There was no miracle this time. Mae was finally becoming mine. Standing up in front of Hades, my club, and maybe even God, I wouldn’t be able to tell her what I wanted. That I fucking loved her, and the bitch had changed my worthless fucking life. That I was the luckiest motherfucker to ever walk the Earth. Because I had her. Because I fucking had her.

She’d look at me, in her white dress, with those ice-blue eyes smiling, and I’d be a fucking mute. And Mae being Mae, she’d already told me she wanted me to sign our vows. That it was okay. That she understood I couldn’t speak in front of all those people.

Shit, I could almost hear my old man laughing at me from the fires of Tartarus. “Fucking retard,” he’d be hissing, laughing at his pathetic mute son, who could kill a man with one lethal punch but couldn’t man the fuck up and utter a few fucking words out loud.

“Shit, brother.” The voice caused me to sigh loudly in annoyance. “Mae refused you her pussy or her mouth on your cock or some shit? You look ready to top yourself.”

I flicked my middle finger at Ky without looking at him, and he sat down beside me in the spare chair. When I opened my eyes, he was watching me with a smirk on his face. “Let me guess,” he taunted. He removed a beer from the six-pack in his hand and ripped off the cap with his teeth. Leaning forward, he continued. “Could you not get it up?” He shrugged like the fucking prick he was. “Heard it can happen to the best of us. Not me, of course, my dick is ready to rock at all times. The fucking Energizer bunny in my pants.”

Too pissed to reply, I lit up another smoke. I snatched a beer from his pack, ripped off the top, and downed half the bottle; then I tipped my head back to stare at the night sky.

This time, when I glanced at Ky, his eyebrows were pulled down. “What’s wrong?” There was no humor in his voice. His head tipped to the side, studying me. “Is it AK, has something gone down with the Klan?” Ky practically jumped to his feet.

I grabbed his arm and forced his ass back down on his seat. He watched me, confused as fuck. I put down my bottle and signed, “Ain’t gonna be able to do this marriage shit.”

Ky stared at me like I was a fucking alien or some shit. “What the hell are you talking about?”

I downed the rest of the beer, threw the fucker across the garden, and watched as it smashed against a nearby tree.

“What the fuck!” Ky exclaimed. I got to my feet and pushed my hands through my hair.

Facing my best friend, I wrapped my hand around my throat—a choking gesture. I signed, “Can’t fucking speak. Mae is all jacked up about this marriage, this fucking ceremony, and I can’t get out a fucking word.” I shook my head. “Can’t even speak to you now. One of the only two people I can speak to in the world, because the thought of talking aloud in front of anyone else has fucking stolen all my motherfucking words.”

“No one expects you to speak, dumb fuck. We all know you’ll sign.”

I curled my fist and slammed it into the post holding up the porch. I stared out over the trees and worked on getting my breathing under control. Eventually I turned to see my VP sitting back, relaxed, in his seat. He was used to my outbursts. He’d seen me lose it over my defective voice a million times. Leaning against the porch rail, I signed, “I wanna speak. I . . .” I paused. “I wanna fucking speak on that day, Ky. Just for once, I wanna fucking speak right.”

I ignored the flash of sympathy in Ky’s eyes. If I acknowledged it, it’d just fuck me off even more. Ky got to his feet and stood beside me at the rail. He offered me another beer. “Then we get you to fucking speak. Piece of piss.” He shrugged like it was nothing.

When I raised my eyebrow and looked at him, the fucker was smirking. I shook my head, but I couldn’t help smirking back. I lost focus as I stared down at my new beer. The door opened and Mae stepped onto the deck, her long hair mussed by sleep. She yawned, hand cradling her swollen stomach, then smiled so fucking big when she saw me.

“I thought I heard you out here.” She darted to me. She slipped her arms around my waist, her bump nudging my stomach. She laughed when she could no longer get as close as she once had.

I kissed her head and she pulled back. Folding her arms and watching Ky and me suspiciously, she asked, “What has you two so lost in thought?”

Ky shrugged. “Just needed a beer. I escaped Grace as she attempted to put fucking makeup on me. I mean, I know I’m fucking hot as all hell, and could pull off a deep mauve as much as the next guy, but fuck that shit. Left Lil’ Ash to take my place. That little fucker’s gonna look like a two-bit whore in no time. He’d brought Madds up to spend the night with Li and Grace. That was my fucking cue to leave and remind myself I actually got a pair of balls.”

Mae’s loud peal of laughter soothed my fucking mood like a damn balm. She threw her head back and caught her breath. “Do you mind if I go and see them too? I would very much like to witness all of this.”

“N-N-No,” I managed to push out. Her eyebrows dropped with suspicion. I hardly ever stuttered in front of her these days. It was an indication that something was wrong. But she let it go. For that I was thankful.

“I will make you dinner before I leave,” she said and looked at Ky. “Would you like to stay for dinner, Kyler?”

“Does a bear shit in the woods?”

“I . . . well . . . I . . . pardon?” Mae’s fucking nose was twitching, destroying me on the spot. “Was that a real question? I do not know if bears do that . . . in the woods.” She paused. “Maybe . . . yes?”

“You got it, sweetcheeks,” he declared with a wink. I almost punched the asshole for playing with my bitch this much. He knew all the cult bitches—including his own motherfucking wife—were still clueless about a ton of things.

“Okay,” she replied, somewhat lost. And that was it. Before she turned to leave, I grabbed her arm and pulled her to me, being careful of her bump. I smashed my lips to hers and sank my tongue into her mouth. Mae moaned as I locked her in place with one hand behind her neck. When I pulled back, her eyes were glazed and her lips were swollen.

“Don’t fucking mind me. Always up for a live porn show, kids,” Ky said. This time I slugged his bicep when Mae’s face beamed crimson.

“I . . . I shall go and prepare dinner,” she whispered.

I watched her go. When the door was shut, I inhaled deeply. “I-I . . . n-need t-t-t-to sp-speak.” I paused, swallowed, wet my throat with beer, then finished. “I f-f-fucking n-need to, Ky.”

I gasped in exhaustion when I’d managed to speak through my anger. When I’d managed to speak at all.

A small victory these days.

Ky’s hand came down on my shoulder. “Then we’ll get you to speak. Don’t know how, but we’ll do it.” He nudged me, then stood straight and said, “How about I just hide behind the altar and speak for you? You just move your mouth in time with my words and boom, bitch! You’ll motherfucking speak!”

I grumbled a laugh, and Ky couldn’t help but laugh back.


“Let’s finish these drinks. Then open that fucking twenty-year-old bourbon you got hidden in your bar and eat whatever the fuck Mae cooks us. Then we’ll work on operation Styx Speak, yeah?”

I nodded and Ky and I sat down. Silent moments passed before Ky said, “You think the Psycho Trio and Cowboy are okay in that ghost town?” His voice was too low for Mae to hear anything in the kitchen.

I shrugged and checked my cell. No messages, no calls from Hush at the motel. I signed, “Fuck knows. Right now they’re on their own.” Another thing that was on my mind. My men in a fucking Klan haven without the rest of us. No contact. No fucking peace until they were back.

Ky sat back. But I knew the brother was thinking about Lilah’s sister, Phebe. AK, Vike, Flame, Cowboy, and Hush too. More shit to deal with.

Then there was the wedding. My voice. And now the motherfucking Klan. Just more shit to pile on my plate.


bsp; So for now, we would drink and get fucked off our face.

And that’s exactly what we did.

My words still didn’t come.

It was nothing new.

Chapter Two


“Mae,” Bella whispered as I walked from the changing room and stood on the elevated plinth opposite my friends and sisters. The mirror was behind me, but I did not yet dare look at my reflection. I glanced at Bella sat beside Ruth, her mother-in-law and Rider’s mama. Her eyes were filling with tears as she stared at me. Her hands were in front of her mouth.

“Do you like it?” I ran my hand over my pronounced stomach.

Bella nodded. “You are perfect,” she whispered. Ruth nodded in agreement.

I looked at Maddie. “Madds?”

She smiled warmly. “You are beautiful, Mae, this dress only enhances that. But this gown could not suit you more if you tried.”