His words and hands on her body sent her over the top. She screamed out his name as she shuddered from the satisfaction that her own fingers gave her.

Alexander grabbed her legs and brought her to the edge of the desk, slamming into her.

Olivia moaned out, the orgasm still coursing through her, making her entire body tremble around him.

“God, love. You feel so fucking good.” He thrust into her as he stood against his desk. “I’ll never get enough of this beautiful pussy of yours. Tell me you like it when I fuck you hard like this,” he exhaled, his breathing labored.

“Yes,” Olivia said, her mind a blur. “I like it hard like this.” Her voice was husky as she spasmed beneath him, her orgasm never seeming to end.

“Olivia!” he moaned out, leaning over the desk and biting her nipple as his orgasm ravaged his own body.

She gently caressed his sweat-laden forehead while their breathing slowed. He turned his face to look at her. “Can I just say that may have been the hottest thing ever.” A boyish grin spread across his face.

Olivia grabbed his face and brought it to hers, kissing him full and deep. “I missed you, Mr. Burnham.”

“And I missed you, Miss Adler. Now, shower time.”


“LIBBY!” MELANIE SHOUTED FROM the opposite side of MacFadden's when Olivia walked through the door with Alexander several hours later. She ran up to them as they made their way past the bar, hugging Olivia with a mischievous smile plastered on her face. “Don’t be mad.”

Olivia raised her eyebrows. “What are you talking about, Mel?”

“I kind of told a few friends how friggin’ awesome you are, singing and all that, and I invited them to come out tonight.”

“It’s okay. I’m used to performing in front of several hundred people. I don’t mind.” She gave her a reassuring look.

“Good. I was worried you’d go off the deep end. Don’t worry. I’ll be good tonight. Early morning tomorrow and all.”

“Are you working?” Olivia asked, a confused look on her face. Melanie usually didn’t work on the weekends.

“No. Kiera invited me to come dress shopping with you!” she exclaimed excitedly. “Bridget is coming, too, I think. Kiera figured you’d never ask anyone else to join you, and we all think that having a few different opinions would be beneficial.”

“What’s this?” Alexander asked, his interest piqued.

Olivia turned to face him. “Apparently, I’m going shopping for a wedding dress tomorrow. Kiera is hell bent on making sure I actually marry you, for some reason.”

He slung his arm around her waist. “Good. Remind me to keep her on my good side then.”

Melanie smiled at Olivia and Alexander, sighing. “You guys are too freakin’ cute together.” She looked over at the couches, her eyes meeting Tyler’s, a dreamy expression spreading across her face before she snapped back to reality. “Come. We’re all over there.”

She led the way through the bar toward a large section of couches where quite a few people Olivia had never met sat enjoying some drinks and having a good time. And amongst all of them sat Tyler, looking just as nervous as Olivia felt.

“Is Kiera here yet?” Olivia asked Melanie.

“No. Not yet. But she should be here soon, I think.”

Olivia tensed up when she saw everyone in the group eye her and Alexander as they sat down in the seats Melanie had pointed to. She still grew somewhat uneasy in social situations like this, hating how everyone stared at her because of whom she was there with.

“This is Olivia, one of my bestest friends in the whole wide world,” she said. “And this is her fiancé, Alexander Burnham. And, yes. It’s the Alexander Burnham. He’s Tyler’s big brother.” Melanie sat down, visibly bouncing in her seat, grabbing Tyler’s hand in hers.

Alexander leaned over to Olivia. “Are you okay with all of this?” he whispered in her ear.

“It’s fine, Alexander,” she said quietly, giving him a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry about me.”

He sighed, brushing that errant curl out of her eye. “It’s my job to worry about you, love.”

“Hey! Who brought the party?” a voice called out seconds later.

Olivia breathed a sigh of relief when she heard her friend’s voice. She got up and wrapped her arms around Kiera, winking at Mo over her shoulder.

“Happy to see me, huh, Libby?”

“You have no idea,” she replied under her breath.

Mo and Alexander exchanged a handshake as a server came by to take some drink orders. Melanie introduced everyone, but Olivia knew she would never remember all their names. She laughed a little at the look on Tyler’s face as he spoke with his brother, keeping his eyes trained on Melanie and smiling affectionately at the bubbly blonde, while she enthusiastically spoke with all of her friends. Olivia had seen that look before. Tyler was in deep.

She thought that maybe this was a good thing for Melanie. She had never seen her out with anyone and knew that she was lonely and desperate to feel a deeper connection with someone. She was incredibly sweet but got her heart stomped on more times than anyone should. Although she had just turned twenty-two, Melanie was wise beyond her years, and she wanted something more than a quick hook-up…something like what Olivia and Alexander had. Maybe Tyler could give that to her.

“Well, we should probably go set up,” Mo said after a few drinks. Olivia nodded and they said their farewells to Melanie and her crowd of friends, Kiera and Alexander joining them as they made their way through the bustling bar.

“So, we need to start planning for Vegas,” Kiera said as she and Olivia walked up the stairs behind Alexander and Mo.

“What’s this?” Alexander asked, stopping abruptly on the stairs and turning around to look at Olivia. “When are you going to Vegas? And why?" He crossed his arms in front of his chest, a concerned look covering his face.

“Chill. It’s for the bachelorette party,” Kiera responded, trying to brush him off.

“When were you going to tell me about this, Olivia?” He glared at her, his tone accusatory.

“Relax, Alexander,” she said, not wanting to fight about something as insignificant as going to Vegas with a few of her friends. “Kiera just threw it out there. We haven’t made any plans just yet. No need to get all bent out of shape over this.” Olivia noticed that Kiera and Mo had disappeared. Cowards, she thought to herself, making a mental note to murder Kiera for opening up this can of worms.