"Oh, I get it." He eased back. "You want me to confess on some hidden tape so you can--"

I yanked off my jacket. It wasn't easy. My left arm was still in a cast, and my shoulder blazed with the simple act of tugging off clothing. But I got it off, and I threw it at him.

"Check for a recorder. Pat me down if you want. I'm not taping this. It's for me. I want to hear you tell the truth, and I want to hear you apologize."

"Well, then you're going to have to pull that trigger, because I don't have anything to apologize for. We ran, and you must have doubled back."

"For what?" I roared. "What in fuck would I double back for?"

"Then they must have caught you. You were too slow--"

"I did not run! You know I didn't. I grabbed him, and you were supposed to pick up the gun he dropped, but you ran. Like a fucking coward, you ran, and you didn't look back, and I nearly died, and you never even called the goddamned hospital to see if I was okay."

"You are okay. Look at you. Up and about, waving a gun in my face. Well, actually, I'm not sure I'd call that okay. I think you need help. I always did. You're messed up, Casey. I bet a shrink would say you have a death wish."

I went still. "What?"

He shifted forward, as if he'd just remembered the missing answer in a final exam. "You have a death wish, Casey. What normal girl wants to be a cop? Does that martial arts shit? We get mugged in an alley, and I'm trying to play it cool, and what do you do? Grab the guy. Hell, thank God I did run, or I'd have had the shit beat out of me, too."

I hit him. Hauled off and whaled the gun at the side of his head. He staggered back. I hit him again. Blood gushed. His hands went to the spot, eyes widening.

"Fuck! You fucking crazy bitch!"

"We were not mugged," I said, advancing on him as he backed up, still holding his head. "You were selling dope on some other guy's turf. Apparently, you knew that. You just didn't give a shit. I grabbed that guy to save your ass, and you ran. You left me there to die!"

"I didn't think they'd--"

"You left me there."

"I just thought--"

"Thought what? They'd only rape me? A distraction while you escaped?"

He didn't answer, but I saw it in his face, that sudden flush right before his eyes went hard.

"It was your own fault if they did rape you," Blaine said. "You couldn't leave well enough alone. Now give me that--"

He lunged for the gun. I shot him. No thought entered my head as I pulled the trigger. It was like being back in that alley.

I saw Blaine coming at me. I was already pointing the gun at his chest. So I pulled the trigger.

The end.


"And he died?" the therapist says.

I swing my legs over the side of the couch and sit up. Her expression is rapt, as if she's overhearing a drunken confession in a bar.

"And he died?" she prompts again.

"I called 911 on his burner phone. By the time I got through, he was gone." No, not gone. Dead. Use the proper terminology, Casey. Don't sugarcoat it.

"What did you tell the operator?"

"Dispatcher," I say, correcting her automatic

ally. "I said I heard a shot, and I raced over to see two men fleeing the scene. One had a gun. I gave descriptions roughly matching two of the guys who beat me. I said I was going to follow them to get a closer look. She told me not to, of course, but I was already hanging up."