“Just please, Lex. Please be there… there’s something y’all need to see.”

Reaching for my keys, I turned the doorknob, just as Austin said, “I know you liked him, Al, but Axel’s always been this way. He’s always been drawn to the darker side of life, the illegal shit. I’m just sorry you got hurt in all this.”

Glancing back at Austin with incredulity, I replied, “I didn’t just like him, Austin. I’m head over heels in love with him. He’s changed my life in every way for the better, and I’m real sorry that you are so blinded by his past that you can’t see him for the damn honorable guy he is today.” Tapping my hand on the invites, I demanded, “Be there tomorrow night.”

As I rushed out to my car, I pulled out my cell and dialed Axel’s number again. It went straight to voicemail. I pressed END and stared out of the wet windshield.

Tears ran down my cheeks and my hands trembled with panic. Closing my eyes, I rested my head back against the headrest and whispered, “Axel… where the hell have you gone?”


The following night I stood in the bathroom of the museum, staring at myself in the mirror. I looked tired and pale; the effects of feeling like my heart had been shattered.

Axel hadn’t appeared. It was starting to become more than apparent that he’d gone. He’d actually left me. Part of me screamed that it wasn’t possible, that he couldn’t have left me, even though Austin and Levi were convinced it was his usual M.O. He loved me… he wouldn’t leave me behind.

But then another part of me said it was entirely plausible. He’d been rejected by his brothers again. Of course he wouldn’t want to stay. How much rejection could one person take? But I thought he would have at least called me. Told me he was leaving for a while, that he loved me and, at some point, he would come back to me.

On top of that, Vin had been in the Gallery all day, working on something in a cornered-off section at the back… on opening night! I was livid. I was exhausted, and I was racked with worry. I had no idea what he was up to, but as a patron and the sole funder of this exhibition, I didn’t really have a choice.

Hearing the hustle and bustle of museum and University stakeholders, fans and students alike, waiting for the show to begin, I forced myself to stand straight and shook my shoulders.

You can do this, you’re a professional, I tried to convince myself.

Brushing back my long dark hair, styled straight and hanging down my back, I then ran my hands down my black knee length column dress. Finally, I checked my Louboutins were free of dust.

I was set.

Moving out of the bathroom, I walked to Bridgette, the museum director, and nodded to her that I was ready. I scanned the crowd for Vin, wondering where the hell he could be, but there was no sign. My hands were damp as I raced through an introduction in my head.

Bridgette introduced me as the curator, and I stepped up to the mic, a sea of eager eyes all looking my way.

“Good evening, everyone,” I began. My name is Aliyana Lucia, and I am pleased to be here tonight to celebrate the inspiring and truly once-in-a-lifetime talent of Elpidio.”

I paused when I saw Lexi, Levi and Austin enter the gallery, along with Molly, Rome, Cass and JD. My heart fell at how sad and forlorn the two Carillo brothers looked. I could see that the pain of their confrontation with Axel yesterday was weighing heavily on their hearts.

Focusing back on the crowd, I continued. “Elpidio began his journey with Carrara marble only a few years ago. In that time he has become a master in his field, capturing our hearts with his soul shattering depictions of despair, grief, guilt; indeed every facet of raw emotion and the human condition.

“Tonight you will see works that have yet to be published in magazines, and you will also see recent sculptures that will…” tears filled my eyes as I thought of the boy crying bullets, “that will challenge the emotions of even the most stoic among you.”

Taking a deep breath, I added, “Tonight, you will also be able to read what inspired the creation of his flawless sculptures. Elpidio is notoriously reclusive, and as such, won’t be making an appearance tonight,” the crowd murmured in disappointment, “but he has shared with me his inspirations for the pieces which I’m sure will both astound and inspire you.”

I nodded at Bridgette who was standing by the large red velvet curtains that would draw back to reveal the show. Turning back to the crowd, I said, “It is my pleasure to present to you, Elpidio!”

Bridgette drew the curtains, revealing the bright white of the show and I moved aside as the crowd eagerly filtered into the space.

Forcing myself to stay strong, I watched Austin, Levi, Lexi, Molly, Rome, Cass and JD approach me.

Molly walked over and wrapped me in her arms. I had to fight back the lump in my throat at the heartfelt comfort from my best friend. My heart was broken and it was taking everything in my power to not give in to deep sadness.

Axel should be here. He should be seeing how many people have turned up to view his show. He should be seeing his family’s reaction.

“I’m so proud of you,” Molly said and moved aside to let Rome hug me too. He hadn’t said anything about Axel running off. I could see in his expression that he’d always expected him to fall back into his old ways.

All the gang congratulated me on the success of the show, but I only had eyes for Levi and Austin. Austin saw me watching them and asked, “Why did you want us to be here so bad, Al?” His voice was still raspy and he looked so tired. My heart clenched when I thought of how much kicking Axel out must have hurt him. Austin loved Axel, it was all a huge damn mess.