“Remind the boys to come for her after class.” There was a click and the phone screen blackened.

“Always something.” He stood up, picking up my feet gingerly and then placing them back in the chair, scooting it closer. “Stay here and play, I guess.”

“Sorry,” I said. It was a shame. I was really enjoying talking to him.

“Me, too,” he said. He moved close to the desk, nudging my legs over a little so he could wrap his arms around me in a hug. I enclosed my arms around his waist He stood there for a long time, his head nestled on top of mine. For a moment, it was almost like he wasn’t going to go, just stand there with me.

I didn’t mind it, but didn’t want him to get into trouble. “Dr...”

“Sean,” he said, and his voice vibrated through me.

“Sean,” I said. It was still odd to be saying his first name, even if he wanted me to.

“Much better,” he said. He tilted his head and ... pressed his face against my hair. I thought I felt his lips pucker as he did. Did he kiss me? He rubbed my back and then stepped away. “Lock the door behind me, munchkin.”

I nodded and he went to the door. I hopped off the desk to follow him, locking myself in when he left.

I listened to his footsteps walking away slowly. I felt the same way. We’d been together, in probably the closest moment I’d ever been with him, and now he had to leave. I didn’t want him to.

One day, he’d said, he wanted to slow down. I hoped he would. I hoped the rest of us could do that, too.


At the end of school on Friday, I was with Nathan and Gabriel outside of the gym. Nathan sent a text to Kota, and we met in the main hallway. Victor and Luke joined us. We huddled next to the wall, out of the way as other students rushed for their cars to get out of school.

Kota pointed a finger at each of us as if counting in his head. He pulled out his phone, tapping at the screen. “Who’s going where?”

“We’re going to the football game?” I asked everyone in general. I assumed someone was going since North and Silas were playing.

“We should go home,” Nathan said. “We need to keep an eye on Danielle and Marie and see what they are up to.”

“It looks like they’re not doing anything,” Kota said. He turned his phone, showing us the camera image of the house. Marie and Danielle were in Marie’s room. They were sprawled out on the floor. Marie looked like she hadn’t changed since that morning, still wearing pajama pants and a T-shirt. Danielle looked the same. “They haven’t left the house. I’ve been watching them all day.”

Nathan glared at the screen. “They didn’t go into Sang’s room?”

“Not yet,” Kota said.

“Someone should stay there and make sure they don’t.”

“Not Sang.” Gabriel hooked an arm around my shoulders, pressing his side into mine until our hips met. “You need to stay out and away from stress. You and I are going to go grab another DS. We’re going to go to dinner, go to the game, and we’ll go home tonight and have fun. Maybe we’ll hang out at Kota’s or go to Victor’s. If you’re supposed to rest, we don’t want you near Danielle and whatever scheme she has going on.”

“What about homework?” I asked.

“Will you let Dr. Coleman take over your recovery?” He wiggled his eyebrows and tightened his arm grip around my neck. “You’ll never get off of sick leave if you don’t listen.”

“I’m not sick,” I said. I was amused at how he was taking this whole thing very seriously. Despite what he was saying about needing to relax, it sounded like he had plans for the entire weekend doing active things. Was that how they relaxed?

“I’m going with you,” Luke said. “The diner has enough people working tonight. Now that it’s busy, all the waitresses and other staff are vying to get in there to earn some money. It’s starting to get too crowded on the weekend. May as well tag along.”

“I guess I have to go,” Nathan said. “Got to keep you three in line.” He glanced at Kota. “You coming with us?”

Kota shifted his weight from one foot to the other. “If you all want a night out, someone has to babysit Mr. Morris and see who else might be following us.”

“I have something to do downtown,” Victor said. His amused fire eyes smoldered. “Adam has a massage class tonight, and I’d like to go. I could probably get Mr. Morris to follow me out there.” His eyes met mine. “Unless someone wants me to stay.”

He was asking me. I wanted to say yes, but I didn’t want to interfere if he wanted to do something else. I sort of hoped the other boys would tell him to skip it, but they all turned to me expectantly. I didn’t know how to answer with a simple yes or no. I didn’t want to be selfish and I didn’t want to sound like I didn’t want him with us. Besides, it was something he wanted to do and who knows when he’d get another chance? “Will you come back?” I asked instead.

His fire eyes lit up more. “If nothing weird happens, I’ll come stay tonight.”

Luke clamped his hands on Gabriel’s and Nathan’s shoulders. “There we go. We’ll get everyone to sleep over at Kota’s house. We’ll set up camp and play Animal Crossing, order pizza and be lazy.”

Somehow I doubted that was going to happen. Academy guys simpl

y didn’t do lazy.

Kota rolled his eyes just a little and half smiled. “I guess I get to babysit the neighborhood.”

“Aw,” I said. It felt wrong that Kota thought he had to stay behind, even though it was only for a few hours.

Kota’s smile lifted. “Someone’s got to stick nearby your house just in case Marie and Danielle have invited boys over. I won’t step in unless they start to destroy the house. And I should keep an eye on Mr. Griffin, too.”

Nathan frowned. “Then I should stay with you.”

Kota waved his hand. “Don’t sweat it. I’ve got things to catch up on at home before the weekend. I’d rather do it now and then get the weekend off and hang out then.” Kota dropped his bag from his shoulders and shifted his blazer off, giving it to me. “Here,” he said. “Don’t get cold at the game.”

My heart fluttered against my ribs. I tried to hide that I was excited to be given something of his. I clutched the blazer to my body, tracing the outline of the badge on the pocket.

Kota stared at me for a moment. He stepped forward, his eyes intent on my face. He stopped short, glancing around at the others, then at the other students and teachers lingering in the hallways. Had he thought to kiss my forehead again before he left? I guess I understood why he didn’t want to do it in front of everyone else. Not only was I still supposed to be pretending to be with Silas right now, I still wasn’t sure how the other guys felt about it. I was sorry he couldn’t.

Victor reached out, grasped my hand, sliding his thumb across the back. He seemed to take a hesitant stance like Kota, like he wanted to do something else but stopped himself. “I’ll be back,” he said. Kota joined Victor and they headed out to the parking lot together.

“Wait,” Nathan said. “What do we have to drive?”

Luke pulled keys from his pocket. ”North and Silas aren’t going anywhere. Let’s take the Jeep.”


Our first stop was a video game store at an outlet mall not far from the school. I stood back with Nathan, while Luke and Gabriel scanned the shelves. The store was empty except for a couple of teenage clerks managing the counter and they looked bored, staring into cell phones.