"Yes, I get the idea. I was just making sure I heard right."

"You did," Jack said. "If he's arrested, he has an alibi. Now you? Walling?"

I told them about my afternoon.

Cypher nodded. "This Howard guy is on the money. Sheila Walling looks good for it. She's had enough of this Cherise girl, so she tries to spook her. Only her warning shot kills. Sheila starts thinking that wasn't so bad. She got away with it. So she goes after everyone else standing between her and her babies."

"But why? She's convinced she has a good custody case."

"That's what she says."

I glanced at Jack. He caught my eye and shrugged, which meant he didn't have strong feelings either way. We'd discuss it later when we were alone.

Chapter Thirteen


Iwas with Angela again. It was early evening, and while I suspected her workday didn't usually end until later, she'd agreed to let me escort her home and give her house a security check. I'd assured her it'd be quick. And it would because Jack had already performed the assessment.

I had suggested Angela invite a friend to meet us there so she'd be comfortable letting a stranger into her home, but she'd brushed that off.

"I know who you're working for," she said. "And I know he hasn't hired you to kill me. No more than I'd hire another lawyer to prepare my case." She gave me a meaningful look.

I didn't respond.

"I know who it is," she continued. "He's an overprotective pain in the ass, but I'm not in any danger from him. He's sent you to take care of me . . . and not in the way he usually 'takes care' of people."

She pulled her car into the drive and hit the garage door opener. "Is there any chance I can see him while he's here?"

I didn't respond.

"Is he here?" she asked. "In Honolulu?"

"I'm glad to see you're using the garage," I said. "In your work lot, always try to park between smaller vehicles, so there's no opportunity for your attacker to slip in beside a big SUV and tamper with your car."

She sighed. "I'm not getting an answer to my question, am I?"

"If you have a message you'd like conveyed to my client, I can do that."

"Okay. For now, business. You saw the checks I performed before I got into the car. That's what Detective Lee advised. Good?"

"Yes. I'd also like you to talk to your building manager about fixing the card reader lock on the stairwell. I noticed it wasn't working."

"It hasn't been since we moved in last year, and I've been complaining since then. Even before this, though, I lock the door if I'm there at night."

"Good. Now for here, I'd like more outward security, starting with a motion sensor light at the garage door. I brought supplies."

We exited the car.

"We want to establish a standard route," I said as we walked through the garage. "You'll use one door and only one door and go the same way every time. You won't open any other doors or any windows while you're in the house."

"Yes, ma'am."

She locked the garage door behind us. I scoped out the area and said, "Good, you have a side door right here," as if I hadn't already known that from Jack. "This is the door you'll use. Only this one. You'll stay out of the backyard. I know that will be inconvenient."

She gave a wan smile. "I haven't used the yard since Dexter."

"Your ex. I heard someone fired a shot at him in the yard."