I could wash myself in the sink, but wouldn’t he notice if I never turned the shower on?

Before I could say anything, Kota moved ahead of me to the hallway bathroom. He opened the door, turning on the light, looking at the fog on the mirror. “Someone’s been in here already,” he said. “Hopefully there’s some hot water left.”

I stood in the doorway, holding myself together as Kota got a towel from the linen closet. “Go find some clothes so you can change,” he said.

I escaped to the bedroom, finding some breathing space as I searched in Nathan’s closet. Not a big deal. So I’d go into the bathroom, wait until Kota’s distracted and wash up in the sink. I pressed a hand to my chest, over my heart beating rapidly against my ribs. I searched for clothes that would be appropriate to wear today since it was colder. I found a pair of cotton black slacks and a large sweater that would fall over my hips and grabbed underwear and a bra.

I dropped all of the clothes at the sound of the shower turning on in the bathroom.

“Sang!” Kota called out to me. “Hurry up. I’m getting the water ready.”

I gasped in panic. I bent over, picking up the clothes with shaking hands, hugging them to my body so I wouldn’t drop them again.

But I couldn’t stand up. I remained frozen in fear, knees bent, head down, eyes closed. The patter of water spray hitting the shower tiles echoing in my head, all I could hear.

Telling myself to calm down, I tried to talk myself into moving. I could go into the bathroom. I had gone in before with Nathan when he thought he might be hurt. I didn’t have to actually go into the shower stall. The water didn’t have to touch me.

“Sang?” Kota called, his voice louder.

I forced myself to stand, to suck in some air and draw some courage. Don’t look at the shower. Just walk in and face the sink.