“We don’t need to snoop,” I said. “I just want to make sure he’s safe. That’s all.”

He inclined his head slowly forward, almost a nod. “Let’s just get this over with.”

I fell behind them as they peeked in North’s trailer windows. I wondered if he was watching us from the diner, or if he’d gone back to the house with Kota and Gabriel.

Silas and Nathan wanted to start at the trailer, circle the woods to the garage, and then travel around to the back of the main house.

The trailer was dark, empty. We only had to glance through one of the garage windows to see Luke wasn’t in there, unless he was sitting in the dark behind one of the vehicles inside.

The main house was an old Victorian, with a turret and huge porches. A lot of the windows had been replaced with new ones, but the outside looked shabby and was in bad need of some paint.

Silas asked Nathan and I to stay in the woods while he peeked into the lower windows of the house. The windows were high, and even he needed to stand on his toes to look in.

“I don’t think he’s here,” Nathan said as he put an arm around my shoulders.

I leaned into him, feeling odd to be standing in the dark woods, sneaking around. Since Silas had said he was uncomfortable spying on Luke, I was starting to feel the same way. I wished there was an easier way to check on him. Even spotting him on the cameras would at least confirm he was okay. “When I called him, he said he was on his way to town. When we checked where his phone was, it said he was here. How could he answer his phone if he wasn’t here?”

“He could have left before we made it here,” Nathan said.

“I don’t know…” I said, getting worried. “Something just doesn’t feel right.”

“Spying on someone never feels right,” Nathan said.

Silas waved at us, signaling for us to come along. He walked onto the back porch.

Nathan and I joined him. We each peeked into windows, seeing rooms filled with ladders and wood and paint buckets and wallpaper. It wasn’t a wonder that North was still living in the trailer; the house didn’t really seem livable.

“Let’s just go in for now,” Silas said. “Let’s just tell him McCoy was spotted nearby and we were checking to make sure he’s not inside the house.”

“Okay, but say it was someone else,” Nathan said. “We wouldn’t have Sang here if it was McCoy.”

Silas shrugged, thinking. “Rocky? Maybe looking for North?”

Nathan nodded and then pointed to the door. “That’d be strange enough.”

Silas tested the back door, finding it locked. He pulled out his keys, unlocked it and let us in.

The back hallway led to a kitchen to the right. Further on, there was a front parlor and to the left there was a set of stairs, and beyond that, more rooms. The smell was a mixture of paint, wood, and must. My nose tingled and I kept my elbow near my face, waiting for a sneeze that never came.

Silas lifted a roll of wallpaper that was on a side table. “I wish North had told me he was still sanding the walls down. I could have helped.”

“He likes to wait until you have a free couple of days,” Nathan said. He bent down and scooped up a stack of used-up sandpaper. “You know him. He wants to go nonstop for two days and then chill for a week to do Academy stuff. He works in stages. Some of this is probably Uncle. He’s the one that leaves a mess after he works. He doesn’t clean up until the job is done.”

I walked around them, tidying up a bit. I couldn’t help but smile to myself at hearing their talk about wanting to help North. It’s not like we’d had loads of time lately.

I wandered through a downstairs hallway, feeling small as the rooms were large with high-ceilings, our footsteps echoing off the bare walls. One was lined with a bunch of empty bookshelves. Another was a bathroom with really old black and white tile and a claw-foot tub but was missing a toilet and a sink.

When I circled back, the boys were in the kitchen, looking around at the work that had been done. I left them and climbed the stairs quietly. Luke wasn’t here if we were making this much noise and he hadn’t come down to see what was going on.

The stairs were solid and I could sneak up them very quietly without much effort. Either they were original and built well, or North had fixed or replaced them and had done an amazing job.

Once I was up the stairs, I was faced with a lot of closed doors. I opened the first one to the right and found a large bedroom. There was a lower level toward the front of the house, and then two steps that went to an upper room.

On the upper level there was a white metal-framed bed covered with light blue blankets. On the white painted nightstand sat a soda can and an empty candy bar wrapper.

This had to be Luke’s bedroom.

I stepped in quietly, closing the door behind me. I stood just inside the door, surveying the room.

It was strange to be in the room without permission, and yet at the same time, I felt comfortable being there.

I noticed the lower level had a couch and an entertainment center with various game systems. His 3DS was on the couch and I went to it, opening it to find a paused game: Animal Crossing. He was still playing? I’d almost forgotten about my little town.

I put the DS back where I’d found it. Boxes were lined up against the wall, some filled with wallpaper and tiles, and others holding personal objects, stacks of books, collectables.

I tried not to be too nosy, but I couldn’t help wanting to poke around. I did a circle of the lower level, peeking inside the boxes, but not reaching in for anything. I spotted a box filled with very random items: a black-handled hammer, a blue Frisbee, a worn and faded leather wallet, a couple of old day planners.

Several had names that weren’t his. Did he…steal these? And kept them?

I went to the second level and sat on the bed. The mattress was firm and felt new, even if the frame seemed to be an antique. There were posters on the walls, mostly of faraway places like exotic beaches and waterfalls.

Did he want to travel? Or did he just like the look of the places?

The smell of the bedroom was like a lot of the rest of the house, musty and of wood and paint, but there was a layer of sugar and vanilla the deeper I got into Luke’s bedroom.

I noticed a closet and got up to look inside. Clothes, many sorted by—I assumed—Gabriel. There was a lot of blue, white T-shirts, and jeans. There were a few nicer clothes, and several sets of the faux uniform they wore at school. There was a small bucket for dirty clothes.

The smell of vanilla was the strongest in here.

I was about to leave when I spotted some pink. It was hanging behind a lot of his other clothes. It was just a small little bit of cloth that poked out.

What would Luke wear that was pink?

I leaned in, pushing the other hanging clothes out of the way for a look.

It was a pink tank top, very girly, and familiar. Was it mine?

I tried

to recall how Luke would have it.

Then I spotted another shirt, a lightweight yellow hoodie.

There was a skirt, too, blue, older. One I hadn’t worn in a while.

I froze then, seeing more clothes in the back that had once belonged to me. It was a small section of clothes that had been used when I’d gotten them.

Clothes I hadn’t seen since…

My mouth fell open. I couldn’t move at all. I just stared. Disbelief. No. He wouldn’t have.

Danielle, the neighbor up the road, had stolen a bunch of my clothes. The group consensus among the boys was that she’d keep them, but Victor and the others had bought me new items.

She’d thought she’d won, even if none of the clothes fit her and she didn’t even wear them since once getting sent home from school for having too short a skirt.

I’d already forgotten about them.

But thinking back, Luke had been upset. Maybe he hadn’t forgotten.

I’d told him not to sneak into Danielle’s house and take the clothes back. He clearly did at some point, yet he didn’t give them back. When would he have done it?

And why didn’t he tell me?

Was it because I told him I’d never talk to him again if he tried? I was sure back then any confrontation with Danielle, like stealing the clothes back, would result in Danielle confronting my stepmother and causing many more problems than a few missed outfits.

He had asked me to trust him, and I had begged him not to do it.

He’d done it anyway, for whatever reason. When and how was unclear, but he obviously hadn’t been able to let it go like I thought he had.

I backed out of the closet and returned to sit on the bed. Mixed feelings crossed through my mind. Should I be flattered he cared so much to take them back? Upset that he had taken such a risk?

Scared that he’d do it and not tell anyone?

How many other secrets was he keeping?

I blew a warm breath from my lips. I wished he was here. I wanted to believe in Luke, but I needed some reassurance. He was so playful and fun, and yet…he cared so deeply. So much so that he’d put himself at risk just to right Danielle’s wrong against me.