My guys were never going to leave me again.

And I owed them. For always taking care of me. Picking me up, putting me back together. Saving my sanity. Feeding me. Clothing me. Loving me. Not many people would do that. But Nik, Drake, Shane, and Jesse were different. They saw me when I was five, took me under their dark wings, protected me even though they were ten years older than me. These guys were my family and it was my turn to take care of them.

So I handled everything. They wanted coffee, I got them coffee. If Drake needed a new case of fifty year old scotch that was impossible to find then I made sure he got it. I took care of everything from hotel reservations to women…Yeah, I had become a pro at getting rid of whatever woman that had outlived her expiration date. Normally, that was by the next morning.

Two hours later, I had all four of the guys in their rooms. I spent extra time in Drake’s room to make sure he took a shower and brushed his teeth. Got him into a pair of clean underwear and put him to bed. By the time I got to my own room, I was running on fumes. My own shower was quick and I was asleep before my head even hit the pillow.


Jesse pounding on my hotel room door roused me a few hours later. I glanced at the clock, saw that it was time to head to the Civic Center to get ready for tonight’s concert and jumped out of bed. I opened the door for Jesse so he didn’t knock the door down. He walked in as I was taking off my sleep shirt.

“You feeling okay, Em?” He asked, not even bothering to turn his head as I slipped on my bra and pulled a Demon’s Wings shirt over my head. “You never oversleep.”

In truth I had been feeling run down for a while now. But I wasn’t going to tell him that. He would tell the others and they would gang up on me; force me to go to the doctor. I hated doctors! “Just had a rough night last night.” I excuse. “Bad dreams.”

I pulled on fresh panties and then slipped into a pair of skinny jeans. Knee high boots with three inch heels and I was done. I pulled my messy hair into a ponytail, didn’t bother with makeup and turned to find him still frowning at me. “I’m fine, Jess.” I hug him tight then stand on tip toe to kiss his cheek. “Relax.” I raised a hand and rubbed it over his bald head. He liked to keep it smooth. It was sexy as hell and everyone wanted to rub his head. He only liked it when I did it though.

“I think we need a vacation.” He muttered as he followed me out of the room. “Maybe we should go home for a while.”

I shot him a look over my shoulder as I pushed the button to summon the elevator. “And where exactly is home? We’ve been living on a bus for six years now.”

“Nik was talking about buying a house. But we can’t decide on where we want to settle down. Drake suggested California, Shane wants Boston.” He shrugged as he stepped into the elevator with me. “What do you think?”

Honestly I didn’t know what to think. I would follow them anywhere; as long as we were all together I could care less. But I hadn’t expected them to be ready to settle down yet, even if we were all getting tired of all the moving around. “I’ve never thought about it.” I tell him.

“Well you need to. We want to know where you want to live. You know that where you go, we follow.”

His words warmed my heart and I hugged him close. He dropped a kiss on top of my head and we stepped off the elevator on the ground floor. Nik, Drake, and Shane were already waiting on us. They each gave me concerned looks, but I just walked by them to the waiting limo outside.

Chapter 2

Setting up and doing a sound check were things that I couldn’t help with. So instead I dealt with the backstage stuff. I made sure that the dinner buffet was set out so that my guys could eat before they went on later tonight. Then I went through my list of things to do to get ready for the group of backstage pass fans.

Most of them were female, all hoping to get into at least one member of Demon’s Wings bed. I hated each and every one of them, but simply gave them all cool disdainful looks instead. They hated me too, because everyone who was a fan of Demon’s Wings knew that I was the only female that would ever matter to any of the band members.

I made sure that the backstage fans stayed in their designated area with security watching them like hawks—never know when one wanted to sneak into the dressing room for a quickie, or worse to get famous for killing a famous rocker—while I made sure that my guys were taken care of. I was relieved to find them all eating in their dressing room. Even Drake, but he made me shake my head when I saw that instead of a soda or even water he was drinking his signature bottle of Jack Daniels.

I took the bottle from him, put a bottle of cold water in his hands and turned to see if anyone else needed anything. When they were done eating I tossed their plates in the trash and made sure that they had either water or Gatorade in their hands. They needed to hydrate because a concert always took it out of them. Especially Nik who would be running around the stage singing.

I glance from one to the other, taking in the sheer male beauty of each of them. Drake and Shane with their over long dark hair and big blue gray eyes. The brothers were dreamy with their strong facial features and bodies that were both leanly muscular and covered in tattoos. Jesse with his bald head and those big brown eyes that changed with his emotions. He was huge, muscles bulging from every direction and making some wonder how he was able to handle the drums so smoothly because of his bulk.

For just a second longer I let my eyes linger on Nik. With his voice that fucked a woman from the inside out and those ice blue eyes half hidden behind a curtain of thick, sooty eyelashes there wasn’t many females that would ever be able to say that Nikolas Armstrong didn’t affect their libido even marginally. Leanly muscular with a face that made the gods weep the day he was born, and just as tall as his band brothers he had the entire fan following for Demon’s Wings either in love, lust, or envy of him.

“So, which is it tonight? Blond, brunette, or redhead?” I asked with a raised brow and just a hint of a smile on my lips.

Shane grinned up at me from the sofa he was sprawled out on. “I’ll take one of each.”

I rolled my eyes at him. Of the four of them Shane was the biggest man whore. One of each flavor for him was mild. “Well there are plenty to choose from. More blonds than anything, like always. Please be safe.” I shot Drake a meaningful look. “Are you prepared?”

“Emmie!” There was an actual blush in his cheeks. I just kept my eyes on him and raised a brow. Finally he looked away. “I got condoms.” He muttered.