Sighing in contentment, a realization hit me. “Then it was all worth it,” I admitted and really truly meant it.

“What was, Li? What was all worth it?”

“Everything…” I whispered, my pain-filled life flashing through my mind—the tortures, the loss, the segregation, the abuse… the rapes. I nuzzled into his torso and continued. “Every single second of my life… because it eventually led me to you. It led me to fall so deeply in love with you, Ky… the man who recaptured this bruised and battered heart.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


“Ky? Where are we going? The compound is back that way.”

It was exactly two weeks since Lilah had cut herself. Today, she was comin’ home. And thank fuck, ‘cause I couldn’t deal with one more night sleeping in that narrow-as-fuck bed.

My woman was doing better. Her cheek was healing. The scar was still red and fresh, but my woman was doing good. Real good. She was changed. The release of being beautiful, now being scarred, had somehow freed her, and I fucking adored the bitch as she was now.

Lilah stared at me all confused as I turned onto a back road that ran to the land Styx’s old man and my old man owned behind the compound. Her blue eyes narrowed, her fat lips pursed. Her pixie-cut blond hair—courtesy of Beauty—was as cute as hell, and I could never bring myself to tell her, but the cut made her even more beautiful than she was before.

“Going somewhere new, sweet cheeks,” I said. Lilah turned to look out the window. “Can’t be staying at the compound no more. Deserve to be somewhere else.”

Eyebrows furrowed, Lilah’s eyes locked onto me. I couldn’t help but grin, really wide. Two miles down the road, I turned the truck left and into a small clearing, which featured a newly refurbished log cabin in the middle.

Lilah gasped. When I pulled to a stop, she jumped straight out of the truck and ran to stand in front of the cabin. I got out and walked up behind her, wrapped my arms around her waist, and rested my chin on her head.

“It is like the ranch,” Lilah exclaimed, all impressed and shit.

“Used to be my old man’s. Styx had them done up earlier this year.”

“Them?” Lilah queried.

Freeing my hands from around her waist, I gripped Lilah’s hand and walked her round back. Pointing at a road up a hill, I said, “Styx and Mae will be living a few miles away up that hill.”

“Styx and Mae will be moving from the club?” she said with a wide smile.

I nodded. “Yeah, ‘bout time we stopped fuckin’ around and used the cabins for what they were built for; the Prez and the VP.”

“Does anyone else live near the club?”

“AK, Vike and Flame live ‘bout five miles south of here near the river. Separate cabins, but near enough to be neighbors.” Cupping Lilah’s cheeks, I said, “But Styx, Mae, and Flame, AK, Vike, they’re not just living near me.”

“I… I do not understand.”

I stared into her eyes and said, “They live near us.”

Lilah’s eyes widened in shock. “You wish for me to live with you?”

“Lilah, there ain’t a choice. You’re not staying at the club no more. It’s not a place for my woman. You deserve a real home. Our home. You loved Sia’s ranch, this is similar.”

Tears filled Lilah’s eyes, and I crushed my lips against hers. She moaned into my mouth. Within seconds, the kiss became something more. My cock got real hard, and Lilah wrapped her hands on the edge of my cut, pressing those hard tits against my chest.

I lost it. I hadn’t had Lilah since the night she was taken, and I had this overwhelming need take her, fuck her, cum inside her, and make her mine, once and for fucking all.

Running my hands down her dress, I held the back of her thighs, lifted them, and wrapped them around my waist, running for the cabin, Lilah’s lips still mauling the fuck outta mine.

Grabbing the doorknob of the front door, I kicked it open, Lilah not even bothering to look at the TV room or kitchen, not lifting her head as we climbed the stairs, not even breaking from my mouth as we entered the bedroom.

Dropping us to the bed, I pulled my mouth from Lilah’s to look down at her flushed face. Her eyes were hooded and I could see she wanted me just as bad as I wanted her.

“Ky, please…” she begged.

Kneeling on the bed, I ripped my shirt over my head and snapped the button on my jeans. Lilah’s blue eyes flared as she stared hungrily at my half-open jeans.

Bending down, I lifted the hem of her long dress, not the gray one, thank fuck, some white one without sleeves that Mae had brought her. Her hairless tanned legs sprang into view and the vanilla smell of that oil she lathered on her skin hit my nose. I swear I growled low in my throat, my cock now so hard it was almost jumping outta my jeans.

Lilah squirmed on the mattress as I ran my forefinger up to her pussy, running the tip down her slit and around her clit. I loved watching her eyes widen, her red lips part, and her back arch off the bed. “Fuck, baby, I’m gonna come just watching you.”

Leaving her pussy, I pushed the dress up her stomach, keeping a check on my hunger as I bypassed her healing burn of a crucifix that those sick fucks branded on my bitch.

Feeling Lilah’s hand run down the side of my beard, I looked up to see her watching me. “I love you,” she whispered, and bam, I was over her, pulling her dress over her head, her fat tits pushing out for my mouth.