“Is your seat all the way back?”


Swinging her leg across, she straddled him, reached down, and yanked the recline lever. His head bumped against the leather.

Staring up at all that beauty, wanting her as much as he had ever wanted any woman, as hard as he’d been in his entire life, he was completely thunderstruck.

She was too lovely. His body thrummed. The temperature in the car seemed to have gone risen to a thousand. But he could not move.

She leaned down, kissed him lightly on the lips, writhed against his hard-on.

Blazing flames licked him, erupted through him, so thick and hot that he forgot everything that had ever been, every word said, every lie whispered for the very real, very deep and throbbing desire happening right now.

She began to grind against his aching cock. He gripped each of her round arse cheeks, helping himself to her.

Her kiss deepened and he welcomed her with everything he had. Their ragged breaths filled the rocking car. Her tongue glided, played joyfully against his. Stroking him, firing his breathing, his mind.

And despite his cynical nature, he felt there might be such a thing as destiny. Felt she spoke to him, felt she told him something with that kiss.

Chapter 17

Sion’s kiss made Dada’s head spin. His hand slipped from her butt and under her shirt. Dada broke it off, moved back to her seat.

“Sorry. Too fast?”

Not too fast. It was just, in this, she needed to be in charge.

She slipped her pants down her long legs and kicked them off. “I need for you to let me do everything, Sion. Okay?”

She took off her underwear.

“Yes. Okay. Yes.”

As she pulled her shirt over her head, then stripped off her bra, Dada looked over at him.

Sion sat there, unmoving.

“Are you okay?”

“Not sure what’s going on here?” Sion admitted. “And I really don’t want to make assumptions.”

She tried to hold back her delighted smile when she told him, “I want to have sex with you. Here, in this car. If you’d like to have sex with me, I will need you to take off your pants.”

He whipped off his shirt, pulled down his pants and boxers so quickly that when he plopped his naked butt back in the seat, the car rocked, and his cock stood at attention, hard and ready and dripping.

Stupendous. She’d scared him stiff. Glancing down at his erection, she realized that wasn’t a bad thing. Oh. That was so beautiful. She reached over and gripped him. “Is this okay?”

He closed his eyes. “More than okay.”

“Do you have a condom?”

His eyes popped open. A panicked look and then relief, “Yes. Thank the Almighty. Glove compartment.”

A gentle laugh, a soft breath released, she reached forward and found it. A rip of the wrapper, and she stroked the condom down to the base of him.

Straddling him again, she gripped his length, hard and throbbing in her hand, and lowered herself onto him with a moan. So good.

He let out a curse, thrust, pushing his cock deeper.

Oh. She rose, drove down again. Her moans filled the car, accelerating with her breaths.

Her thighs tightened around him, and her mouth joined to his. Her lips played against his as her tongue dove again and again into his mouth. The friction built. She increased her rhythm.

Unable to match her pace, he raised his hips with, “Yes. Luv. Fuck.”

She took what she wanted and rode him with a wild abandon.

He gasped in her ear. “Slow. Going to lose it.”

But she was so close. And he felt so good, so hard, and smooth. He filled every part of her as the delicious friction tightened her core. “Can’t stop. Please, don’t ask me to.”

He grunted, kissed her sweetly along her neck. “I’ll keep it up all day, then.”

An exaggeration, she knew, but a hot enough promise that, as the coil of energy increased and the pressure rose to unbearable levels, she tossed her head back and lost herself with a cry of, “I’m coming. Oh, Sion, come with me.”

His wet lips moaned against the slick skin of her neck. His strong hands squeezed her butt. A moment later, with her warm body frantically riding him, he came with a curse and a rush of warmth she could feel even through the condom.

Her pace slowed and she collapsed across him, sated. Exhausted. They fought to catch their breaths.

His hands released her cheeks, rubbed tenderly against her bottom. He whispered, “You’ve undone me, luv. You’ve completely undone me.”

She relaxed in a half-awake, half-dream way. Slowly, she returned to the car and the coolness of the desert air through Sion’s partially open window. The press of his sweat-soaked skin against hers. “Thanks for listening and letting me set the pace. I needed to connect, to make some memories other than the worst of this night.”

He brushed a tear from her face that she hadn’t known was there. He rubbed his nose across her cheek. “Ah, well, it was entirely to my benefit, but I’m not just a good listener when I’m being shagged by the hottest woman I’ve ever met. Care to give me a try? You could start with your real name.”

Could she? Could she unmask herself before him? She wanted to, but she was also afraid. Her disguises kept her safe. Maybe. But to expose herself that fully required clothing. She wriggled from his lap back into the passenger seat.

She reached down and began to turn her clothes inside out. He watched her for a moment, and she felt a heavy pressure in his gaze, a longing. She understood. Already, she felt a loss without the closeness of him.

Sion’s phone buzzed in the cup holder. They must be back within range. He looked at the screen. “Bugger.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Got a text from the head of security for the trafficker I do papers for.” He showed her the text.

Meet me. Tomorrow night. I want to talk to you about the company you’ve been keeping.

Latching her bra, she leaned toward him. “There’s a chance my cover is blown. I no longer have the element of surprise. I was warned not to involve myself looking for Rosa. Now, I’m on my own. I can’t go to my people with this.”

“I thought Rosa was your mission.”

She slipped on her underwear. “Technically, my mission is to get information on Walid. Routes. Security. More and more, it seems finding Rosa is something separate.”

“Security. Routes. That’s information I can give you.” Sion pulled up his boxers. “Walid’s man, Armand Stoker, is easy to play. Huge temper. Bigger ego. Because of him, I’ve learned of three trafficking routes from El Salvador. I just need to pin down the one Sophia was taken on.”

She shuddered. “That name.”

“You know him?”

“I once knew two men, each had half of that name. A man whose first name was Armand. And another man whose last name was Stoker, Miles Stoker. The first man is currently a…” she swallowed, “scientist in French Guiana. The second man… I have no idea.”

Jeans in hand, he stopped. “Armand has a French accent.”

Cold brushed feathers down her skin. Could it be him? Walid did have routes through South America. And there was little Stoker knew better than keeping women hostage. Well, one thing… torturing women. She frowned. “It makes horrifying sense.”

“It does?”

“Yes. Manuel said the land was owned by a trafficker. Walid is the only one in the area. But from the research I’ve done into his operation, he would never waste—” she grimaced, swallowed her distaste “—what he calls product. And what we saw tonight was a waste.”

“So it could be someone with ties to Walid who knows about the property and enough about Walid’s business to use the property without Walid’s knowledge.”

“Someone who was always a sadistic bastard.” She pressed the bracelet at her wrist hard against her skin. “I shouldn’t involve you further. This is not without risk. What I do. W

hat I am going to do here.”

“I’ve been looking for Sophia for a long time, and I know the danger, so if you’re trying to warn me off, stop.”

“Are you—”


She smiled at him. “You might be the luckiest thing that has ever happened to me.”

“You’ll let me help?”

“That depends.”

“On what?”

“Does Armand ever search you for listening devices when you meet?”

Chapter 18