When they finally learned what Mr. Blackbourne and North had been up to, he was sure this was the way to go. Share her? He’d get to keep her and that was what mattered. He could picture it: their future together.

What he hadn’t thought of until later, was Sang’s strange reluctance now to hold his hand around the others. She stiffened whenever anyone touched her if anyone else was around. Alone, she was perfect, comfortable. In front of everyone, she froze.

She was uncomfortable, it was obvious. Maybe she wasn’t into the idea.

And if she wasn’t, then would she pick any of them? Or would she leave?

“She won’t leave,” Dr. Green said, reading his mind, a small smile on his face. “Did you see how she eventually opened up at the football game?”

“Did you see her playing with children?” Mr. Blackbourne asked. “Around the adults and people our own age, she was shy. She had no problem with the kids. That’s good. She’s opened up a lot since she’s been with us. She’s happier.”

“And she didn’t give in to Volto,” Dr. Green said. “She fought for us, in her own way, trying to convince him to back off. That doesn’t sound like someone not interested in staying with us.”

Luke wasn’t so sure. “She’s been different lately.”

“She’s been through a lot,” Mr. Blackbourne said. “Haven’t you?”

Luke blew out a breath and shifted, uncomfortable with sitting in the same position. He considered lying down in the back of the car. “Are you telling me I should stop assuming and just ask her?”

“I’ve asked her,” Mr. Blackbourne said, pulling off the highway and onto the road that lead to the hospital. “She’s worried about upsetting everyone else by saying yes. That’s what’s holding her back.”

Luke sat up then. “Really?’

“She thinks it’s selfish to say what she wants.”

Luke tried to blow a raspberry and then choked when it vibrated his nose painfully. He covered it, and groaned.

“Don’t do that,” Dr. Green said, turning in his seat and looking back. “No raspberries for you for a while. Those hurt when you’ve got a broken nose.”

“Thanks for the warning.”

“So are we any closer to figuring out who Volto is?” Dr. Green asked.

“No,” Luke said. “He was wearing different boots. He’ll be more careful now. He might have been slightly taller than me? He had some power to the punch, so he’s probably fit. With the outfit, it was hard to tell.”

“So it is a male?” Mr. Blackbourne asked.

Luke shrugged slowly. He really couldn’t be sure. “A tall girl with small breasts?”

“Or a girl wearing a sports bra and boots,” Dr. Green said. “I don’t mean to confuse us, but I had a few female suspects on my list, including Marie.”

“No way,” Luke said in a dramatic emphasis.

“She does have a gripe against us,” Dr. Green said. “And she might just tell Sang to get lost and get away from us, despite her cool exterior.”

Luke could see Marie telling Sang to get out for her own good but would Marie really put in the effort? Would she be so skilled?

Sang had some skills. She surprised him a lot with new talents that he hadn’t expected, like when she carried Sprinkles out quickly when they bought the skunk out from those drunk guys. And the time she helped him steal that camera.

He secretly considered that their first date. He’d been waiting for the following year, and to get her to do it again with him, only in a fake set up house and surprise her with a picnic inside. He smile at the idea, and then stopped when smiling so much hurt.

“I don’t see it being Marie,” Luke said.

“There’s a lot of people on our suspect list,” Mr. Blackbourne said. “Now we need to narrow it down. Outside of finding out why Mr. Hendricks is sticking around, we need to get to the bottom of Volto.”

Luke was silent for the rest of the ride, wishing he’d gotten to that black ski mask Volto wore, so he could have finally put to rest who he was. He scared Sang, not to mention the rest of them. Plus, he was crazy…or she was crazy.

Once they were at the hospital, Luke spent the next hour with Mr. Blackbourne in the waiting room, on an uncomfortable green sofa with nothing but a television playing the news for entertainment. Normally he’d wander around, but because he was sick, he had to sit still, away from everyone, and every angle he tried to sit or lay down, he ended up hurting. Dr. Green sent everyone’s samples to the lab to test for strep, and then ordered Luke’s X-Ray.

When it was finally time, Luke was got a table for the X-Ray, with Dr. Green and Mr. Blackbourne standing by. He remembered Sang doing this not too long ago. “If it’s just broken, there’s not much you can do,” he said.

“Just sit still,” Dr. Green said. “Don’t move.”

Luke sighed and stilled. He fiddled with the hem of his jeans, waiting.

He pictured Sang, sick in the bed between him and Gabriel. Maybe he needed to talk to her and Gabriel together. They needed to figure out why Sang cringed around the others when they were watching, or when she was discovered, like when Kota had kissed her forehead. She needed to know that was progress.

Maybe that’s what he needed to do. He needed to show her that it was okay to daydream of all of them together, and that soon, once everyone was in on the plan, she wouldn’t need to worry. Jealousy was something they may have to work through, but Luke was sure if they talked it through, they could make it work.

Or maybe, maybe he needed to talk to Kota himself? Or to any of them who doubted this could work.

Being open and honest was the only way it could work. Liam and Lily had been right. When he spoke to them, they said over and over again that honesty was what mattered.

The truth was, it wasn’t just Volto Luke was hunting. He’d spent a lot of time going back to Liam to talk to him. Liam often met him halfway at a coffee shop. They talked about relationships, about jealousy. Liam told him tricks that helped with his own family. Luke asked questions, often of what it was like in that secret, hidden house they all lived in.

A house much like the one he lived in now—the old Victorian house Uncle wanted to fix up, and flip.

Maybe they would buy it from him.

Luke grew excited by the idea of it. He hadn’t pictured the house as anything more than a rotting old building. He was never the construction type. It was too big for Luke to picture living in for himself, even with Uncle and North. Prior to meeting Sang, it was just a means to some income.

However, North had his garage there. There was plenty of space around, like trees they could cut down to make room for additions.

With some work, it could be a lot like what Lily had: a secure place where no one would bother them. There were plenty of bedrooms, or they could add some. He didn’t mind sharing, but he guessed a few of them might appreciate having their own space. If they did it right, it would be like a mansion.

A mansion for Sang, hidden from the rest of the world. Safe. They could all live there.

“Luke,” Dr. Green said in a soft voice. “You’re done.”

Luke breathed in deeply, sitting up, suddenly very excited by the idea. “Can I go home now?”

Dr. Green chuckled. “Don’t you want me to fix your nose?”

Luke made a face. He was tempted to say no so he could rush home, but just nodded and let Dr. Green work on his face while he got lost in his own thoughts.

He wanted to talk to North. He’d help him with the house. He’d promise to take care of the skunk, or find it a new home if he really didn’t like it, and he’d be on his best behavior.

He’d ask North his ideas for the old house, that perhaps they could rework it.

There was a catch: Would the rest of the team approve?

Would Sang?

Thank you!

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The Academy Ghost Bird Series:


First Days

Friends vs. Family

Forgiveness and Permission

Drop of Doubt

Push and Shove

House of Korba

The Other Side of Envy