We remained where we were, continuing talking about the weather or commenting on random things.

We caught Mr. Blackbourne and Nathan going into the main offices, walking in. I wondered if they planned to do similar to what we had done earlier, just go in, wait and then leave.

At some point, Silas motioned to me.

I readied myself, held my breath, put on the most serious face and turned.

I locked my eyes on Mr. Hendricks leaving the office.

I stared him down until he sensed it and gazed our way.

We did nothing but look at him. We didn’t move. We just monitored. And we made it obvious we were watching.

Mr. Hendricks dipped his hand into his pocket, pulling out a cell phone, and walked on down the hall. He pushed buttons on his phone. He turned once, looking back at us.

We kept our gazes on him.

He turned immediately and picked up the pace.

When he was out of sight, I let go of the breath I was holding and refocused on Silas. “Now what?”

“Victor will tell us where we need to go,” he said. He relaxed his shoulders and took to monitoring the students filing past. “Let’s stay out of trouble until...”

“Hey!” a familiar voice called to us. We turned to spot Rocky and Jay coming around the corner, heading right for us. Rocky flashed a sarcastic grin. He had an angled face and broad shoulders, and walked a little straight-legged, more like swaggering his hips. Jay seemed placid, his smooth head and stern looks reminding me of a young Vin Diesel.

Silas grumbled but he waved shortly at the two of them. “Yo,” he said.

“Haven’t seen you around, man,” Rocky said. He reached a hand out, offering it to Silas. “You avoiding us after the season ended?”

Silas shook his hand and then Jay’s. It was an odd scene. I couldn’t help picturing Rocky and Silas in a fight on my front lawn, and all the times we’d clashed. Rocky had been messing with some very harsh drugs. Before, I’d disliked him a lot, but once I’d experienced the type of drug he’d been taking, I sympathized. I didn’t fully blame him for all of his actions. I knew how powerful those drugs could be and how it affected his behavior.

“Been busy,” Silas said. He winked at me. “She wanted to sign up for the school we’re in. Was helping her out.”


“Wow,” Rocky said, raising an eyebrow. “Rocky’s girl getting into uniform.” He nodded and gazed at my outfit. “I approve.”

Silas shot him a look. Exactly what North warned him about, only I didn’t really want to punch him. That’d make it worse.

Jay elbowed him hard. “God, you’re an asshole.”

“I’m joking,” Rocky said sharply but then changed and refocused on Silas. “Hey, if you’re into it, the baseball team could use some new people.”

I brightened at this. Silas loved baseball.

Silas shrugged. “I’ll have to see if I have time.”

“Do it,” Rocky said. “Come on, man. We need someone who doesn’t suck. Fifty players and no one can hit a damn ball.”

Silas raised an eyebrow. “Are you serious? That’s how many are on the team?”

“Yeah, it’s ridiculous,” Jay said. “It’s worse than football tryouts or the cheerleaders. They let anyone on whatever team. I doubt they cut anyone.”

“That’s...really inclusive of them,” Silas said.

“Not really,” Jay said. “Everyone knows coaches will fudge your grades if you’ll sign up. So everyone wants on.”

“Makes it impossible to do away games,” Rocky said. “Or to stay organized. Usually it is the same star players actually playing. The rest are benched.”

“And never enough bench,” Jay muttered.

Rocky started moving on and Jay followed, only he looked back at me, his eyes a bit curious about the outfit as he looked at it before meeting my eyes. There was a slight nod. I couldn’t tell if he liked the uniform look or if he was telling me he liked the idea of me getting in with their school. Was he impressed?

“Hey, you two,” Victor said. “Go ahead and go into the main office with Mr. Blackbourne. But check in at the front desk. He’s heading back.”

The halls were thinning out. The bell would ring soon.

We left our post and crossed the hallway. Silas held the door open for me, and I waited for him.

He led the way to the front desk. I wasn’t sure how we were supposed to check in, so I was hoping he’d know what to do.

He positioned himself in a short line of other students waiting to sign in at the front desk. I wasn’t sure what they were signing for, but it took at least a minute for them to do it. And then after, the woman behind the counter checked their signature, and then signed a slip.

I realized it was people who had arrived late and needed a hall pass to get to a class that was possibly too far to walk to get to in time. But the longer we stood there, more people got into line behind us.

They weren’t getting in late. They couldn’t get to class on time so they got a pass just from going from class to class. Either on purpose because they lingered in a hallway, or they legitimately couldn’t get to class on time.

But the teacher didn’t bother to check in with them about why they were there. So many came in that she was signing slips before she checked the name and marked something on the paper.

Silas tapped me on the shoulder, and I turned in time to find Mr. Hendricks coming in the door. I zeroed in on him.

Until I noticed he was leading Karen in with him.

I lost my focus as Karen turned and saw me, an eyebrow going up when she recognized me.

It had been a while since I saw her. Her pixie-cut hairstyle was the same. She wore sport pants and a tank shirt, with a hoodie over it. She carried a book bag. She questioned me with a look.

I questioned her, too. What did Mr. Hendricks want with her?

I redirected my attention to the principal. I made sure to focus.

But he ignored me completely. He marched across the room, with Karen ahead of him, and directed her to his office.


Silas hand-signaled to me to leave the line, and we went to the hallway on the right. No one stopped us.

We hurried down the hallway to Mr. Bla

ckbourne’s office.

Nathan and Mr. Blackbourne were inside at the desks, with Nathan taking over Dr. Green’s.

Silas went to look over Mr. Blackbourne’s shoulder.

I went to Nathan.

His attention shifted to me quickly. When I turned to check out what he was doing, he reached up and placed a hand at the small of my back, holding me next to him while he focused on the monitor.

We were watching Ms. Johnson. Mr. Blackbourne must be watching Karen and Mr. Hendricks. I wanted to know what was going on, but I also didn’t want to leave Nathan.

Nathan made small circles with his fingertips at my back. “Went okay?” he asked quietly.

I nodded. I didn’t want to interrupt the others. I was aware Victor was listening, too. Things happened really quickly and there was so much I wanted to talk to him about, but we needed to focus.

Academy work was frustrating at times.

Unable to do much else, I put an arm around Nathan’s shoulder and just waited.

But there wasn’t much going on with Ms. Johnson. She was in class. I noticed a section of desks where four of us previously sat and attended the class. It felt like ages ago. Part of me still anticipated homework. I never imagined a time when things like grades and tests didn’t matter to me anymore. It was hard to shake.

Silas picked his head up and cocked an eyebrow, looking across at me. “He claims she’s in for breaking into lockers.”

I made a face. “When?”

“Apparently during homeroom,” he said.

“There’s no report of such a thing,” Mr. Blackbourne said. “There was no way for him to know this.”

“An excuse?” I asked. “To bring her in?”

Silas spoke, “He’s threatening calling the cops. A lot of bluff.”

“He wouldn’t dare,” Nathan said. “What’s he want?”

“How is she?” I asked.

“She’s glaring at him,” Mr. Blackbourne said. “She’s tough. I don’t know if I believe this about the lockers, but there are a lot of students we don’t know about.”

“I don’t think she’d do that,” I said but then stopped. “But didn’t he bring her in before for this?”