Who was teasing who now? “Will you just let me compliment your hair?”

“Is that why you let me kiss you? Because you like my hair?”

I huffed at him. He was fishing for more compliments, I knew. I was going to retort with something funny but I stopped myself. He probably expected it. I didn’t want to fall into a mouthy battle with him. “I love it when you sing,” I said. “Like when I first met you and you were singing my name.”

Gabriel held his smirk, but it faltered at the corner. “Sang...”

“And I love the way you tell me what to wear. Even when you’re not around, you make sure I pick the right clothes. Like how you line up my clothes in Nathan’s closet. It’s like that you’re always around me even when you’re not.”

He inhaled sharply. “Sang,” he said in a whisper.

“And I like when you wash my hair,” I said. “I like how your fingers rub against my scalp.”

Gabriel drew in close, his lips parting and zeroing in on my mouth.

But I had things to say, and he was trying to stop me. I backed my head up a little, until his lips only met my cheek. “And I love your bedroom. I wish I had one like this. And I’m completely jealous of how you can draw. I wish I could see all the other murals you’ve made.”

“Shush,” he said, and his hand drew up against my thigh, popping me lightly. He tried to zero in on my lips again, but I turned my head, making him kiss my other cheek.

“And I love the earrings,” I said. “Even the black ones. I like the crystals. I like how you pick different colors all the time.”

“Sang,” he said sharply. He gathered himself up, hovering over me. His hands sought out my chin, holding me steady. “I said shush.”

“And I love how you smell different every time I see you.”

“Shut up.”

“And I loved the time when my mom was keeping me in the closet...”


“And I managed to get into the bathroom, and you were there...”

His head lowered, until his lips teased over my mouth. “Sang,” he breathed out. “Stop.”

Like I was going to stop now? It was hard enough to get started talking sometimes. Now I was spilling things and I didn’t dare stop. “And I told you to go away and you scrambled in after me. You sat in the closet with me, even when we could have gotten into so much trouble...”

His lips lowered, smothering my voice. His mouth covered mine, swallowing me up and diving back in for more. After a moment, he broke off, hovering. “You are Trouble,” he whispered. “You’ve been Trouble since I met you.”

“Meanie,” I whispered.

He lowered his mouth again, his lips brushing against mine. His head tilted, until his mouth locked against mine tightly. He leaned over me, until I rolled onto my back on the bed. His mouth and body followed where I went. His fingers slid up the side of my neck, until they snagged into my hair, and he positioned my head, tilting me where he wanted me as he kissed at my mouth.

Suddenly, he broke off, drawing his head back and frowning down at me. “And who the fuck taught you how to kiss?”

I blinked up at him, having forgotten my own thoughts as he kissed me. “Um...” I started, unsure how to say it. “Silas said...” My eyes widened. I hadn’t meant to say it. My head was cloudy after his kiss.

“Ah,” he said, his crystal eyes glowed. “So that’s how the Greeks kiss, huh?”

I blushed, nodding. He didn't seem angry about it. That was better than I feared.

His eyes drifted to every corner of my face, as if tracing the lines. “Did he show you how the French kiss?”

I blushed, shaking my head.

The corner of his mouth teased up. “Still have a few things to show you then, I guess.”

Gabriel lowered his head again, and started kissing me like before. I got lost in his lips, and kissed in response, parting my lips and opening my mouth, letting him guide me how he wanted me.

His tongue darted into my mouth. The tip touched mine.

I jolted, sparked by the sudden sensation of his tongue touching mine. It caused me to back my head up a little, breaking the kiss, as I stared at him in surprise.

Gabriel looked back at me, his eyes wide. “What?”

“Sorry,” I said, my cheeks heating up. “I wasn’t expecting...”

He grinned. He lowered his head again at me. His lips parted and this time he dipped his tongue into my mouth, finding mine.

I let it happen, not moving at first. I couldn’t figure out how to move my mouth like Silas had told me to when he had his tongue in my mouth.

To get him to show me what I was supposed to do, I moved my tongue against his, pushing his back into his mouth, so I could put mine in his. Silently, I was asking him what to do.

He held tightly to me when I did this, his fingers gripped in my hair. He suckled at my tongue, drawing his lips along it until his mouth popped when he released. He dove back in, shoving his tongue back.

So I copied him.

Gabriel moaned. Just as I released his tongue, he broke his head away and sighed. “Shit,” he said. “Better than the biting.”

Was th

at the same for him? It was a surprising comment. The biting North and I had discovered was…exciting. In a different way. For Gabriel, he got the same feeling from this French kiss?

He backed up, curling me into him tightly so we were on our sides, pressed into each other tightly. He occasionally kissed my face or my mouth, but he seemed satisfied now.

Gabriel managed to flick one of his blankets around us. At some point, we fell asleep together, legs and arms mixed up. It’d been a long day.

I was shaken awake what felt like moments later, but the frog in my throat and the stiffness in my body told me I’d been in that position for much longer.

I wasn’t sure what woke me at first, until the house around us started shaking. I sucked in a breath, holding it. Earthquake?

“You let that boy get to your head,” a male voice barked.

Gabriel groaned and then pulled me in closer, tucking my head into his shoulder. He covered my exposed ear with his hand. “Don’t listen,” he said. “They’re having a fight.”

I stared wide-eyed into the darkness, my heart awake and pounding. I was trying to figure if this was a dream I was having or reality.

Pam screamed at the man. The man yelled back at her. It was loud, slurred, and at times, I couldn’t understand anything except the occasional curse word, which often flew from their mouths at the same time.

“Get him out here,” the man rumbled as more banging shook the walls. “It’s time you told him to get out and get a job instead of playing all day. He should contribute. I got a job when I was fourteen.”

“He’s got a fucking job,” Pam said. “And he pays the bills.”

“He pisses it away on his friends and stupid shit,” he said. “I saw that new Gameboy he bought and the receipts for new clothes. Did you see the ones that were for girl clothes? I bet he’s buying her things.”

“He’s a teenager,” Pam yelled. “He’s paying his keep. You can’t yell at him just because you drank all the money.”

“Usually she’s not here,” Gabriel whispered to me. “She stays out all night with him.” He rubbed his palm against my cheek. “They’ll calm down in a minute. If they don’t, we’ll get up and go. Maybe climb out the window.”