“No, that I’d do the job myself.”
“Well,” Hyacinth stated, as if the previous minute of conversation had never taken place, “Daphne said that you were most anxious that Lady Lucinda receive an invitation, and Mother, I understand, even penned a note saying how much she enjoys her company, which as we all know is a bald-faced lie, as none of us has ever met the—”
“Do you ever cease talking?” Gregory interrupted.
“Not for you,” Hyacinth replied. “How do you know her? And more to the point, how well? And why are you so eager to extend an invitation to a woman who will be married in a week?”
And then, amazingly, Hyacinth did stop talking.
“I was wondering that myself,” Violet murmured.
Gregory looked from his sister to his mother and decided he hadn’t meant any of that rot he’d said to Lucy about large families being a comfort. They were a nuisance and an intrusion and a whole host of other things, the words for which he could not quite retrieve at that moment.
Which may have been for the best, as none of them were likely to have been polite.
Nonetheless, he turned to the two women with extreme patience and said, “I was introduced to Lady Lucinda in Kent. At Kate and Anthony’s house party last month. And I asked Daphne to invite her this evening because she is an amiable young lady, and I happened upon her yesterday in the park. Her uncle has denied her a season, and I thought it would be a kind deed to provide her with an opportunity to escape for one evening.”
He lifted his brows, silently daring them to respond.
They did, of course. Not with words—words would never have been as effective as the dubious stares they were hurling in his direction.
“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” he nearly burst out. “She is engaged. To be married.”
This had little visible effect.
Gregory scowled. “Do I appear to be attempting to put a halt to the nuptials?”
Hyacinth blinked. Several times, the way she always did when she was thinking far too hard about something not her affair. But to his great surprise, she let out a little hmm of acquiescence and said, “I suppose not.” She glanced about the room. “I should like to meet her, though.”
“I’m sure you will,” Gregory replied, and he congratulated himself, as he did at least once a month, on not strangling his sister.
“Kate wrote that she is lovely,” Violet said.
Gregory turned to her with a sinking feeling. “Kate wrote to you?” Good God, what had she revealed? It was bad enough that Anthony knew about the fiasco with Miss Watson—he had figured it out, of course—but if his mother found out, his life would be utter hell.
She would kill him with kindness. He was sure of it.
“Kate writes twice a month,” Violet replied with a delicate, one-shouldered shrug. “She tells me everything.”
“Is Anthony aware?” Gregory muttered.
“I have no idea,” Violet said, giving him a superior look. “It’s really none of his business.”
Good God.
Gregory just managed to not say it aloud.
“I gather,” his mother continued, “that her brother was caught in a compromising position with Lord Watson’s daughter.”
“Really?” Hyacinth had been perusing the crowd, but she swung back for that.
Violet nodded thoughtfully. “I had wondered why that wedding was so rushed.”
“Well, that’s why,” Gregory said, a little bit like a grunt.
“Hmmmm.” This, from Hyacinth.
It was the sort of sound one never wished to hear from Hyacinth.