"He . . ." I took a deep breath. "I'm not going to bore you with that."

When I handed him a second beer, he said, "None of my business. But I'd like to know."

I took a sip of my beer, then said, "He invited me to a family wedding."


I gave a small laugh. "The nerve, huh? I mean, it's not like we were dating or anything . . . Oh, wait. We were."

"Doesn't matter. Under the circumstances? Had no right to ask."

"Yes, Jack. He did. He just . . . He didn't take my answer well, and it became obvious that the problem wasn't just the wedding. He was heading in a direction I wasn't ready to follow."

"Moved too fast."

I fingered my beer bottle. "It's not that I wasn't ready to follow; it's that I had no intention of following. I wanted a relationship. A solid, exclusive relationship. He was heading down the track that ends with wedding rings and babies."

"You don't want that?"

I gave him a look. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously. You're thirty-three. No reason you can't."

"Except that I don't want to. I thought I'd made that clear to Quinn. Hell, I thought he wanted the same thing. He's been married--it didn't work and it never seemed as if he wanted that again. He loves being an uncle, but he told me once that he didn't want kids of his own. So I don't think-- Fuck it, I know I didn't mislead him."

"He changed his mind. You two got together. Started thinking it might work."

"But it did work--as exactly what I signed up for--a relationship." I lowered my voice as my temper flared. "I thought it was going great, and I thought he was happy. Then this happens. One invitation to one wedding, and the next thing I know, he's telling me he wants this to end in our own wedding."


I sputtered a laugh, "No kidding, huh? And that's why I feel like shit--because Quinn's not an asshole, and he was telling me something wonderful. He gave me a gift, and I threw it back in his face."

"Gave you something you didn't want. He didn't care. He wanted it. Makes him an asshole in my books." He paused. "Nothing new."

"You can say that, but you know he's not a bad guy. You just don't like him very much."

Jack shrugged. "Don't like him personally. Still, was good to you. Made you happy. Now?" He glanced over. "Think you could lure him into a fun house?"

I laughed.


When we reached the porch, Jack said, "Got a room with two beds, right? Vacant?"


"Gonna suggest we take it. Just for tonight."

I glanced over before opening the door. "So I don't wake up screaming? Or sleepwalking into the lake?"

I said it lightly, but he just looked at me.

I nodded. "You're right. Both are a distinct possibility, as much as I hate to admit it. We'll both sleep better if someone can shut me down before I terrify the guests."

"Not worried about the guests."

"I am." I waved him inside.