"Now I feel old."

"Right, like you were more than a baby yourself. From what I remember, the Manson case was textbook disorganized crime. Definitely not the work of a pro. So what's the connection?"

"None, other than that it scared the shit out of a lot of people. Like this guy's doing."

I glanced over at him. "According to Newsweek--or their contacts, at least--the Feds have evidence suggesting there's something to the Manson connection."

"Then we don't ignore it. But don't focus on it."

"Okay. So where do you want to start?"

A small frown my way. "No idea. That's your area. Yeah, you weren't a detective. But you think like a cop. Good enough. We'll work something out."

So we did, laying out theories. We had a hired killer making random hits. Option one: system overload. When a pro chess player goes nuts, he becomes obsessed with the game. A pro killer goes nuts? No mystery what might obsess him. Option two was more likely. Why does a hired killer kill? Because he's been hired to.

"The guy beside me on the plane mentioned that Leon Kozlov had a record," I said. "That's a good place to start--checking criminal records and arrests. I have contacts in U.S. police departments--lodge regulars--but I'd really rather not use--"

"Agreed. Last resort."

"Good. There are legit ways we can check for criminal backgrounds, though it'll take some time and legwork."

He stared out the windshield, fingers drumming on the steering wheel.

"Got another way," he said finally. "Contact. Couple hours' drive. Find out about Manson, too."

We pulled off at a diner for coffee. We had to be getting close to Jack's contact, and I certainly wasn't hungry, but Jack insisted.

As I sat there, coffee untouched, I swore I could hear my watch ticking. For one person, somewhere out there, time was ticking. How much longer before the killer took another life? Judging by his schedule so far, maybe a day.

Time was passing and somewhere my target was planning his next kill while I sat in a diner, across from my "partner," who looked as anxious to get to work as any time-card puncher on Monday morning.

I vented my frustration with chatter.

"--two hours, not a single nibble and my butt is frozen to the ice. So I check the guys' hooks, and no one has any bait. 'Bait?' one says. 'What for? We don't want to catch anything. We just wanted an excuse to toss back a few before lunch.'"

Jack opened his mouth, but a burst of static cut him off. Across the room, a server moved a portable radio onto the counter. The three customers there all leaned forward, like fans listening to the last inning of the World Series. I caught the words "number five" and "Boston." A game this early in the day?

"Turn it up," someone yelled.

The server obliged. I made a face, then caught the first rush of the announcer's words and stopped with my coffee cup halfway to my lips.

"--received confirmation that this is definitely murder number five. It appears the Helter Skelter killer has taken another victim--"

"Fuck," Jack muttered.

"--Boston. Police have released few details at this time. They will say only that an unidentified woman has been found suffocated in the stairwell of her office complex."

Customers crowded around the counter to hear better. Not so much as a fork clinked against china.

"--approximately 7 a.m. Police have confirmed that a page from the book Helter Skelter was found with the body. A news conference is scheduled for later this morning. More details are expected at that time. We return now..."

Jack pulled his chair forward, legs scraping the linoleum. He jerked his head toward the door.

Jack got into the car and drove. Not a word about what had happened inside. Yet the news had been enough to get him up and moving.

After less than a thirty-minute drive, Jack pulled into Fort Wayne, Indiana. He drove to a strip mall and parked far enough from the storefronts that no one would notice or care that we were taking up a spot and not shopping.

He got out. I followed. He looked at me over the roof.