I hopped up, checking out what he had. What would Kota be more comfortable wearing? Would he leave his jeans on or sleep in boxers? He seemed to prefer pajama pants. “I can use the boxers,” I said.

He nodded, and passed over a thin pair of green boxers with white stripes.

I took them, and went to the bathroom to use it and to replace the jeans with the boxer shorts. I left the hoodie on, though. It was Gabriel’s, so for some reason, it was comfortable right now. I wanted to keep it on.

Kota was sitting at the table when I came back out. He bent over his phone, texting and waiting for responses. I folded the jeans and put them on the dresser. I crawled into bed, situating myself between the sheets, resting my head on my arm over the pillow, smelling Gabriel on his hoodie.

One minute, my eyes were open…


What felt like a minute later, I woke and quickly realized time had passed. My joints were stiff from sleeping in a weird position. My throat was scratchy as I breathed in the bleach scent.

I stretched a bit, flopping over. I hit Kota with my arm, not realizing he’d crawled into bed next to me.

He remained still, stretched out and peaceful on his side, his back to me. He was either in a very deep sleep, or he ignored my bashing into him.

I was cold. The blanket was thin. I eased over until I could steal his body heat. When he didn’t move, I pressed into his back more until I was comfortable, filling my nose with his scent which was so much better than bleach. Had I done this before with Kota? It was getting confusing now, how far had I gone with each one.

Why did it feel so natural to curl into him? Kota made it easy to simply get close. They all did.

It was embarrassing to think about it. Girls would talk if they knew. Rumors and assumptions would fly from their lips along with labels like easy or slut.

Was this what Lily had gone through? She hid her team from the world to be happy.

For a while, Kota did nothing. I warmed myself against him, my arms crossed in front of my body. Maybe he really was asleep.

I drifted in and out of sleep. One minute, I was aware he had his back still to me. The next, I was confused, because I was in a different position and his arm was around me.

I was comforted by his sweet spice scent, and inclined my head toward him. The more I drifted, the more my head lowered against his chest.

Kota adjusted, opening himself up more until I pressed up against his body. He moved an arm around my head, propping it up. He held onto me like this, our legs wrapped up around each other.

At one point, he kissed my forehead. It warmed me and I continued to drift. I didn’t sleep much after that, but relaxing felt just as good. It was a quiet moment where Kota and I weren’t checking in with the team, weren’t running or chasing, being chased. We relaxed together, enjoying.

I missed these moments when we were too busy running around. I swallowed back some emotion creeping into my throat. Life wouldn’t always stand still like this. It was difficult to imagine a life outside of high school, though. When McCoy chased us, when Hendricks threatened us, we jumped.

I didn’t want to talk. I didn’t want to think. I luxuriated in numbing out everything and simply enjoying Kota’s warmth.

I peeked up at Kota. He had his glasses off. His eyes were closed. The trace of a smile remained on his lips. I worked beside him often, but sometimes I forgot to actually look at him. I’d always thought he was handsome. There were spots on his nose where his glasses normally rested against his skin. Straight nose, high cheekbones. He breathed evenly, his chest expanding, broadening the muscles at every inhale.

I gently buried my face into his chest again, not wanting to wake him. I didn’t want anything but to stay like this.

For a while, it worked. I was aware of time passing, as much as I was aware of his breathing. But thoughts worked their way in slowly, waking me to reality and leaving the forgetfulness of sleep behind.

Mostly I worried about Gabriel. He should be here resting. I should be the one running around. He needed to sleep and talk to me or Luke, or someone about how he felt.

I reached into the pocket of the hoodie, but Gabriel’s phone must have fallen out. Somewhere within the mess of arms and covers between Kota and I, was Gabriel’s cell phone. I wondered if Gabriel ever got back to me about anything.

I wanted to check, but worried if I moved to get the phone, I would wake up Kota. I waited as long as I could, because more than anything, I wanted to enjoy the warm, sleepy moments with Kota longer.

But then I realized if other people arrived, I’d miss my chance. It wouldn’t take much for Kota or the others to look over my shoulder and read or ask what I was doing.

I scooped up the phone and I started to pull away. I was going to use the excuse of going to the bathroom to cover my phone use.

Kota tightened his arms around me, pulling me in close to his warm body.

“Omf,” I mumbled, grinning.

Kota locked his arms tight around me and stuffed his face into my shoulder. It was sweet. He didn’t want me to get up.

I patted at his arm. “I’m just going to the bathroom,” I said.

He mumbled something. Slowly, his arms relaxed. I slipped away from him and he turned over on the bed, curling up more on one side.

I didn’t want to go, but I had to. My heart stayed with Kota in the bed, though. I wanted to go back and spend more time there. I’d come back if Gabriel was okay. It was hard to relax when one of them was upset. Especially when it was my fault.

I walked over to the bathroom, turning on the light and closing the door.

I turned on the phone, finding several messages from the unknown number. My heart leapt. I’d forgotten since I’d been asleep.

Unknown: Listen, Sang, it sounds like Gabriel isn’t taking this well.

Unknown: Don’t worry too much about it. I went through a lot of the same struggles when I first found out the others had similar feelings toward her.

Unknown: I thought I was the only one, but there were the others. Wasn’t her fault. She was caught in the middle and we weren’t communicating.

Unknown: We all struggled in different ways. We went about it backwards. Lily talked about her ordeal but you might gain perspective from us guys.

That did make sense. I understood Lily’s desire to want to help. Part of it was that she’d been through it before. Gabriel, like the others, might respond better if I took an approach the guys would have appreciated.

He said Gabriel wasn’t taking this well, confirming what I’d feared. It was a relief that this guy had felt the same but I was still worried Gabriel wasn’t going to recover as easily as this guy was saying.

I checked the time. The messages had been sent almost an hour ago. I sent a text back.

Sang: If you’re okay with it, I’d be happy to talk to another guy about it who has been through it. What’s your name?

Unknown: Liam. I’m the one that came in and interrupted near the end while you were here.

The strawberry-blond haired guy. The one that was shorter than Lily. He’d seemed grumpy and abrupt before, like he didn’t like us being there. Would he really help?

I considered my options. If Liam had been through this before, maybe he knew what needed to be said to encourage Gabriel.

Sang: I remember. Thank you for helping. Is there anything I can do for Gabriel, you think?

Sang: I’m not sure if being quiet makes things better, or if I need to do something. The others think he’s just grumpy and needs sleep.

Liam: He might be grumpy and tired, but he doesn’t think you’d go for this, and that you’d pick the others over him.

Liam: He’s talking to Lily now.

I pressed my teeth together, unsure if that was better. Lily talking with Gabriel? I respected it, but felt since it was my responsibility.

What else could I do if he wasn’t talking to me?

Sang: Is it working?

Liam: I don’t know. You should talk to him.

Sang: I’ve been trying. I can’t get to him to respond. And I don’t think I can call. When I text, he’s abrupt.

Liam: Talk to him about something he can’t refuse to talk to you about. Not about this.

Liam: Lily gets me to talk to her by talking about something else. Some other problem. Personal. A guy’s natural tendency is to fix what’s broken.

Liam: Break something, even something small, and he’ll want to talk to you about it.

Break something. It was a crazy idea. Just to be sure I wasn’t pushing Gabriel, I asked one more thing.

Sang: Is now the right time? I don’t want to be in the way if he’s actually busy and can’t really do this.

Liam: He’s got no problem talking to Lily right now.

I supposed that was a good sign. It still bugged me a bit that Lily was talking to him, but he wouldn’t talk to me.