I’d done it.

I was about to start work with the finest sculptor in the modern era.

I’d landed my dream job.

Returning to the here and now, I pulled out my cell and unlocked the screen. For a minute I stared at the wallpaper, my favorite Elpidio piece, an unnamed white Carrara marble angel.

A bolt of excitement flashed through my body as I pressed two on my speed dial, only to then hear a familiar and loved English accent say, “Hello, stranger!”

“Molls!” I greeted excitedly. “You got a spare room in that mansion of yours? ‘Cause your very best friend is coming to stay!”

Chapter Two


Seattle, Washington

The cab pulled to a stop right on the edge of Lake Washington. I stared up at the stunning white stone mansion set beyond a couple of acres of land¸ protected by huge iron gates. Molly and Rome’s new home.

Rome… I thought and smiled. No way would Molly choose this house.

Grabbing my cases, I rolled them toward the gates, when they suddenly began to open. I beamed a smile and waved at a large camera atop an ornate post on the surrounding white stone wall.

As I walked down the driveway, I marveled at the gardens: lush green grass, ornate water features, trees of every type, and a million flowers brightening up the grounds.

A large set of paved steps came into view, which led to a white door entrance. It flew open just as my hand rose to knock. My lips spread into an ear-splitting smile as my cousin, Rome Prince, appeared in the doorway, his usual sandy long blond hair messy and his brown eyes bright. He was still the epitome of country-boy style as he stood, arms folded, rocking a fitted white T-shirt and faded jeans.

“Hello, cuz,” he greeted with a wide smile, his thick accent as Bama as ever as he stepped forward, arms wide, and lifted me off the floor in a bear hug.

I couldn’t help but laugh as I hugged him back.

Rome planted me on the floor, and I kissed him on his cheek. “Hello to you too, Mr QB Almighty!”

Rome rolled his eyes and moved past me to grab my luggage. I followed him into the house. My eyes widened as I drank in the foyer, because that’s all it could be described as, a foyer. The place was enormous.

“Rome—” I went to say, when I was cut off.

“Ridiculous, isn’t it?”

My head turned to the sweeping staircase. Molly Prince was walking down, dressed in a long empire-waist sleeveless purple summer dress. Her long brown hair lay on her shoulders and her pretty face wore a happy smile.

“Molls!” I shouted in excitement and, as Molly descended onto the last step, I wrapped her up in my arms. She immediately hugged me back. “I’ve missed you!” I confessed, and let her go so we could walk back into the foyer.

“I’ve missed you too, sweetie,” Molly said, squeezing my hand, only to let go when Rome reached out and pulled her to his chest, his arms wrapping around her shoulders from behind. Molly’s hands lifted to hold his arms, and that look they both had when they were with each other drifted across their faces.

An ache momentarily stabbed at my chest. Looking at how happy they were only emphasized how lonely I felt. Working all the hours God sends could be a good distraction, but as much as I adored my job, it could never replace that heart-stopping, bolt of lightning love I so desperately craved.

“Come on. Let’s go and get a drink!” I said cheerily, fighting back my moment of sadness, and let Rome and Molly lead the way to their white country-style kitchen.

Molly must have seen me gaping at the opulence of the room and blushed. “It’s too much, isn’t it?”

My attention was drawn to my timid friend and her embarrassed expression. “Not at all, darlin’. It’s beautiful.”

Molly joined me in looking around the room. I adored that she still found it uncomfortable having money. I didn’t think she’d ever get used to it. But I couldn’t help but think it was an adorable trait to possess.

“She fought me on buying this place, but I wanted somewhere safe for us to live… somewhere for us to start a family,” Rome stated.

Molly’s eyes, which had been fixed on the table, then shot to her husband’s and began to fill with tears.

Rome lifted Molly’s hand to his lips. I felt like an intruder on their private and meaningful moment. Molly appeared to shake herself to and cast me a ghost of a smile. “Ally, you must be thirsty. Can I get you a drink?”

“Don’t worry, darlin’. I got it covered!” I declared excitedly and ran to my carry-on and pulled out the bottle of champagne I’d bought en route to their house.

As I looked up, Molly had turned green and was rushing out of the room. “I… I’m… I’ll be back in a moment!” Molly ran out into the hallway. I stood in the middle of the kitchen, eyebrows pulled down.

I turned to face Rome, who was fidgeting on his seat. “She okay, honey?” I asked. “She looked like she was gonna puke.”

Rome’s eyes tracked the direction Molly had gone. “She’s fine.” I could see the concern on his face. But Rome had always been all serious and possessive of Molly. His need to keep her safe and cared for stood above anything else in his life.

Feeling awkward at the silence that immediately followed, I asked, “Where are your champagne flutes?”

Rome snapped out of his worry and walked to a cupboard. Reaching up, he pulled out two champagne glasses and set them on the table as I popped the cork. When I went to pour, I stilled.