That marked the first time he actually stopped to think about what he was doing. Actually allowed himself to think about it. There'd been no spousal jobs after that, but it didn't keep him from wishing there'd never even been one.

Listening to Stanton, all he could think was "I'm glad your wife got away, asshole." That, however, was not the role he needed to inhabit today. So he played along and whined about his own imaginary ex, and then he got down to business.

"I like your platform," Jack said.

"Plat . . . ? Oh, uh, right."

"You aren't like some of those pussies, think they can change things by talking. Wimps who expect the system to work. It never works for guys like us. Not anymore. It's all about the women and the gays and the 'minorities.'" Jack's gaze swept over the brown faces in the coffee shop. "Well, you know what? I'm starting to feel like we are the minority."

"I hear ya," Stanton said, though he was careful to keep his voice lowered.

"It's time to take back what's ours. To fight for our birthright."

"It is."

"So what I'm proposing--" Jack leaned forward and lowered his own voice--"is that you help me turn your efforts here into a national campaign."

"Campaign? Oh, you mean politically."

"You could say that. The politics of force." Jack met and held his gaze. "The politics of terror."

"Terror . . . ?"

"What you're doing here. Fighting your own private war."

Stanton only blinked.

Jack sighed, leaning forward again. "With the court system. Blowing it to hell, if you know what I mean."

The lightbulb flicked on, and Stanton pulled back, hands wrapping around his mug.

"I can't really discuss--" he began.

"You don't need to. I'm just here to say I'm all in, and I have others who are, too. We're talking serious financial support. Whatever you need to take the next step."

"Next step?"

"Two words." Jack leaned forward and dropped his voice. "Courthouse. Bomb."

Stanton jerked back, whiplash-fast. "I don't--"

"Just tell me what you need. All eyes are on you now, Louis."


"Big eyes. Big names. The biggest. They're watching, and they're waiting. You can stop worrying about how much your wife will get. You won't need that money anyway. You'll get your kids, too, and if your wife tries to interfere?" He shrugged. "Either she can be convinced or she can't. Her choice."

"No. No." Stanton moved back. "You've got the wrong guy. What happened to those people? I didn't do any of it."

"Sure, you did. You admitted to it."

"I lied, okay?"

Jack frowned. "Is that cold feet I'm hearing? Look, you don't need to worry about being caught. You won't be. I'm taking care of all that. Just tell me what you need for the device--"

"I have no idea how to set up a device."

"You're an engineer."