Kota lead the way down the narrow hall. From that moment on, it was a shuffle and I forgot to look at faces or watch for secret handshakes or whatever the Academy did.

Even in the back, there was a line and people shuffling along. To me, it looked like chaos, and I scooted close to Kota, staying at his back, peeking around his shoulder at the crowd.

We ended up in a moving line and I wasn’t even sure where we were headed until we got close to the kitchen and I started to smell the food. My cheek was pressed to Kota’s shoulder, and Nathan was standing right behind me. Without them, I probably would have fainted from nerves.

The line moved slowly, but steadily. Soon, we were standing just inside the doorway to the kitchen. There were two lines of people standing around the large silver table in the middle. Now, under the bright florescent lights, I was able to recognize the others: waiters, waitresses, dishwashers and others employees of the diner.

Behind the silver table was Uncle, along with a couple more of the diner chefs. He had on a plain blue button up shirt, although the buttons were open, revealing a T-shirt underneath. The kitchen was warm, so I imagined he was working up a sweat as he worked.

As people got closer to the silver table, they picked up one of the large cardboard boxes from a stack. They went down the line, stopping in front of each chef’s station.

Each box received a small, already cooked and wrapped turkey and ham at the bottom: the largest items. On top, containers of vegetables, breads and desserts were piled in, along with napkins, plastic cutlery and paper plates. Every container was made of disposable materials.

I was shuffled into the line, and given my own box to hold. Uncle was in charge of the turkeys. He kept the rhythm, moving us along and encouraging the others to keep up—an important job with all the food that needed to go out.

Kota went first and Uncle dropped a turkey container into his box. Uncle seemed to be so absorbed in what he was doing, that he didn’t say anything to Kota at all. He was just another face who passed by.

However, when I went next, holding my box open, Uncle looked up at me and offered me a frenzied smile. “Good morning, little bird,” he said. “About time you joined us today.”

My smile wobbled. I’d had no idea I was even going to be here until ten minutes ago.

But he winked at me, so maybe he was joking.

As I made my way down the line, receiving the rest of the items, I was unsure what I was supposed to do after I filled the box. Was I supposed to buy it? Would I have to carry it back to the house to put it in one of the cars?

Kota went through the line and paused to wait for me and Nathan. Grateful, I shuffled in behind him. We threaded our way back down the hall, except this time, Kota turned and pushed through the swinging door of the main dining room.

My heart beat rapidly. Though my arms were quickly getting tired, I held the box close to my body, the bottom starting to warm with the hot turkey and ham. I held it like a shield, as if they would only see the box, and not me behind it.

The large dining area had changed. The usual tables and booths had been moved to the far sides of the room. There was a line to the counter. Some people had gathered near the stage off to the side, near the jukebox that was playing holiday music, talking and watching the line.

North was at the counter. He wore a black button up shirt and dark jeans. He was talking with someone as he counted cash and put it into a cash box next to him.

Victor stood beside him, dashing in his black slacks and white shirt, but this time, he wore a red tie. His wavy hair was brushed back away from his face and his fire eyes were simmering, friendly. He was jotting down things in a notebook as North spoke to him—taking notes or keeping tallies.

Dr. Green was there, too, wearing tan slacks and a green button up shirt and a yellow tie. His hair was a little messy, the light curls to his sandy blond hair occasionally flying into his face as he moved. He took boxes from people coming up, placed them in sets of two or four or six, and handed them off to the people on the other side of the counter.

He was here! It was a relief to see him. I wanted to talk to him, but with the flurry of activity, I was so distracted.

Luke and Gabriel stood by in front of the counter, but I only saw them for a moment, before they both picked up boxes and joined other groups in carrying them out.

I scanned the crowd, seeking out other familiar faces. Silas walked in with a group of young kids, leading them to the spot in front of the stage where there were other kids playing with trucks and Legos.

Silas sat down with them and seemed to be playing with them. Was he babysitting while parents got what they needed?

Finally, I noticed Mr. Blackbourne standing by the main door. Last night seemed like almost a dream now. He was in a fresh suit, the usual gray and maroon tie. His hair was perfection. His eyes showed no signs that he was tired at all. He greeted people as they entered and directed them to the lines.

It was controlled chaos. They were all working together to get the job done. Should I have expected any less from people who belonged to the Academy?

I didn’t dare look at anyone’s face, worried they might know I wasn’t really a part of the group yet. Did they all know each other?

Kota put his box on the counter. I put mine next to his and stopped, watching. Most people handed off their boxes and then went back into the kitchen again, presumably to make up more.

But instead of going back, I lingered, slowly shifting to stand next to Victor.

Victor wrote something in his notebook and then quietly looked up, smiling when he saw me. “Good morning, Princess,” he said.

I’d seen him throughout the week, but like always, when I hadn’t seen one of them alone in a while, I missed him dearly. It was too loud and busy to tell him, so I settled for a smile and reached for his hand.

He seemed to understand and grasped mine, his thumb tracing the back of my hand. “I can’t take a break,” he said. “North will—”

“Hey,” North said gruffly. “Keep up, will you? Twenty-seven fifty.”

Victor grimaced, squeezed my hand once, and then let go, returning his focus to his notes.

I retreated and found Kota standing nearby, waiting for me.

I smiled at him and clasped my hands behind my back, feeling out of place, yet strangely…happy, even with the big crowd of people rushing around. I didn’t understand my feelings at all.

Kota curled his fingers at me, encouraging me to follow him. When I got close, he put an arm around my shoulders, drawing me back to the line that lead into the kitchen. “Stay near me,” he said quietly. “Don’t be nervous. It’s easier if you just keep going. Carry boxes to Dr. Green. If we get separated, and you need a break, just come find me.”

I was nervous, but found comfort in the simplicity of the task: collecting a box, getting it loaded, and giving it to Dr. Green. As long as I was moving forward, it felt like I was blending in, part of a team, of something much, much bigger.


It was almost noon before the line from the door thinned. I didn’t know if all of them were in the Academy—there were so many. Kota later told me that they were work mates or friends, who had heard of this special event, and decided to take part.

I’d just carried another box to the counter and was wiping the thin film of sweat from my forehead when I felt a gentle touch on my elbow.

I turned, surprised to see Dr. Green. He’d loosened his yellow tie, but was now putting it back into place. “Looks like the crowds have gone. Ready for a break?”

I smiled, hesitating. I hadn’t spoken to him since his incident with the school. I felt horrible about it, and I wanted to say something, but wasn’t going to when there were other people around. Things wouldn’t be right between us until I could apologize for being part of the reason behind him being accused.

He didn’t seem to notice my hesitation. He side-stepped to stand next to me, put his arm around my shoulders and then walk

ed with me toward the front door.

I cringed, wanting to be comfortable, but aware that people would look at us and know what had happened. Even if I hadn’t been the cause, which I wasn’t sure of yet, I strongly suspected, simply because no one had said anything to me. I’d kissed Dr. Green. Someone who didn’t know us, know the real us, might have tattled and caused the trouble. Rather, he’d gotten into trouble, and for whatever reason, I hadn’t even been asked what had happened. I’d been grateful that hadn’t been, but at the same time, wished I could have defended him.

I got the feeling that Mr. Blackbourne might have prevented anyone from speaking to me about it.

Right now, with his arm around me, I wished we could be alone. It was a shame that he’d started out as my teacher, even a fake one. He shouldn’t even be a teacher at his age, only nineteen? He should be starting college, still a student himself.

But that’s not how it appeared from the outside. If someone at school had spotted us kissing, all they saw was a teacher and a student. Just like if someone knew I slept in the same bed as the other boys, they would see what they wanted to see, and not the circumstances behind it or the truth.

I was considering this thought when Dr. Green paused in the hallway as we headed to the front door.

I looked up to see Mr. Blackbourne holding the door open. The buttons of his gray jacket were in place, and he looked just as handsome and as perfect as earlier. The rush hadn’t fazed him. “Is it time?” he asked Dr. Green quietly.

“There’s not much left. We might have underestimated the turnout a bit,” Dr. Green said, picking up the pace again, removing his arm from my shoulders. “I thought she could go with us ahead of the others.”