“We’ve barely spoken in six.”

“When was the last time Frank was in town?” Vik asked her, like she’d know.

And she did. “Three months ago. He was in San Francisco for Christmas.” Vik’s father had attended Jeremy’s holiday party along with Misha and Ana.

Vik nodded, his expression dour. “Babulya was pleased.”

“But you couldn’t wait for him to leave.”

“You are the only person who knew that.”

She found that hard to believe, but then...maybe not. Vik didn’t wear his emotions on his sleeve.

But that wasn’t the point, was it? “Just because I saw your father at my father’s home and knew he was in town doesn’t mean you and I communicated in any meaningful way.”

“Didn’t we?”

Okay, so in the past two years, they’d had increasing numbers and depths of conversations. And it struck her. She’d thought she was just being grown-up about the past, but he’d been working on rebuilding that rapport he had mentioned earlier.

The man made Machiavelli look like a preschooler in the art of the deep play.

“Still.” Not a brilliant comeback, but what she had.

Vik smiled that shark’s smile. “When was the last time I took a date to an event?”

So, she knew the answer. She’d revealed earlier in the car with Conrad how closely she watched Vik without meaning to watch him at all. “That doesn’t mean anything.”

“Doesn’t it?”


“I believe both the fact that I have not had another woman on my arm in over a year and the fact you know that is significant.”

“Really?” she drawled sarcastically even as she couldn’t help wondering if he was right.

“I know that you haven’t dated, either. I wasn’t entirely sure about Timwater, but the way you two are together doesn’t imply sexual intimacy.”

“I should hope not.”

“Besides, he was sleeping with other women.”

She’d suspected, though Perry had always tried to play it like he didn’t sleep around. She wasn’t sure why. It wouldn’t have mattered to her either way.

Vik knowing however, meant he’d been paying attention. “You have a file on him, don’t you?”


“And Romi?”

“Romi has been your friend for longer than me.”

“You’re saying you don’t have a file.”

Vik leaned down and spoke softly, right into Maddie’s ear. “I’m saying I don’t need one.”

It wasn’t exactly sweet nothings, but she still shivered from the sensation of his breath gently blowing across her ear.

“You know her well, too,” Maddie said, not even sure why she was trying to keep the conversation going.


Curiosity and concern prompted her to ask, “Did you know she’d dated Maxwell?”


“Good. I don’t feel like I was so oblivious.”

Vik straightened, but didn’t move back. “I’m sure if you did not know, they both took pains to keep it private.”

“You’re right.” While Maddie was still worried, she didn’t feel like a bad friend anymore.

She let herself fall into his deep coffee gaze, even as she relaxed more completely into his body. “I want to kiss you.”

Bad friend, or good one, Maddie didn’t want to think about anyone except her and Vik right now.

“What is stopping you?” He leaned down so their lips were a fraction of an inch apart, taking away the only barrier that mattered.

She moved toward him, speaking in a breath against his lips. “Nothing.”

The first brush of her lips against his electrified her. It was the barest of caresses, but near unbearable in its intimacy. She was staking a claim with the featherlight touch and he was accepting that claim as surely as she’d accepted his promises earlier.

They were distinctly different, one set of lips masculine, the other feminine, and yet they fit with the perfection of molds aligned and cast simultaneously.

Vik’s response was full-on alpha man, accepting her mouth with his and then turning it around and moving his lips against hers, driving the kiss to greater sensation and closeness.

Nipping oh-so-gently with his teeth on her lower lip, he demanded entrance. With no thought but to give it, she let her lips fall open.

His tongue swept into her mouth and just that fast Maddie was drowning in a sexual response only this man had ever brought out in her, thoughts and emotions overwhelmed by the onslaught of devastating sensuality.

Vik’s hold on her tightened as he pulled her body completely flush with his, his big hands roving over her back and up to knead her scalp.

Her own hands slid of their own volition up his pecs, over his shoulders and to the back of his neck, pulling her body around so her breasts were crushed against his chest. Sparks of delicious sensation pricked her nipples nearly to the point of pain in their intensity.

It felt so incredible still dressed, she could not fathom what it would be like once they were naked skin pressed to naked skin.

Vik made a rumbling sound of approval in his throat before his body shifted and then she was being lifted into his arms as he stood.

The man was strong. Following on that thought came another.

They were really going to do this.

For the first time, Maddie was glad she was a twenty-four-year-old virgin.

She wanted no past experiences shadowing this moment with him. No memories of hands on her flesh but his.

Vik carried her unerringly into to her bedroom, lowering her back to her feet and pulling his mouth from hers. She didn’t want to stop and used her hold on his neck to lift herself back up so the kiss could continue.

It was only natural to swing her legs up and around his waist, locking her ankles behind his back.

Something about her actions flipped a switch in Vik and the kiss went nuclear. His mouth devoured hers as he cupped her bottom through the rustling silk of her dress’s full skirt.

Overwhelmed by sensation, Maddie lost her connection to anything but the kiss. She did not know how long their mouths ate at each other. Nothing registered but the sparks of pleasure he ignited in her rapidly fanning into a conflagration that consumed.

She wasn’t even aware he’d moved them to the bed until he broke away from her and she didn’t fall to the floor.

She mewled with her need to reconnect to his lips, a sound that would have mortified her if she was not too lost to desire to care.

“Vik!” she demanded, no other word coming to the forefront of her mind.

His smile was feral and hot. But the wink that came with it was hotter. “Clothes.”


ONE WORD BUT IT was all Maddie needed.

She sat up and reached back to unzip her dress. It was tricky at the best of times, the top of the zipper hitting her in the center of her back.

With her hands trembling from need, it was impossible. So frustrated she could almost cry, she struggled to unzip it.

All the while, she couldn’t pull her eyes from Vik. He’d ripped his Armani sweater off and tossed it on the floor, the black T-shirt he wore under it joining the pile of cashmere a second later.

His belt made a whoosh as he pulled it out of his trousers and the buckle clunked against the wall when he tossed it. His tailored slacks were next, dropping to reveal a straining bulge behind dark designer briefs.

“Your body is beautiful,” she breathed in awe.

Every muscle of his six-foot-four-inch frame was honed. Dark hair covered his chest, narrowing to a trail that disappeared in

to the waistband of his briefs.

She didn’t know if it was the dark, clingy fabric or reality, or even her oversensitized emotions, but Vik looked huge.

Maddie’s thighs clenched even as her fingers itched to touch. And she hadn’t seen the actual package yet.

Vik looked back, his own expression filled with desire. “You’re still dressed,” he accused.

“I know,” she said with pure frustration.

He winked again, the expression just as mind-bogglingly sexy this time as the first. “Need some help there?”


He stalked toward the bed like a big sleek cat, climbing on with the same grace. He reached around her and let his fingers trail down the shallow V of her dress to the top of the zipper. “Is this your problem?”

“I can’t reach it.”

“How did you get dressed then?”

“I wasn’t hampered then.”

“By what?”

“What do you think?” she asked, wanting to sound annoyed and only succeeding in revealing the need inside her.


“Desire,” she clarified.

“Desire for me.”

“Yes,” she admitted, no real reason to pretend otherwise, but annoyed all the same at having to say it out loud.

“Good.” He lowered the zipper inch by inch. “I like this dress.”

“I’m never wearing it again.”

“Please do.”


“I have always enjoyed unwrapping my gifts. Just ask my grandparents.”

“I’m not a Christmas package.”

“No, you are something far more valuable.” He kissed the corner of her mouth and then brushed her lips with his lightly. “You are the woman who will share my life.”

“You’re awfully good at romance for a corporate shark.”

He wasn’t kidding about enjoying the process of unwrapping. Time moved by in increments measured by her rising passion as he took off first her dress, removing it to reveal her body one slow inch at a time. His desire-filled gaze burned her with sensual appreciation.

The silk foundations she wore under the dress came next, but he took even more time with those than the blue taffeta, kissing bits of her flesh as it was revealed, sensitizing her body in ways she’d no idea he could do.