We remained parked in the lot and he opened his coffee, taking a sip. “I have to admit,” he said, licking his lips. “These are growing on me.”

“You’ve been drinking them?” I asked.

“I never was fond of hot coffee. It’s too bitter for me, and I needed lots of sugar and cream in it to be able to drink it fast. Long nights at the hospital can require coffee, though. Kota mentioned you liked these, so I’ve been trying them myself. Now I’ve got a mini-fridge at the hospital full of them.” He held out his bottle to me. “Have you had the vanilla?”

I shook my head. I took a sip. The flavor was creamy, drinkable, but mocha was still my favorite. “It’s not bad. I like the chocolate.”

“Of course you do.” He grinned, taking his bottle back and taking a long drink. He licked his lips again after. “I hear you prefer chocolate.”

“I like other flavors.”

“Like what?”

It seemed he wanted to learn something more than coffee flavors. “I like banana strawberry smoothies.”

“What about chocolate banana smoothies?”

“I haven’t tried one.”

He beamed. “Save that for our next date.”

I hid my smile by drinking another sip of coffee.

We ate quickly, but still we sat in the parked car. There was still time before school opened.

“It’d look odd if we got to school early and sat in the parking lot,” he said.

I had to agree. I kept my eyes peeled for Mr. McCoy just in case, but now I was sure that if he got close, the Academy members following him would let us know. I sat back, closing my eyes for a moment. The coffee kept me awake, but I needed a minute to catch my breath.

“Don’t close those pretty eyes for so long,” Dr. Green said. I opened them. He was sitting back, his head on the headrest, but looking at me.

I blushed. I glanced out the window to avoid the intensity in his eyes. I sought out something to talk about. “I’m sorry I couldn’t go with you to the hospital yesterday.”

“You miss the babies, don’t you?” he asked, grinning. “We’ve got a new crop. The little things keep popping up, with no consideration for timing, either. I think last week we ran out of baby beds in our section. We had to go borrow a few from another hospital.”

I giggled. “Are you going to be a baby doctor?”

“No,” he said. “An admirable career, but I’ve got other interests. Babies just de-stress me when I’m at work. And girls love them.”

The remark was odd to me. I found myself asking a silly question. “Is that where...you take girls...” I wasn’t even sure what I was asking. In a weird way, I was trying to find out his interest in other girls.

“Old Mrs. Rose loves them,” he said, smiling happily. “And a few of the older nurses. I walk by sometimes and a gaggle of them will be standing there looking in on them, talking about grandkids, bugging me about when I’ll find my wife and give them a kid to dress up. No doubt they will crochet enough blankets and socks and hats for fifty kids.”

I laughed, relieved a little.

His eyes lit up. He reached out, poking me on the nose. “I missed you,” he said quietly.

The comment was a surprise and I brightened. “I...” I stumbled, wanting to say I missed him, too. I was breathless, though.

He grinned bigger and then tugged slightly at my arm. Before I could move, he was leaning over.

Our lips touched before I realized what he was doing. He seemed to like to surprise me like that. His lips were cool, soft, with a hint of ChapStick mixed with his Frappuccino.

I stilled at first, nervous, since the last time I’d been inexperienced. It felt strange to do what Silas had taught me.

When Dr. Green opened his mouth a bit more, sinking into the kiss, I returned it like Silas had taught me. It seemed more natural.

At first, we were kissing, just our lips touching. As I moved more, responded more, something changed. I wasn’t just reacting. I wasn’t chasing him like before, trying to keep up. I was enjoying it. I wanted more.

He did, too. His hand drifted to my face, cupping behind my head, pulling me into him. He pressed his lips harder to mine. This was new. My heart was in my chest, beating fiercely. I was compelled to put my hands on his chest, and my fingertips reached for his shoulders, touching the skin of his neck.

He stopped the kiss only long enough to suck in a breath close to my lips. There was something of a grunt, an agonizing moan, and then he was kissing me again, harder this time.

I couldn’t stop and didn’t want to. The world slipped away and it was Sean Green. He smelled fresh, with that familiar ginger scent. His lips tasted like vanilla. The cool touch of his lips warmed, drawing me in.

A soothing sensation washed over my heart. That small bit of jealousy I’d felt when he mentioned girls at work swept away. Like he could prove to me with a kiss that, in this moment, I was the only one he wanted.

He backed up a bit more. My eyes fluttered open. He had his forehead near mine, staring at me. He breathed heavily and his eyes widened, his pupils large as he gazed at me, his hands holding my face.

He dropped his lips to mine again, almost harshly, eager and as desperate as before. I responded, and this time, my tongue reached out, just brushing against his mouth.

He caught on immediately, his tongue darting out, finding mine, playing with it. He drew it out with his lips, sucking on it once, and then pushed it back with his tongue, darting it into my mouth.

I did as he did, sucking back, gently, not wanting to do it too hard.

He moaned into my mouth, and held me tightly, kissing me hard on the mouth several times.

Then he groaned, pulled himself off and backed up, pressing himself against the driver’s door. He closed his eyes and put a hand on his chest. “Ugh. Sang. You can’t do that to me.”

My hand touched my mouth as I rested against the seat, breathing hard. The coolness outside was seeping in, but I was trying to retain the warmth he’d shared with me. I couldn’t think of what to say, breathless and unable to respond.

Dr. Green roughed his fingers through his sandy hair and pulled at it gently, licking his lips. “I can’t stop myself. I ne

ed to. You and I. We’re moving too fast.” He pulled his hand from his head and placed it over his heart. “If it wasn’t for this school...Owen warned me.”

“We can’t get caught at school,” I said softly, trying to understand his meaning. “I know you’re only nineteen but being a teacher…”

“It’s crazy,” he said. He rolled his eyes, and continued to look up at the roof of the car above us. “I’m not a real teacher. Once we’re out of school, it wouldn’t matter. The age of consent is sixteen here, but…But it isn’t just that. I mean you and I, we don’t get much time together. I’m sorry, I rush into things and then it’s just a whirlwind. I feel like I’m pushing you too fast.”

I understood. Every time I was with Dr. Green, I was rushed here and there. When did we actually have a day together like I’d just spent with Gabriel? The only times we got to see each other was at his work or school, so if he didn’t have school issues anymore… Again, school was getting in the way.

It made my heart speed up thinking how I’d jumped so quickly into kissing him. “I like it,” I said. I didn’t want him to feel he was forcing me to do anything. “We just don’t get much of a chance, like you said.”

He nodded. “We need to slow things down.”

I looked at him, puzzled. “Why?”

“I don’t think straight,” he said. “I’ve always been impulsive. And I’m crazy about you.”

My heart was lifting from my chest. I was ready to burst at his words.

He shook his head, smiling. “I’m going to end up kissing you at the school one day, and then it’s over. Someone will see.

“It doesn’t have to happen like that.”

“You’re distracting in class,” he said. He brushed his palms at his face, and then smoothed out his tie. “I try not to look at you too much. It doesn’t help that most of the class sleeps during the lectures and you’re one of the few that actually pays attention.”