What if he made that demand? He wouldn't ask for much. Just a small token from the people of America. One that could never be paid, no matter how insignificant it might seem. But payment wasn't the point. It didn't matter. What mattered was the game, and this would take it to a whole new level.

* * *


"Very nice," I said, looking around our hotel room.

The living room of the suite was bigger than my bedroom back at the lodge. Better furnished, too. It even came with flowers--the kind that need water. The last time I had a hotel room with live flowers was...well, never. I was impressed all to hell.

"And a kitchen. Wow. Fridge, stove, microwave. Is this a hint about dinner? I should warn you right now, the only thing I cook is microwave popcorn. And I usually burn that."

I crossed the room and opened the door. Inside was a bed. One bed.

"For you," Jack said. "Couch folds out in here."

I opened the other door. "A Jacuzzi tub? Hot damn."

I walked to the counter, took the bottles of shampoo, conditioner, lotion and mouthwash from the basket they'd haphazardly been tossed into, and arranged them on the counter as Jack laid my bag on the bed for me to unpack.

"You like those?" he said, motioning at the tub. "You should get one. Use some of the money."

I laughed. "How big of a paycheck am I counting on?"

He shrugged. "Big enough."

I started refolding the towels, which had been put on the rack crooked and seam-side out. "I've considered a hot tub for the guests. Nothing fancy, but it would add to the 'romantic getaway' allure. The only drawback is h

ygiene. They don't strike me as the most sanitary things."

"Use chemicals, don't they? Keep 'em stocked. Change the water. Should be fine."

"We have plenty of fresh water, so that'd be easy enough."

"Then get one. For your room, too. A tub. Not the guest rooms. Yours."

I grinned. "I must be looking at a real windfall here."

"Just a job." He turned to leave. "Pizza okay?"

I said that it was, and he went to order while I washed up.

We spent a couple of hours discussing the case over the pizza, laying out scenarios and theories. There was lots of fodder for theorizing now, as if there hadn't been enough before. Why create a fake Manson connection? Had someone tipped off the Feds? Or had they figured it out, too? How was the killer going to react?

We debated the possibilities into the wee hours, and I loved every minute of it, like those nights with my dad. Not that Jack reminded me of my father--far from it. But it was nice to go back to that memory place again, and to have someone to go there with.

The next morning, I walked to my bedroom door and listened for Jack. Was he still asleep? I hoped so. I wasn't ready to face him yet.

I'd awoken in the aftermath of a dream. I'd been back in that closet in the hospital. Someone had been coming down the hall, and Jack had been whispering for me to stay still and quiet, and I'd been straining to hear footsteps, heart thumping, adrenaline racing. His hands had slid down my hips and under my skirt, lifting it and--

The dream hadn't ended there, but that was as far as I planned to remember it.

I knew where the dream came from--being stuffed into that closet with Jack, in the midst of what had been a rather long dry spell. Still, knowing where it sprang from wasn't going to make facing him this morning any easier.

So I'd dressed as quietly as I could, and now I was hoping to sneak past him and head out for coffee before he awoke. Yet when I cracked open the door, Jack was gone.

There was a note on the table. I wiped the sleep from my eyes, then squinted down at the precise, black strokes. "Getting coffee. Back soon. Wait."

I could wait. Or I could take a cold shower. But there was something else I could do, too, something my body was screaming for almost as much as it'd been screaming for that dream. I stripped off my clothes and pulled on my jogging pants and T-shirt.