He nodded. "I was talking to her earlier. I had some questions."

"For Angela?"

"I . . . I hated to think it, Nancy, but I had to. There were too many loose ends. Too many holes in her story."

"You mean you suspected Angela?"

"I did. So I came to talk to her. And that's all we were doing. Talking. I asked about a certain case, and she came out here to check the main filing cabinet. The drawer was stuck. Or so she said. I reached to open it, and something hit the back of my head. Next thing I know, you're waking me up." He looked around. "What time is it?"

"Just after ten."

"Shit!" He wobbled to his feet. "Then she's long gone. I can't believe I fell for that. I suspected her, and still, I let her get the jump on me."

"Do you have any idea where she'd go?"

He hesitated, and I could tell it took effort to collect his thoughts. "Actually, I do. She has a place outside the city. It's kind of her secret spot, but Angela and I . . . We had a thing."

I tried to hide my surprise. "So that's why you think she killed Mindy?"

It took him at least thirty seconds to answer. "I . . . When Mindy first died, I had to consider the possibility. Angela has a temper. But I knew Angela couldn't have made a bomb, so I stopped considering her. Then we found out about Victor, and I realized there was a chance he might not have killed Mindy. So I came to talk to Angela. I never accused her of anything, but she knows me. She must have realized

I was suspicious."

"Do you have a car?"

"I do."

"Then let's go."

Chapter Twenty-five


Howard drove us outside the city. We went down back roads, parked in thick forest and then crept through it to find a place that was little more than a shack.

"Angela bought the property cheap years ago," Howard said. "Her dream was to tear this down and rebuild. For now, it's not much. But hardly anyone knows about it. She'd feel safe here. And, yep, there's a light on."

A dim one, barely more than a glow.

"We should split up," I said. "I'll take the back."

"I'd . . . I'd rather not. You already saw how I respond under pressure. I freeze up. You should take the lead."

I nodded and started forward. He fell in behind me. I'd gone five steps when I felt cold metal against the base of my skull.

I swore under my breath.

Howard chuckled. "You don't sound surprised."

"I'm never surprised."

"I bet you aren't. You're not just some chick who decided to play bodyguard, are you? I saw the way you handled Victor. I hesitated. You didn't. A perfect, cold-blooded shot."

"Just take me to Angela."

"Oh, believe me, I'm about to."

I started walking. I probably should have tried to seem more surprised, but really, I didn't see the point in faking it. I'd started suspecting Howard the moment I realized Victor wasn't the sole killer.