Gabriel went back to the window, looking in on them. He wanted to go to Sang, to hug her and tell her it didn’t mean anything. That they would find a way. He waited, though in case they revealed anything...

“She thinks she can come in here and demand to ask me anything,” Mrs. Sorenson spat. “Spoiled brat.”

Marie nodded. “She’s too much like dad.”

Mrs. Sorenson made a sour face. “She’ll end up just like her mother.”

“Did you know her?” Marie asked.

Gabriel leaned in again, his heart racing. “Say it,” he whispered quietly. “Come on. Say it.”

Mrs. Sorenson pulled her head back, recoiling. “Of course I knew her. But it’s disgusting. She was his teenaged cousin. Would you believe?” She waved her hand at Marie. “Why do you think we never visit them anymore? They blamed him when she was the one sneaking off with him. His aunt and his mother were close, and the cousin lived nearby his old home. He’d go to visit, and pretend to take his little cousin out for pizza.”

“I don’t remember a cousin,” Marie said.

“You wouldn’t,” Mrs. Sorenson said. “You were too young to remember. Best you don’t. And it doesn’t matter anyway. The girl’s dead.” She pointed out to the hall.

“Did he really rape her?”

“It’s rape, as far as I’m concerned. She was fifteen when he started having sex with her. Then she had a baby at sixteen.”

Marie made a face. “And with a cousin.”

“Don’t worry about that…girl out there. I’ve spoken to your father. If he won’t take her in, he’s made arrangements for her. I told him I’d look after you if he’d pay the bills and do what he’s supposed to. You and I will be taken care of. She’ll be gone soon. She doesn’t even really exist, as far as anyone knows.”

Gabriel’s stomach twisted. His brain was flying, trying to absorb the news.

A cousin. An underage cousin. His mind worked hard. He was turned off, horrified, at the thought that Mr. Sorenson, even if it was sixteen years ago, he’d been older than a little fifteen year old cousin… Was it rape? Did he trick her into having sex? How could he do that? His own family…

And yet, that was Sang’s mother. Sang’s past.

His gaze lowered. Mrs. Sorenson went on to talk about how they’d set up house once she got back home.

All Gabriel could think of was how to tell Sang what he’d just heard.

And she did have family. Did the family know about Sang’s existence?

Gabriel’s fists tightened against the window. He made like he’d punch it, but stopped, knowing if he did, they’d know he’d overheard.

He glared at Mrs. Sorenson through the window. “You won’t touch her,” he said, thinking of how she’d said they’d made arrangements for her.

No doubt she meant the boarding school, practically a prison, her father had signed her up for. Maybe he wasn’t going to wait for Sang. If he combined the money from Marie’s account and Sang’s, he’d have enough to put her into that school for a couple of years.

Gabriel’s eyes fixed on Mrs. Sorenson, hating her, hating Mr. Sorenson. How could they? Gabriel’s dad had beat the shit out of him, but he was an out of work drunk. He didn’t want to justify it, but back then he couldn’t imagine someone as horrible as that.

These people were worse. And now Gabriel had the truth.

Did Sang want to know this?

Does she need to dig any deeper? Gabriel closed his eyes, shaking his head. Maybe it was better not to know.

He wished he didn’t know.

He stood up, sucking in a deep breath. This would devastate her. It would devastate him to know his father raped a young cousin. What if her extended family was out there somewhere? What if Sang wanted to meet them and they sent her away. They never looked for her. Did they even know?

If Sang found out… Gabriel remembered the time she was in the closet, naked, afraid. They’d overheard Mrs. Sorenson talking about not being her real mother.

Sang had broken then, slipped, even while in his arms.

Tears touched his cheeks before he realized he was crying, remembering that moment, and fearing the result of her learning this new turn. Could he bring her back from this? Would she feel disgusted to be the daughter of cousins? Would she feel ashamed? Unwanted?

He couldn’t do that to her.

Marie. Would she tell?

He needed to keep Marie away from Sang. At least for now. At least until he found a way to tell Sang. He’d have to say something eventually. She needed to know it first, before anyone else. It wouldn’t be fair to tell Mr. Blackbourne or the others without telling Sang. Or maybe he needed Mr. Blackbourne to know, so they could work out a way to tell her without her breaking down like before. Gabriel wasn’t sure, but he needed to find out before Sang found out.

He’d have to get Sang away from here. He’d have to stop Marie from telling her for now. Not until he had a chance to figure it out.

He picked up his book bag, and fled the observation room. He’d tell Dr. Green to take her to get some food. Something. Anything. He’d wait alone for Marie to finish.

He’d make a deal with her. Anything she wanted. He’d give anything for her to keep the secret for now. To protect Sang from the truth.

At least for now.

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Books by C. L. Stone

The Academy Ghost Bird Series:


First Days

Friends vs. Family

Forgiveness and Permission

Drop of Doubt

Push and Shove

House of Korba

The Other Side of Envy

The Healing Power of Sugar (October 2015) – Turn the page for a sneak peek!

The Academy Scarab Beetle Series




Accessory (Summer 2015)

Other C. L. Stone Books:

Spice God

Smoking Gun


The Academy

The Ghost Bird Series

The Healing Power




Book Nine


Written by C. L. Stone