He cocked his head to the side. “And you want a dress and skirts, and underwear that aren’t boring? Although to tell you the truth that bra hanging from your bed post is pretty fucking hot.”

I shot him a glare. “I want something I can wear on our date that you will want to tear off of me with your teeth. I want to be sexy!”

His nostrils flared and he turned away. Before I could even think about what he was doing he had locked the door behind him and was suddenly in front of me. “Stand up, Em.” When I didn’t move he took hold of my hands and pulled me to my feet. Gentle fingers lifted my chin, forcing me to meet that intense ice blue gaze of his. “Have I ever lied to you, baby girl?”

Biting my lip I shook my head. Nik has always told me the truth. Maybe he had kept things from me, but he has never lied to me. Ever.

“Then listen to me, because I don’t want to repeat myself, okay?” I nodded, captivated by the way he was looking down at me from his six foot three height. “You are the sexiest woman I have ever met. You don’t need more than a pair of ripped jeans, tattered shirt, and ragged underwear and I want to strip you with my teeth. Fuck girl, you make me hard just by being in the same room. If I smell your perfume, or whatever it is that you wear that makes you smell so amazing, I can’t walk straight.”

I forgot how to breathe. All my brain power was focused on his lips as they formed those deeply, insanely endearing words. “If you want those things then we will get them. Tonight, tomorrow. Whenever you want. But don’t get them unless you want them, because I want you more now standing there in that too big shirt and those cutoff jeans than I ever would in some dress or lingerie.”

“R-really?” My voice came out all breathy.

“Really.” He traced the waist band of my jeans, making my head swim with desire. “So what do you want, Em? Want me to take you shopping?”

“Yes.” Because I still didn’t feel sexy despite his words. My tongue licked my parched lips. “But…tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” His voice lowered, took on that seductive quality I remembered from our stolen night together. “So our date is off?”

I shook my head. “No, I just want to skip dinner and fast forward to the kiss goodnight.” And this time I wanted to bask in the fact that he really knew it was me that he was kissing. “And maybe see how talented you are at stripping me with those teeth of yours.”

He grinned predatorily, causing me to shiver deliciously. “I think I can oblige the lady.”


Alright, I will be the first one to say that having sex with Nik was not a smart idea. But damn if it wasn’t the best idea I have ever had. That man has talent, this I knew from our first night together. Man can use his tongue in a way that makes me beg for mercy.

Our first night together had nothing on last night. Maybe it was because I didn’t have to feel guilty for taking advantage. Or having to hide how I really felt about him. Perhaps it was because this time he was sober and cried out my name when he came, instead of ‘baby’. Or maybe it was because afterwards, instead of passing out on me he instead turned me so that my back was against his chest and cuddled me until I fell asleep in his arms.

Whatever the reason it was magical and I woke the next morning feeling like I could float. He was still pressed up against my back, with one hand cupping my breast and the other laying protectively over where our daughter grew in my belly. It was the perfect way to wake up and I wanted that every morning for the rest of my life.

Warm lips caressed my neck. “Morning, baby.” He breathed at my ear. “How did you sleep?”

“If I said that it was the best night’s sleep I’ve ever had would you believe me?”

I felt his smile against my shoulder. “Yes, because it was one of the best night’s sleep I’ve ever had too.”

I wasn’t exactly happy about his answer. Turning in his arms I grasped his chin and met his smiling eyes. “One of the best?”

He nodded. “Yep.”

My green eyes narrowed. “What were the other ones?”

He grinned. “Let me see…A few weeks ago when you crawled in beside of me on the bus. When you couldn’t sleep last year and spent the night in my hotel room talking to me until I fell asleep…” He shrugged. “All of them seem to involve you sleeping in my arms.”

Okay, so I was decisively happier with that answer. Not many women wouldn’t be, especially when someone as sinfully sexy as Nikolas Armstrong said those things to her! “I don’t know why I keep you around sometimes mister.”

He batted those thick eye lashes at me and I was transfixed for a moment by the sheer beauty of them as they curtained his ice blue eyes. God, I would kill for eye lashes like that! Several shades darker than his hair, they were magnificent. It wasn’t fair that his eyes were so beautiful. “Let’s grab a shower, baby. I’m starving.”

At the suggestion of getting up and eating my stomach grumbled. Nik grinned down at me. “How about some bacon?”

I laughed. “I’m going to end up hating bacon before this is all over.”

“Probably.” He kissed me, quick and hard, but no less potently. “Now get that sexy ass up so that we can eat. I need food, woman. Food.”

Chapter 13

I don’t have any female friends. I was practically raised by four rockers. It is little wonder that I have no interest in shopping. Last night was the first time I have ever wanted to own a dress. This baby is so making me lose my mind!

All I want is to feel pretty, sexy. But I don’t want to lose who I am. I don’t want designer dresses. I would probably throw up if I spent more than a hundred dollars on an outfit. So I ended up at the mall.

At a mall on a Wednesday in a touristy city? Yeah, that was a good idea. Not!

Do you have any idea how many teenaged girls are at a mall on a Wednesday during the summer? Well I sure as hell didn’t, and I was positive that Nik hadn’t had a clue either. So when we walked into American Eagle and the sales girl standing with a half folded shirt in her hands screamed I nearly jumped out of my skin because I hadn’t been expecting it.

“Ohmygod. Ohmygod. Ohmygod!” The girl was in front of Nik before I could even figure where the scream had come from. “You’re Nik Armstrong.” She screamed again, causing everyone in the store and outside to stop and see what was going on. “I am like your biggest fan ever. I’m Meg.”