There was another needle in my arm. “Just taking some blood, dear.” A female voice this time. It was gentle and kind. I have never had another female speak so nicely to me. I was sure that if I had the spare water I would have cried.

The man with the commanding voice had his hand on my wrist. He held it there for several long minutes. By that time the fluids that they were pumping into me were starting to revive me. Slowly I blinked open my eyes. “I hate doctors.” I whispered.

The doctor, a disturbingly good looking man with short dark hair and big chocolate eyes grinned down at me. “That’s too bad. I’m actually a decent sort of guy.”

Despite how incredibly horrible I felt a smile teased at my lips. “I’ll take your word on that.”

The doctor released my arm. “You are a very sick young woman. How long have you been throwing up?”

My mind was still foggy, but I tried to determine how long it had been. “A month, I think.”

The doctor’s eyes widen. “Have you seen a doctor before now?” I shook my head and saw him shake his exceptionally cute head in exasperation. “No wonder you were so dehydrated. Have you been able to eat at all?”

“Not really.”

“What about fluids? Water, Gatorade?” Again with the shake of my head. He sighed. “You really do hate doctors, huh? If you have been this sick and refused to seek help. It’s a good thing your boyfriend brought you in when he did. Any longer and you could have died from dehydration.”

“Boyfriend?” Who the hell was my boyfriend? Was this doctor crazy? If my guys even thought I had a boyfriend they would go apeshit. A man had to have more balls than brains if he thought that any member of Demon’s Wings would let him near me. Sometimes you would think I was sixteen and not twenty-one when it came to how they acted when a guy looked twice at me.

“The scary guy with the tattoos.” He nodded over his head and I saw Axton standing by the door, trying to peek in. He had his phone to his ear and was frowning.

Another smile teased my mouth. “Ax isn’t my boyfriend. My guys would so break his legs if they even thought he was.”

“Your guys?” The doctor cocked a brow at that.

“Never mind.” I muttered. It was hard to explain my guys and I didn’t have the energy to even try. My eyes were feeling heavy. “Hurry up and make me better so that I can get back to the hotel. I want to go to sleep.”

“You aren’t going anywhere until at least tomorrow, Em. We have to run some tests, get lots more fluids in you and maybe—that’s a big maybe—you will get to go home in the morning. Until then let me get your blood work back and find you a room.”

My head snapped up. “But I have a plane to catch to Florida in the morning. I’m going on vacation.”

Again with that damned raised brow. “By the looks of it you are long overdue for a vacation, sweetheart. Now relax. You’re heart monitor is going crazy.” That’s when I felt the sticky pads stuck to my chest and noticed the constant beep, beep, beeping in the background.

Axton came into the room. “I can’t get anyone to answer their damn phones.” He growled. “That damn concert should already be over.”

I let out a humorless laugh. “You’re a rock star Axton. What is the first thing you want to do when you get off the stage, high on your own ego?” The expression on his face told me what that answer was. “Don’t worry about it. They will go back to the hotel and have a hell of a night. When they wake up at noon and wonder why I haven’t come to drag their asses out of bed they will come looking for me.”

His eyes darkened with anger. “So you are just an afterthought?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “After a concert, normally.” It didn’t bother me…Much. But I wasn’t going to complain. I knew that they loved me. I glanced at the doctor. “How about checking on those tests?”

The doctor glanced at Axton. “Is she always this bossy?”

He snorted. “If you knew the guys she has to take care of on a daily basis you would understand that you are getting the nice version of bossy.”

Chapter 6

The doctor was taking his time!

With the continued fluids rushing into my system I was starting to feel better than I had in a long time. But my stomach was still rolling. I wanted to know what was taking the doctor so long, and worried that it was something beyond my wildest imaginations that was wrong with me.

Axton was still trying to call the guys. But so far hadn’t been able to reach any of them. A nurse had told him he had to go outside to use his cellphone, and I haven’t seen him in more than ten minutes. My butt was going numb from sitting for a solid hour without moving and even though I desperately wanted a nap, I couldn’t bring myself to relax enough to do so.

The door to my exam room opened and in walked the doctor. There was a tech behind him pushing a huge machine and I wondered what the hell they were going to do to me. Seeing the fear in my eyes the doctor was quick to explain. “It’s okay. This is just something to do an ultrasound with.”

“Why do I need an ultrasound? Isn’t that for pregnant women?”

The doctor nodded. “Mostly, yes. But it is used for other things. However, after getting back your blood results we have found the reason for your sickness and need to do a little exploring.”

My blood seemed to freeze in my veins. He knew what was wrong with me. I was terrified of the answer but needed to know. “So what is the matter? What’s wrong with me?”

He shrugged. “Nothing that won’t clear itself up in due course.” He smiled. “It seems that you are pregnant.”

I was sure that I was hallucinating. He couldn’t have just said that I was pregnant. No. No. NO! I shook my head frantically. “That can’t be it. Check again. The tests are wrong.”

The doctor frowned at my reaction but spoke in a soothing voice. “Let’s do an ultrasound. That way we can determine if the blood work was wrong. And if it wasn’t we can give you a due date.”

The heart monitor attached to my chest was going berserk. My heart was racing with my fear, dread, anxiety. It had to be wrong. It just had to be. Please, let it be wrong. Because if it wasn’t wrong my life with the guys will be destroyed. They will never trust me again. “Okay.” It came out wobbly, and I couldn’t do anything about it.

The tech came up to the right side of the bed and smiled down at me while the doctor dimmed the lights. “When was your last period dear?” She asked softly. She was pretty, probably in her late thirties. There was a huge rock on her ring finger and a slight bump under her scrubs telling me that she was pregnant herself.