a tornado, ripping through them with a ferocity I didn’t know Loric possessed; even Six would be impressed. Sam and I stop firing, letting Nine dismember each Mog with his bare hands.

When he’s finished, Nine runs back along the left wall of the corridor before circling to the ceiling and then to the right wall, a cloud of ash trailing him.

“Antigravity,” Sam says. “Now that’s a cool Legacy. ”

Nine skids to a stop in front of his Chest and kicks it shut. “I can also hear pretty well. For miles. ”

“Okay, let’s go,” I say, scooping up my Chest. Nine easily places his on his huge shoulder and grabs a gun from the floor.

“What about those other cells?” he asks Sam, pointing down the corridor. A hundred or more cell doors line the walls past where the Mogs had entered.

“We have to go,” I say, knowing we’re already pushing our luck. It’s only a matter of seconds before we’ll be surrounded. But there’s no persuading Sam.

He runs under the large door, still holding the red rock. Another dozen Mogs suddenly emerge from a hidden tunnel entrance between us. Sam braces himself against the wall and fires. I see a few of the Mogs burst into ash, but then my view is blocked by a swarm of drooling krauls.

Focusing my thoughts on a boulder, I whip it at the krauls, smashing all but a few. Nine catches a kraul by its back legs, and slams the beast against the wall. He crushes another two, and when he’s done he turns to me, laughing. I’m about to ask him what’s so funny when he launches a boulder right at me. I barely jump out of the way, and a moment later my back is covered with black ash.

“They’re everywhere!” He laughs.

“We have to get to Sam!” I try to run past Nine when an enormous piken hand snatches us both.

“Sam!” I yell. “Sam!”

Sam doesn’t hear us over the sound of his gun. The piken pulls us in the other direction, and, in what feels like slow motion, I lose sight of my best friend. Before I can yell again, the piken throws us down the opposite tunnel. I hit the wall and land on one Chest and the other lands on top of me. The wind is knocked out of me; and when I look up, I see Nine spitting blood out. He’s grinning.

“Are you crazy?” I ask. “You’re enjoying this?”

“I’ve been locked up for over a year. This is the best day of my life!”

Two pikens duck into the tunnel, blocking our direct path back to Sam. Nine wipes the blood from his chin and opens his Chest. He pulls out a short silver pipe, and it expands violently at both ends until it’s over six feet long and glowing red. He runs toward the pikens with the pipe over his head. I stand to join him but feel a jolt of pain in my ribs. I dig inside my Chest for my healing stone, but by the time I find it Nine has killed both pikens. Running back along the ceiling, he twirls the pipe at his side, and when he’s twenty feet away he yells for me to move. The glowing red pipe sails over my head like a javelin, impaling a piken in the stomach.

“Don’t mention it,” Nine says before I can utter a word.

More pikens squeeze into the far end of the tunnel, and when I turn around to run, a flock of transparent birds with razor-sharp teeth is flying towards us. Nine grabs a strand of green stones from his Chest and flings it towards the flock. It hovers in the air and, like a black hole, sucks the birds into it.

He closes his eyes and the stones zip towards the pikens, spinning and unleashing the flock of birds into their faces. Nine points at me and yells, “Boulder them!”

I follow his lea

d, rocketing boulder after boulder at the mayhem. The pikens and the birds collapse under our barrage.

Several more pikens push their way into the tunnel, roaring. I grab Nine’s arm to keep him from charging.

“They’re just going to keep coming,” I say. “We have to find Sam and get out of here. Number Six is meeting us. ”

He nods and we run. At the next opening we veer left, unsure if we’re making progress or getting even more lost. More and more enemies appear behind us with every new turn. Nine trashes every tunnel we pass through, bringing down ceilings and collapsing walls with telekinesis and perfectly thrown boulders.

We come to a long, low-arching bridge of solid rock, similar to the one Sam and I shuffled along earlier, and below is a steaming pool of green lava. Charging across the other side of the narrow bridge is a thick line of Mogs, and behind us several pikens are racing down the tunnel, straight towards us.

“Where do we go?” I shout as we step onto the bridge.

Nine says, “We go under. ”

Nine grabs my hand as we reach the peak of the bridge, and my world literally flips upside down until we’re running along the underside of the arch. Without warning Nine lets go of me, but my shoes still firmly grip the belly of the bridge somehow. I reach over my head and scoop up a pile of the green lava, and by the time we’re standing on the other side of the room, I have a perfect green ball of fire in my hand. I wing it at the Mogs on the bridge and visualize it spreading over them. I can hear the sizzling of their flesh when we duck into another cave.

I’m out of breath when we reach a steep decline. I’m judging the grade of the drop when I’m hit with a blast from behind. I topple forward and fall at an amazing speed, and when the ground finally levels out, my recently dislocated shoulder hits it first.

I roll onto my stomach in unimaginable pain. The blast hit me square in the back, and my muscles are stuck in an uncontrollable spasm. I can hardly breathe, let alone search my Chest for my healing stone. The only thing I can do is stare at the slivers of moonlight that appear and disappear at the end of the tunnel. The tarp. It’s flapping in the forest wind. I’m back to where I started.

I hear the sound of rocks crumbling behind me. I’m in more pain than I thought imaginable, and all I can think about is leaving the mountain. “Straight ahead. It’s the exit. We can regroup out there,” I manage.

If we can make it outside, then I can heal myself, hide our Chests in the forest. And maybe BK can come back in with us now that we’ve destroyed the gas tanks. The four Mogs who guarded the entrance are gone, and Nine jumps out through the tarp and into the forest. I follow. The stench from the dead animal carcasses hits us fast, and we both gag as Nine jogs into a line of trees. I collapse against a trunk. I need five minutes, I think. Then we’re going back in for Sam. Guns and hands blazing.

Nine digs around his Chest and I close my eyes. Tears roll down my face. I’m startled by something rough touching my left hand. I open my eyes to see it’s Bernie Kosar in his beagle form, licking my fingers.