All too soon, he was pulling off the interstate and on the way to Silas’s apartment complex.

He wished he had more time to think. He needed to get himself together. He wasn’t sure he could with her around.

As they pulled into the apartment complex, she leaned over toward the side window, her body pulling at the seatbelt, nearly pressing her nose to the window, looking at the empty swimming pool, the tennis courts, and the buildings.

If he had to hit the brakes, she was going to smash her face. “Will you stop being cute?” he asked, hoping flattery will lighten what he needed to say. “Your nose is smudging the window. My god, you’re worse than a puppy.”

Okay, he could have said it nicely. What was wrong with him?

Her cheeks turned red, and she turned to face him, looking a little worried.

He smiled, trying to let her know he was teasing her, but he felt like he came off idiotic and goofy.

“Sorry,” she said.

Ugh. He shouldn’t have teased her so soon. He just wanted to lighten things up and had said it wrong. She had him in knots.

“She’s new,” Kota said. “She’s going to be interested in stuff.”

A flare of anger surged through Victor, and he gripped the wheel tighter. “I got that, Sherlock, thank you,” he said. He shot Kota a look in the mirror. You’re not helping.

Kota lifted a shoulder in a small shrug. He didn’t really understand.

Victor’s heart raced hard in his chest. He was sweating already, and it was still morning. Maybe getting Silas would help. Silas could distract Kota in the back seat, and Sang could stay in the front. With how tall Silas was, he’d be a little cramped in the back, but the mall they were going to wasn’t that far.

If Victor could only get her alone, maybe he’d stop saying stupid things around her and could get to know her.

Maybe she would learn to trust him, want to know him. Not just the rich piano prodigy, but him, Victor Morgan. Maybe he could show her what it meant to him that she liked Vivaldi.

Maybe he could even take her out. But before that, he’d have to make sure he could keep her safe. He needed to figure her out, like a delicate puzzle, knowing each move, if incorrect, could break her.

He clenched his teeth, determined. He’d figure this out.
