He nodded, again not surprised. After a moment, he said, "You want my opinion."

"If I could."

A longer pause now, staring out at the passengers hurrying by. Then, slowly, he turned his gaze back to mine. "Could argue for. Could argue against. Don't think I should do either." He lowered my bag to the floor. "Whatever you decide? I'm here. Won't tell you which way to go. Won't let you walk off a cliff, either."

I considered that, deciphering it, then said, "Meaning it's an honest offer, as far as you know. She isn't setting me up for anything."

"Honest enough. I'll make sure of that. You wanna say yes? Let me check the job first. She won't trick you. But..." He shrugged, letting the sentence trail off.

"She's not above fudging the truth a bit to lure me in."


He checked his watch. I took the hint and started walking. He steered our path away from the other passengers.

"Bring the cash next trip?" he said, voice still low.


"Your cut. Assume you want cash. Easier if I bring it. For crossing the border. Unless you need it now."

"I don't want your money, Jack."

I waited for him to protest, to say someone else had financed the job, but he didn't seem to notice my wording.

"You earned it," he said.

"I don't--"

"You earned it. More than anyone. You need it, too. More than anyone."

"I don't, Jack. You know why I did this and it has nothing to do with a payment."

"Yeah, but--"

"I don't want your money."

He hesitated. A flicker of consternation as he realized what I'd said, and that I'd said it before, and he hadn't denied it. He opened his mouth as if to argue, but realized it was too late, and settled for rubbing his hand across his mouth.

Another pause, then, "I don't need it, either. You earned it. I want you--"

"You want me to have it? Then I'll tell you how you can give it to me: take me on an all-expenses paid trip to Egypt."

He looked at me.

"You did suggest that, didn't you? In Vegas? You were asking whether I'd come with you to see the pyramids someday, but we were cut off before I could answer. Well, it's yes. If you were serious, that is. If not, well, I guess you can buy me a trip for one."

"No, that'd be good." Another mouth rub. "Yeah." He looked up. "But your stuff. For the lodge. Gazebos, hot tubs--"

"It can wait."

"Shouldn't. I'll bring the money. You get your stuff. Egypt?" He shrugged. "That'll be the bonus. You earned it. Won't be right away, though. Got some jobs."

"No rush. If we could do it during a slow period at the lodge, that'd be great."

"Yeah. I'll do

that. Let you know. Work something out." He paused. "That'd be good." Another pause, then he looked at the security gate. "You gotta go."