I nudged Luke, and made him scoot. “Get on the other side?” I said.

Gabriel crawled over Luke and me, crashing into the wall and then settling down into the bed, face first into the pillow. “Fuck me,” he said, his voice muffled. “Sick. Fuck. Shit. Sick. Fuck. Fuck…”

“Hey,” North barked. “Enough.”

Gabriel groaned but then quieted. He reached for the blanket, wriggling for space. “Luke, you’re taking the whole bed.”

“Sang’s taking the whole bed.”

“Oh my god,” North said. “One of you roll out the other bed please?”

“I’ll do it,” Kota said. “One of you get up, and you can have the whole roll out bed to yourself.”

No one moved. I was squeezed beside Luke and Gabriel, flat on my back. The bed wasn’t as big as Nathan’s, so it was a tight fit. I was sweating, but I didn’t want to complain. I wanted them there and wouldn’t ask either one to jump out to the other bed.

“And how in the world is it the three of you who’re sick?” North asked. He came closer, hovering over the bed and looking down with those dark eyes. “Explain that to me.”

I stared at him, wide-eyed with my lips pressed together. If it was just us, then how? When?

The only thing I could come up with was that we’d gone out on Black Friday. Didn’t he know about it? He must have since we went all weekend dealing with the aftermath.

“We’ve all been in and out of public areas, not to mention we were all together on Thanksgiving,” Kota said. He sighed loudly. “Do you want me to stay? I might as well.”

“Actually, I could use more green tea,” North said.

Everyone in the bed groaned, even Gabriel. He must have had North’s green tea before, too. I’d had some green tea in the past, but North’s was particularly heavily flavored, like he dumped a lot of tea into the water.

Kota chuckled. “Let me check in at school again. I can go pick some up. I may need to be around in case anyone else drops.” He walked back downstairs and I listened for a car driving away.

North gathered some more pills for Gabriel. He tossed all the discarded clothes, including my bra, into a basket he got from Kota’s closet in a heap. I wondered who would wash it, and thought I should eventually when I was better, so no one had to figure out what to do with a bra.

Then he pulled out the roll out bed, and found a pillow for it. When Luke and Gabriel refused to move, North used it instead, lying down on top of the blanket, his arms crossed.

Everyone slept for what felt like a long while. I woke up a few times, but kept my eyes closed, listening.

My throat was still itchy and raw.

I pictured Kota’s kitchen, wanting to find marshmallows. It was all I could think about. My throat hurt and I knew marshmallows would make it feel better.

I got up and slowly crawled to the foot of the bed as carefully as I could to not disturb the others.

The boys were still sleeping, even North. We’d all been running around; maybe he was worn out. Maybe he was getting sick, too. Maybe that’s why he’d offered to stay.

I went to the bathroom quickly, in case they woke while I was moving around.

When I opened the door again, Luke had turned into Gabriel, and Gabriel had an arm flung around him.

It was cute, and I wished I had a camera to snap a picture. Seeing those two together like that made me sorry I’d ever thought Luke was Volto. Would he hurt Gabriel by deleting stuff from his phone? Would he do anything to any of us? Kota was right. I was an idiot before for thinking it even for a second.

I quietly shuffled across the floor and then down Kota’s stairs, opened the door at the bottom quietly, and tiptoed out toward the kitchen.

I opened every cabinet, staring into it, wondering where they’d keep the marshmallows. I’d been in their kitchen before, but with my brain not working well with a fever, I forgot where everything was.

Dishes? No. I opened another. Spices? I stared at them for a long time, my brain trying to figure out if marshmallows could be in a spice cabinet. The medicine made it hard to focus. I even opened the fridge. I dug through all areas as quietly as I could in search of anything resembling a marshmallow.

Nothing. Not one.

Maybe North had hid them so I wouldn’t find them. Or maybe Erica was out of marshmallows at the moment.

My brain searched for alternatives. I was tired and my body was sore, but I knew what I wanted. I was sure Luke would want marshmallows, too, especially if his throat was sore.

I wanted to make him happy, possibly making up for what I had been thinking, accusing him of being Volto.

Then I remembered: my old house had marshmallows. I wasn’t sure about Nathan’s, though. I couldn’t recall any being at his house. At my old house, they were always in the food pantry. We didn’t go through many of them, but I was sure the last time I’d been there, there had been some.

I went to the back door. Max appeared and followed me. I petted him on the head, asked him to be quiet, and I walked out in the pajamas. I found a pair of flip flops by the door, assumed they were Kota’s because they were green, and used those to walk out.

I realized in the garage I probably looked crazy. I reached back, feeling tangles in my hair. I didn’t have a clip this time. I combed what I could as I walked. I hoped anyone else on the street would be at work.

The cool air was crisp, feeling good against my hot skin. The road between Kota’s house and my old one felt like a hundred miles long, though. Halfway there, I considered heading back. It was too hard, I was too tired.

I’d gone this far, I told myself, and carried on.

My old house had an eerie feeling to it, even as I approached it now. When I’d lived here before, it was still a new home to me. We’d only been in town a short while before I ran into Kota…and then everything changed. The gray, two-story house felt like a distant memory, and yet it felt like yesterday, too, when I had felt trapped inside it.

I went to the side door, knowing better than to go in through the front. My stepmother might hear me.

She’s in the hospital, I told myself. Don’t you remember?


The door wasn’t locked. I reminded myself to tell Marie to lock it. Maybe I should leave a note.

I stepped inside the door and looked around. The orange couch in the living room had a popcorn bowl on it. Soda cans were scattered on the floor. The television was off.

The computer in the corner was gone. What had happened to that?

Curious, I went up the back steps, moving slowly because my body was so tired, but I wanted to see the rest of the house. Maybe there was something I’d left behind that was important. The air smelled like perfume and bacon. Had someone fried bacon in here recently?

We never had perfume.

Other people had been in this house. Derrick and Danielle, maybe others. My nose picked up such strange smells; the house wasn’t familiar to me anymore.

My old bedroom door was open. I peered inside. I’d left books on the bookshelf and a few other items I hadn’t needed to carry over to Nathan’s house.

The bedroom seemed to be as I left it. There were a few clothes on the floor. Marie had gotten into the closet again. There was nothing but the bed I slept in. The top of it looked rumpled, perhaps Danielle or Derrick slept on it if he spent the night.

I checked in on Marie’s room. There were clothes all over her floor. Cups of water sat on her dresser. There were magazines in a pile. She had no one to tell her to clean up anymore.

The computer was upstairs in her room, a wire from it running down the front steps and around to the living room. If she had the whole house to herself, why had she brought it up here?

Tired of snooping, I went down the front steps, heading toward the kitchen. I didn’t look in on my stepmother’s bedroom.

The kitchen was a disaster. There were dishes piled high in the sink. The floor was grimy, sticky. The counters were cluttered with

chip bags, cookies and other junk food.

Had Kota bought her those? Was she able to get to the store on her own? I wasn’t sure how things worked here anymore.

I went to the pantry and found a bag of mini marshmallows and almost cried in relief. I opened them, letting two slide down my throat.

My soreness started to ease. Marshmallows were magic.

I closed the door, holding the bag of marshmallows in my hand, considering how I could get them back without North discovering them. Could I sneak the bag into the bed and where we could feed on them in secret? North usually had great hearing. I worried he might discover us.

The air shifted around me. Someone had opened the door.

I grimaced, expecting North. He’d fuss at me for leaving the house, especially over marshmallows.

But as I turned, there stood Volto. White mask. Dark clothes.

In broad daylight?