“Just in case we have to stop for gas. Although I don’t know why we bother. Kota likes to keep the caravan together. I’m just using the GPS to count down the miles.”

There was a long stretch of nothing in front of us. There were trees along the side of the roads and the occasional cutoff. We passed by farms and over some bridges as we traveled further south. “Are we going to Georgia?” I asked.

“We’re getting close,” North said. “But we aren’t leaving the state.”

“I’ve never been this far south,” I said.

“You’ve never been anywhere,” Silas said. “One day, we’ll go to an Atlanta game.”

“Maybe this summer,” North said. “After we get out of this school in the spring. We won’t have time before then.”

I smiled to myself, liking how they were thinking of the future with me around. I kept an eye on the map, trying to pinpoint Hunting Island without moving it from where North could see it. “Do we need to follow Victor? Do you know where to go?”

“We’re headed to the same place,” North said. “I’ve got directions. Just sit back and relax. We’ll get there soon.”

“But they’ll get there first,” I said. I leaned over the console more to check his speed. He was going just under the limit. “And they’re taking forever.”

“Kota really likes the speed limit,” North said. “He’d fuss at Victor if he went any faster.”

Silas grinned. “I think she’s in a hurry to get to the beach.”

“I just want to get there before Kota,” I said for no reason. I thought it would be a silly way to have fun with Kota. Maybe it’d help him relax if we were having fun before we got there.

North grunted. “I can fix that. Sit back and make sure your seatbelt is on.”

I sat back and made a show of snapping my seatbelt at my waist.

North checked his rearview mirrors and then stomped on the gas. The Jeep raced ahead, nearly meeting Victor’s bumper. He cut around Victor when it was safe and zoomed off ahead, weaving in front of him, and then continuing at a higher speed down the lane. The Jeep’s engine roared, making my heart race along with it.

North’s phone rang. Silas picked it up and answered it. “Sorry,” he said. “Sang wanted to beat Kota.”

I turned and looked back at Victor’s car. There wasn’t anyone along this stretch of road so no one was behind him now. It followed behind us for a moment, but suddenly the car slowed a lot.

My heart stopped. “What’s wrong?” I asked in a panic. “Did something happen to the car?”

Silas laughed, poking at North’s phone to hang up. “Victor heard you wanted to beat Kota there. So he’s helping.”

I laughed and turned to face forward. I leaned against Gabriel. “Victor’s cheating for me.”

Gabriel had his eyes closed and nudged me with an elbow. “You’re Trouble for him, too. Kota’s going to give us all a lecture later.”

I avoided looking at North’s dashboard, though when I did look, the speed remained at ten over the speed limit, keeping us way ahead of Kota and the others.

I was leaning back, staring off and daydreaming when Luke finally elbowed me. He pointed to a sign outside, a brown one with white lettering: Hunting Island.

“Is there really hunting?” I asked quietly. They’d said not at the camp, but I was wondering where the hunting would be happening and if we’d hear gunshots at all.

“Only for Sangs,” Luke said with a grin. “Good thing I brought a few Nerf guns.” He reached for my hand and held it, his fingers weaving between mine, squeezing as we shared our excitement.

Once we crossed a river onto the island, we were surrounded by trees. Eager to see a beach and what a campground would be like during the winter, I kept looking out the side windows, leaning against both Luke and Gabriel as I did. I had pictured a field that just ended at a beach, not woods like what I was seeing.

I struggled back into my jacket, sure that we’d be hopping out of the car into the cold at any moment. I scanned between the trees; all I could see was more trees and the road in front and behind us.

“I don’t see a beach,” I said.

“It’s somewhere around here,” North said.

He followed the signs that led the way to the campgrounds. Soon we approached a gray building, nestled in a cluster of trees. There was a barrier in the way, cutting off access down the road.

North pulled up, talked with the attendant in the booth and showed him our reservation, telling him there was another car following. The attendant passed him a map of the campgrounds with our camping spot circled in red.

“Your group has the campgrounds to yourselves this week,” the attendant said. “It’s low season, so we let the canteen and other attendants have the week off for the holidays, although someone should always be here at the security office, and one of our rangers lives on the property. Some visitors come for the open parks, but probably not this week.” He tipped his brown hat our way. “Enjoy. Come see me if you need anything. And don’t feed the bears. There’s information on the back of the map if you need it.”

“Bears?” I whispered as North eased the Jeep forward and made a left as the map directed.

“He’s kidding,” North said. “There’s no bears.”

“There’s bears,” Gabriel said, picking up his head, rolling it on the headrest and partially opening his eyes. “And coyotes.”

“There’s no coyotes,” North said.

“It’s fucking Hunting Island. What do you think they hunt around here? Look it up on Google.”

North squinted at the road he was following, and then at the map of the campgrounds. “Don’t look it up on Google, Baby.”

I was sure he was just saying that so I wouldn’t be afraid to camp. Secretly, I wondered if we could safely see bears this week without getting hurt.

He passed the map to Silas as he continued down the road. We took a few turns we assumed we needed to take, but he hesitated at a five-way intersection. There were signs, but the paint had faded and were hard to read.

North scratched his head and glared at the faded signs. “The map doesn’t show this kind of intersection. We were supposed to hit a three-way split. Did they add a couple roads since the map was made? Which way?”

Silas looked at the map and said, “He wrote instructions. We’re going the right way. This says head north for two more signposts and then east.”

“Great,” North said and leaned forward, checking the sky. “And it’s overcast. So which way is North?”

I pointed a finger straight ahead, between North and Silas, to the road in front of us.

Silas and North turned and stared at me, blinking.

I stared back, my eyebrows arching up. Wasn’t it obvious?

As a joke, I aimed my pointer finger at North’s face, then grinned and pointed back at the road.

“She’s fucking with us,” North said.

“No, I’m not,” I said. I jabbed my finger toward the road ahead of us. “That’s north.”

North grumbled. “We’ve been twisting around on roads surrounded by trees. There’s no sign of the ocean, and there’s no sun in the sky because of it being overcast. How the hell would you know?”

“The ocean is that way,” I said, pointing east, down the crossroad. I return my finger to aim ahead of us. “That’s North.”

“I’d listen to her,” Luke said. “It’s crazy. She’s got this wicked sense of direction. She can point it out in the dark. I’ve seen her do it.”

“Someone find a compass,” North said, twisting in his seat. “I want to see this.”

Gabriel pulled out his phone and punched at something on the screen. “I’m not getting a signal, so I can’t download the app. My compass is in the pack in the back.”

“I’ve got the app,” Silas said. “I might have just enough signal.” He held up his phone, showing a compass. The needle spun at first but came to point in the direction I had picked out. “She’s rig


“Son of a bitch,” North said. He smacked at the steering wheel before driving forward. He glanced at me in the rearview mirror. “How’d you know?”

“I just feel it. I always know where North is,” I said, meaning it literally but blushed, realizing what I’d said could have a double-meaning.

North glanced back at me, smirked and shook his head.

As we drove on, I noticed sites were marked off with spikes in the ground, each one numbered. North soon found our camping space. He parked in front of the flat patch of grass designated for parking.

I pushed at Luke to let me out. We’d been riding for forever and I was anxious to get out into the fresh air and stretch. I wanted to get all my stuff out and set up everything so I would be ready to have fun with Kota and the others. And then I wanted to find a beach. Maybe I could get Kota alone by asking to walk around and explore.

When everything was out of the Jeep, North planted his hands on his hips. “Should we wait for Kota? He’ll want to organize everything.”

“Sang,” Gabriel said, picking up the pink bag that held the tent components. “Do you want to set up your own tent? You should probably try it out. Give you some practice living in the wild.”

“I can?” I asked.