Fuck. Didn’t expect the conversation to go there.

Clearing my throat, I asked, “You saw?”

“Yeah,” she replied sadly.

“I don’t really want to talk about it.” I really didn’t. What the f**k was I meant to say? Oh, yeah, it was my daddy. He’s been negotiating my prenup to Shel. You know… the girl who just tore you apart for being poor? Well, her. I never wanted Molly messed up in the shit between my parents and me, never wanted her to be on the receiving end of their crap; hell, I never even wanted them to know of Molly’s existence—she was too important to me to put in that kind of situation.

“Okay. Just answer one thing. Was it your parents?” she asked carefully, snapping me back to the here and now.

“Yes,” I finally admitted.

She squeezed me tighter around the waist for a few seconds, then moved back and peered out the window, no more questions about my folks.

“Why are we here?” Her eyebrows drew together as she took in the sprawling mall.

Getting out of the truck and helping Molly down, I said, “We’re getting you some new glasses. Come on.”

I tried to set off toward the ophthalmologist, but she dug in her heels and jerked me to a halt. Staring me down with steely resolve, she blurted, “Romeo, I can’t afford them yet.”

This wasn’t happening! Meeting her determined gaze, I repeated, “I’m getting them. Now come on!” She stood rooted to the spot, and I began to lose it again. I wanted to help her, dammit, but her stubborn ass was being all proud and shit. I just wanted to look after her—what was a few hundred bucks to make her life infinitely easier at school?

“Romeo, I’m not a charity. I’ll get my own bloody glasses when I’ve saved up enough money. You won’t buy them for me. I won’t let you. Being poor doesn’t embarrass me—taking pity money does!”

I groaned and pulled her to me, loving the way lust blossomed in her eyes every time her body met mine. “Molly, don’t f**kin’ push me on this. I indirectly broke the damn glasses with my bad pass. I riled up Shelly by showing everyone that I liked you, and I let her ego get too inflated by putting up with her queen-of-all-Bama shit for the last three years. I’m getting you new glasses and you’re going to let me. You don’t have a f**kin’ choice. It’s not about embarrassment; it’s about protecting what’s mine.” Her pupils dilated as she stared up at me. Yeah, she may be pissed at my pushy tone, but I wouldn’t back down. She was mine and I wouldn’t let her be called out for anything… by anyone.

Molly went all quiet but never flinched from my gaze. We were glaring, both refusing to submit. Groaning in exasperation, I grabbed her hair in my hands, leaned in, and asked harshly, “You get me?”

Golden eyes widened slightly at my aggressive move and, with a gentle shake of her head, followed by an amused smile, she whispered, “I get you.”

Damn right she did.

Fucking Molly Shakespeare, giving in and relinquishing the control, giving me what I needed, what I craved. Fuck. Me. I wanted her so damn much it was painful.

Feeling a weird burst of something in my chest, I kissed her head and led her into the mall.


“My God, Rome, it’s amazing,” Molly whispered as she surveyed my hidden spot with the biggest f**king smile on her face. Thanks to her new contact lenses, I could see how brightly her eyes were sparkling, and her happy, beautiful face was taking my damn breath away.

Taking her hand, I led her down to the creek. This place was my haven, the only spot where no one bothered me. My folks owned acres of land but never set foot on most of it. I’d never shared this place with anyone before, never had the urge. I did now though. Molly needed to see this place; something within me just knew she’d love it.

“Okay, now you seriously have to tell me where we are. It’s possibly the prettiest place on Earth,” she said as we sat under the large oak beside the water.

Here goes nothing. With a deep sigh, I said, “It’s the creek at the back of my parents’ place.”

Her brows furrowed. “Your parents’ place?” I watched her throat take a huge swallow and apprehension shaded her features.

Craning her neck, she checked out every direction, every seemingly never-ending field. “They own all of this?” Her voice had weakened, and I could see that the realization of my family’s wealth was hitting home.

Praying she didn’t let this revelation change anything, I lay back, reluctantly admitting, “It’s a plantation, Mol.”

Her huge eyes were almost comical. “Plantation? Your parents own an entire plantation?”

My folks didn’t even friggin’ use it right—as a farm—they just wanted the biggest damn lot in Tuscaloosa. Total showboating.

Glancing back up at Mol, I could see her gaze was nervous as she checked out the surroundings.

Laughing slightly, I assured her. “Relax, they won’t know we’re even here. I come here all the time. It’s where I get away from it all.”

She tilted her head, staring at me with a disbelieving look.


“This. You. A plantation. We’re from completely different worlds.” Catching the flicker of doubt in those brown eyes, I grabbed her hand, kissing it, and said, “This isn’t me, believe me. If only you knew… All this belongs to my parents, not me. I’m just the same me and you’re just you—Romeo and Molly Juliet.”