“The ranks?” I asked.

“They don’t usually watch football. They’re not very much into sports. They enjoy the rivalry though.”

I shook my head, looking at the homes they’d disappeared into. It was odd to have been thinking such dark thoughts about Luke, and then to see him now, enjoying the Thanksgiving events with everyone else. That didn’t seem like a Volto who was so worried about me being with someone else.

Still, the circumstances…

Dr. Green urged me to collect some of the smaller pumpkins. The others were setting up tables in rows spaced evenly apart, guided by Mr. Blackbourne.

Dr. Green and I placed tablecloths on each unfolded table, and a pumpkin in the center of each one to ensure the tablecloth stayed put in the breeze until it was time to set food down on them.

The two buffet tables were placed away from the others, and Dr. Green directed me to begin loading it with the supplies that were still in the back of the BMW.

“I’m glad we’re doing it buffet style this time,” he said. “North figured out a way to handle cleanup much faster this year, so no one is stuck with too much work after eating.”

It was interesting to hear the ‘this year’ part. So they did Thanksgiving in this neighborhood every year?

If I were still with them next year, perhaps it would mean I would join them again. It changed my perspective of this a little to know I wasn’t just going to be here for the day and disappear. I peeked at faces of the others around when they didn’t seem to be paying attention. They seemed nice, but what did they think about me joining in?

After the tables were set and the chairs were unfolded and placed around the tables, I looked up to see Victor’s BMW rolling down the street. It was a relief to see it. Not that Dr. Green or Mr. Blackbourne weren’t great company, but they were often busy talking to the neighbors, and if I had nothing left to do, or had a question, I had to approach the group.

Victor parked his car behind a carport in a different driveway. Just as Kota, Nathan and Victor were getting out of the car, North arrived with Silas in a black truck. Had I seen this one before? North had so many black vehicles, that they all looked alike to me.

North drove the truck all the way to the end of the cul-de-sac, stopping short of the tables at the end. Then he pulled around, so the rear of the truck was facing the tables.

He hopped out, wearing the same black ensemble as he’d been in at the diner, except half of the buttons down the shirt were undone, revealing the black tank shirt underneath. It was a striking look, showing of his chest and the muscles in his shoulders. It was also nicer than his usual black T-shirt and jeans.

Silas was wearing tan slacks and a dark blue button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up beyond his elbows. Despite his more formal attire, Silas couldn’t hide his bulky, muscular body. His dark hair was combed neatly and the blue in his shirt complemented his olive complexion.

I wanted to say hello, but North had the truck door open and directed the attention of Mr. Blackbourne quickly. “I’m running late. The game will be over soon. There’s only thirty minutes left.”

“There will be plenty of time-outs and commercial breaks before then,” Mr. Blackbourne said.

Like they’d orchestrated it, they suddenly fell into line, carrying boxes and containers out of the truck. It became a process of unloading the small turkeys, hams and side dishes, and arranging them into two rows down the buffet tables. The far end was loaded with pumpkin pies and a couple of chocolate cakes that Nathan said Luke had added to the collection. “Borrowed from Uncle’s freezer,” he said with a wink.

I helped where I could, but even then, it became impossible to follow after a while. They moved so fast, that I was left to watch, dazzled by the cheerful and cooperative way they worked together.

In the end, it was a spread to feed a small army.

Eventually, Victor pulled away from the others as they were sorting dishes, and I moved around to join him. The red tie he wore was flipped over and I watched as he smoothed his hand down to fix it. His fire eyes lifted and met with mine as I approached; and a spark started, low at first but lit up to a gentle crackle when I reached him.

He waited until I was close until he spoke. “I don’t think I’ve had a chance to tell you I like the gray skirt with the pink blouse. I like those colors together.”

I blushed. “Thank you.”

A small smile formed on his lips. “You don’t have to thank me for a compliment.”

I didn’t know how to respond, so I changed the subject. “It’s been a really busy day so far,” I said.

“It isn’t the end for us yet,” he said. He nodded toward the tables. “This is our noon shift.”

My eyes widened. “Oh? What happens after?”

His eyes blazed with amusement. He reached out to rub the center of my back gently, smoothing the material of the jacket. “It gets easier,” he said. “It’s just more to do. Some of us have to go back for our own family things.”

So they did do something with their own families. “I had assumed that would be all we’d be doing today,” I said. “I had expected to have dinner with Nathan, unless he went to Kota’s. I was trying to figure out where I was going to go.”

“You can go wherever you’d like,” he said quickly, and then his smile faltered. “Well, I’d invite you to my house...except my parents will be there.”

I kept the smile, sympathizing with him. He didn’t have to say so, but I already knew his parents, Jasmine and George would be at his family Thanksgiving. George was someone I hoped to avoid as I’d found him to be very crude. Jasmine, I was unsure of; she’d seemed curious about me before, though sad her son wouldn’t allow her to talk to me. I trusted there was a reason Victor avoided having me around when they were home.

“In a few years, I won’t have to go, either,” he said with a smile. “Once I turn eighteen, I hope to be conveniently busy with life.” The palm of his hand smoothed down over my back again. “It’ll all be different.”

I got what he was hinting at, and yet, I still couldn’t picture our future. I didn’t think any of us knew for sure what it might look like. Truthfully, I had a hard enough time picturing next week.

Finally the food was ready.

“Let’s eat,” the woman with the yellow bandana said. “Why do we have to wait on those watching the game?”

“We wait because we should,” someone else said. “It’s Thanksgiving.”

“Not fair,” the woman said. “I’m pretty sure I saw Hugh stealing a bite already.”

They all laughed, but no one sat down, remaining patient as they chatted and waited for the others.

A few minutes later, person after person spilled out of the two homes, each of them wearing team colors and all of them headed toward the tables. Younger kids with some older adults and teenagers came out of a third house up the street and headed our way.

My insides trembled, and I backed up out of reflex, wanting to get out of the way. As more people emerged from the houses, I felt even smaller. So many people lived on this block?

Victor pressed his hand to my back, but stepped beside me, smiling. “It’s okay,” he said. “I know it looks like a stampede.”

I was grateful for his presence and leaned into him, using his body for support. He stayed with me, watching as peopled passed us.

“I get nervous, too,” he said quietly. He leaned in closer, whispering to me. “Just stay near me, sweetheart.” He kissed my ear, and then began greeting people as they passed.

Gabriel and Luke trailed behind at the end of the group. Gabriel had removed his sweater, wearing only the orange T-shirt. He wiped at his forehead, brushing back the locks of blond and mixing it with the russet. “Whew,” he said. “Fuck a duck. It was roasting in that room. Two televisions and everyone crowded in that space.”

“Yours was hot? I think the heater is broken where I was.” Luke said. His fists were clenched at his sides and then he crossed

his arms over his lean chest, shivering. “I was hoping it would be warmer out here.” He opened his arms up and went toward Victor, hugging him around the waste. “Vic…I’m so cold.”

“Luke!” Victor cried out, pulling away from me for a moment to grab Luke’s elbows and try to push him away. “Stop it.”

“Freezing,” Luke said, his lips in a pout, but his eyes betrayed his amusement. He held on tighter, nuzzled at his shoulder. “Fix that house.”

“If you’re talking about Marge’s house, she doesn’t like wasting electricity when you could be wearing a sweater,” Victor said, still pushing Luke away, and stepped around me, putting me in the middle.

Luke released Victor and then went for me, arms wide, and pulled me into him, holding close. He turned me so he could look back at the house he’d come from. “Oh, wait, is that Marge’s? Or is it Frank’s?”

This started a debate among them, as they pointed and worked out who lived in which house. I got lost after the first few, and didn’t know who was Marge or Frank or anyone else. Luke eventually let go, the teasing done. I stood beside them watching while the others were forming two lines around the buffet table.

It was a little chilly, but the sun overhead gave off a gentle warmth. The jacket I wore seemed to be enough for now.