In a quick movement, he crossed the room. I leaned back a bit, surprised by how he was coming at me. I sucked in a sharp breath.

He moved in close. His thighs and waist pressed up against my knees. He planted a palm on either side of my hips and kept himself at eye level with me. “Tell me,” he said.

I was breathless. I didn’t know what he wanted. To hear about Dr. Green and how he kissed me? To learn more about why I wasn’t the type to move first?

He slowly moved his head forward. “Tell me you want to kiss me,” he said.

“I...” I did, but saying it out loud was hard to do. He was handsome, nice, cared about me, but speaking about it was hard.

He inched forward slow and into me enough that I felt the need to hold onto his shoulders to balance myself and not fall backward.

He captured my chin between his fingers and held firm, holding me still. “Say it, Aggele.”

“Silas,” I whispered, but with him holding on to me, it was difficult to speak. I guessed if I wasn’t going to make the first move, he was going to get me to say I wanted it. My heart raced. I tried to silence my thoughts and nervousness. Nathan and Dr. Green did it so quickly, I didn’t have time to think. Don’t think!

“Sang,” he said quietly. “I need to hear it.”

“Yes.” It wasn’t what I wanted to say. Trying not to think made it harder to answer.

“Yes, what?”

“I want to,” I said.

He retracted his head just a fraction to focus on my eyes. “You want to kiss me?”

It was harder looking at his eyes. I only nodded.

His thumb slipped over my chin. “Say it out loud. Do you want me to kiss you, Sang?”

I forced my eyes closed longer, finding some bravery that way. “Yes.”

It must have been good enough.

Silas closed the inch of space between us.

At first, our lips just brushed. It was like he was making sure I really wanted to.

Slowly, he released my chin to cup his palm along my cheek and his lips pressed against mine harder.

It was a slow kiss, with me barely moving at all, just puckering a little.

His lips parted and he started to kiss more.

I was barely moving my lips, unsure how to move. My palms were flat against his shoulders, hanging on and at the same time, I didn’t know where else to put them.

He moved some more, and I tried to follow along. After a few moments though, he stopped, pulling back just enough to look at me. “You really haven’t been doing this long.”

My face caught on fire. “I told you!”

He laughed. “They never bothered to teach you how?”

“I didn’t know I needed to be taught.

His smile lifted. “You know, the Greeks invented kissing.”

I stared at him, at first thinking he was serious. There had to have been kissing before the Greeks were ever around. “Oh?”

“Ancient people might have pressed lips together,” he said. “But it was the Greeks that really kissed for the first time. It’s in our blood.”

I didn’t have a response for him. I’d never heard him talk about what the Greeks were like, and the boast sounded fun rather than competitive.

“Open your mouth,” he said. “Make an ‘o’ shape.”

I did, my mouth popping open.

“Relax your lips.”

I was trying not to giggle, but I was getting lessons on kissing! I closed my mouth a little more, and tried to relax my lips.

“Now make...I guess the closest would be to make like you’re saying ouch.”

I said a slow, silent ouch, moving my lips deliberately.

“That’s it.” He leaned in, moving close again. “Keep doing that. Move when I do.”

My hands clutched to his shoulders and as he moved in, my instinct was to lean back. He reached for my hips, pulling me forward.

He pressed his mouth to mine, and then opened up.

I followed.

He moved and I mimicked him, doing what he taught me. He started slowly, and at the end, his lips lingered mostly around my lower lip.

He sped up a little, my lips did the same.

He tilted his head slightly. I started to move, but his hand came up, and he pressed his palm to my cheek, encouraging me to stay still. I stayed where he wanted me, and with the tilt of his head, the kiss went deeper and it felt like I was moving with him and not just trying to catch up to what he was doing.

At first I’d wanted to giggle, but the feeling quickly subsided.

He did different things like tilting a bit one way and then the other. His hand on my cheek eased down along my neck and to my shoulder.

He leaned in more, and I had to move my arms further around him until I was hugging his neck.

He pressed his hip against my knee. Without thinking, I moved one of my legs over, trying to figure out where to put them.

His body moved between my legs, so he could lean up against the counter. His hands moved to my hips and he pulled me forward, until my thighs parted more, allowing me to get closer to his body.

I almost lost focus on what I was doing, thinking of his waist between my legs, feeling his warmth. His kiss at first was making me so nervous because he was teaching me something new. Now it was a wave of feelings. Surges of excitement rushed through me, followed by comfort and easing into it, and then he’d brush his palm against me, tilt his head, hold onto my lower lip between his lips a little longer, and it would have my heart pulsing hard again.

An alarm started going off that I knew had to be the oven timer. He ignored it, holding me tighter as he continued to kiss me.

When he stopped for a second and the timer was still going off, I mumbled between kisses. “Silas...”

He grunted, kissing me harder.

I tried again. “The alarm.”

“Fuck the alarm.” He kissed me again, and then moved to kiss my cheek a little, and then the side of my mouth, holding onto me.

“You’re still hungry.”

He groaned, kissed me once more and then started to pull back. “You’re as bad as North.”

“You kiss North?”

He rolled his eyes and then laughed. “Not what I meant.”

I knew it, but the thought, and his kiss and being a bit nervous still, had me grinning and then giggling.

He took the food out of the oven and touched the pieces, testing them. He licked his fingers and then set them on the stove.

And then he reached for the timer on the oven.

The timer on the oven was still running, counting down with a few minutes left.

Silas stared at it. I wondered if the beeping meant something else. Maybe it was a preheating signal?

Then he picked up his phone that was on the counter, and pressed his finger to the button, turning off the alarm. “Shit.”

“What?” I asked.

“Theo,” he said. He turned the oven off and started out of the kitchen.

I jumped off the counter and followed. The front door was closed, but the smell of cigarette smoke was stronger than it had been. Down the hallway, Theo’s door was open. The light was off.

“He left,” Silas said. He pointed to the front door and then his room. “I’m getting my keys. Walk out there and see if you can catch him.”

I hurried, opening the door and stepping out onto the walkway.

I stood there to adjust my eyes to the difference in the light. The concrete was cold and it bit into my bare feet.

At first, I didn’t see anything.

Then I spotted a figure crossing the parking lot. He stepped underneath the light.