I rock back and forth gently at first, and he takes my cue to hold his tongue steady. The orgasm builds slowly at first, until he begins to moan as he gets close to coming. The sound vibrates on my clit and I have to focus to maintain my grip on his erection. Sweat drips down my scalp, rolling over my neck as the muscles in my abdomen tighten and the babies start kicking.

“Oh, God,” I cry out as the orgasm rocks me, my thighs weakening, my grip loosening just as he shoots his load.

He continues licking me and I keep pumping my fist until we’ve both finished. Then I dismount him and we lie next to each other, sweaty and spent and trembling with adrenaline.

“Fuck. If I can’t win after that, I don’t deserve to win,” he mutters.

“You’ll still be the King of Dad Jokes,” I reply. “That has to count for something.”

He lazily rolls onto his side and lays a soft kiss on my belly. “It counts for everything.”


“Take your shoes off.”

I cock an eyebrow at Lena. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Take your shoes off. We’re gonna do some yoga before we head to the beach. Then we’re going for a run on the sand. You need to strengthen that hip and the lower half of your legs if you want to keep landing those aerials.”

I wave off her suggestion. “We don’t have to do that. Edie’s coming over later tonight to do the PT exercises. Besides, the hip isn’t even bothering me today.”

She crosses her arms across her chest. “You think I didn’t see you trying not to limp when you came out of the water yesterday?” She purses her lips, daring me to lie to her.

I sigh as I slide my feet out of my flip-flops. “All right. Let’s get this over with.”

“Come on. Let’s go in the backyard where your giant legs can stretch out without knocking over my furniture.”

I follow her through the living room and toward the kitchen where the back door leads out to the yard. “Just because Yuri’s a midget doesn’t make me a giant,” I reply, noting that the oak kitchen table is covered in mail.

“Good thing he’s not here to hear you say that, or he’d bite your ankle so hard. You should see him do it. It’s so cute.”

I laugh when I see she already has two yoga mats laid out on the grass in the backyard. “I don’t need a yoga mat. I’m a man. I don’t mind getting a little grassy.”

She rolls her eyes as she snatches up the mats and tosses them onto the concrete patio. “Whatever you say, big man.”

“Dude, why do you keep calling me big? You’re gonna give me a complex.”

She shakes her head and takes us straight into a sun-salutation pose. “Inhale deeply through your nose… And exhale through your mouth… That’s it.”

“I forgot to tell you yesterday that you and Yuri almost got me in trouble when I got home from Trestles. Lindsay smelled the smoke on my clothes and thought I was toking again. Luckily, I spent my entire first day back laying on the perfect-husband routine pretty thick. Saved myself a ton of grief and ended up getting a BJ instead. So everything turned out better than expected.”

She bends over to touch the ground, spreading her arms and feet to form a pyramid with her body. “Downward-facing dog,” she says, not bothering to acknowledge my attempt at conversation.

She was also pretty quiet yesterday when I tried to ask how Yuri was doing after being around all the action at Trestles. I tried asking Yuri, but he gave me the typical response, assuring me that he was okay, but I know it had to be difficult on him to be back among the action.

“Is Yuri coming to Portugal or is he staying behind to man the shop?” I ask, because Yuri and Lena can’t keep pretending that everything is okay.

I know I should just let it go and focus on my own goals and problems, but I need Lena to be at her best. Plus, worrying about my best friends is not how I should be spending the weeks leading up to Pipeline.

“No, he’s staying behind. He… He…”

I stand up so I can have this conversation without my ass sticking up in the air, but Lena stays bent over. “He what?” I ask.

She sighs as she stands up, brushing the grass off the front of her yoga pants. “He put on a good show for you, but he hated being at Trestles. He’s just… really not taking it well.”

“Not taking what well?”

She looks up at me, her brown eyes widening, as if I should know what she’s getting at. “This. You and I working together while you’re on the fast track to a championship. He thinks it means something.”

“What? What does he think it means?”

She shakes her head. “I don’t know. I think he thinks I work better with you than with him. Or that you’re doing better because he’s not around to drag you down. He’s just being weird. And then…”

I wait for her to continue, but she shrugs off the thought and bends over to get back into position. “Then what, Lena? Are you guys having problems? What the fuck’s going on?”

She sits down cross-legged on the warm grass and I take a seat next to her. “He wants to travel around Asia for a year after the tour is over in December.”

I try not to let my disappointment show on my face. I’ve gotten used to having Lena as a trainer this year. I don’t know if her training style is what pushed me over the edge into top-seed territory, but I know I like hanging out with her more than my old trainer, Remy. She’s cool as fuck and much easier on the eyes.

“Look, if you’re thinking of staying here for me, you don’t have to do that,” I say, imbuing my words with as much honesty as I can, considering it feels like a load of bullshit. “I mean, yeah, I’ll miss having you around, but I can find another trainer before January. Shit, after all my wins this season, I’ll have trainers lining up to work with me. Don’t stay here for me.”

She looks me in the eye for a moment, a crease forming between her eyebrows. “I don’t want to go. I want to stay here and train you until…” She drops her gaze to her hands, which rest in her lap. “I want to start a family.”

I sigh as I realize my suspicions about Lena were true. “You have to tell Yuri,” I say, shaking my head as I lean back on my hands. “You can’t hold something like that inside. Secrets like that are like poison. Trust me.”

She plucks a few blades of grass and rolls them between her fingers. “Can I ask you a question?”


She glances at me a couple of times as she seems to be working up the nerve to ask. “Do you ever regret having kids?”

“Wow. That’s a heavy question.”

She shakes her head. “You don’t have to answer. I was just wondering… I was just thinking that maybe this desire to have kids is part of the whole biological clock thing, and maybe I’ll find out I don’t really want them. And it would really suck to find that out later rather than sooner, you know?”

I draw in a long breath and let it out slowly, trying to stall for time. “I don’t know. My situation might be different than yours. Then again, it might be the same. I don’t know if I feel comfortable influencing such an important and personal decision.”

She nods and flashes me a tight smile. “I understand.”

I sigh as I realize I should be ashamed of myself for giving such a weak response. “Lena, there are some days I wish I didn’t have kids, especially lately. And I realize how awful that sounds, but I’d be lying if I said the thought never crosses my mind.” I sit up straight, rubbing my hands together to brush off the grass stuck to my palms. “But I’d also be lying if I didn’t add that nothing brings me more joy, makes me feel more purposeful, than being a father to those two little brats.”

She laughs at this, but she doesn’t say anything, so I continue.

“Listen, Lena. If you want to have kids now, there’s nothing wrong with that.” I tap her arm to get her attention. “Hey, look at me. I mean it. Even if Yuri flies off the handle or accuses you of going back on your word or your pact—or whatever the fuck kind of deal you tw