His grin returned full wattage. "Sure. I can do that--better than that." He dropped his head forward, reached up and took out his contacts. "There."

He looked at me. His eyes were light green, the color of new grass.

Quinn moved closer, his head tilting, lips moving down toward mine--

The door banged open and we both jumped back.

"Evelyn told me," Jack said, by way of introduction. He started crossing the room, then met Quinn's eyes. A grunt, and his gaze dropped to Quinn's hand, still cupping his contacts.

"Christ's sake," Jack muttered. "Show-and-tell? This isn't kindergarten."

"He was just--" I began.

"Leaving," Jack said. "I need to talk to Dee."

"It wasn't Quinn's--"

"Fault. Yeah. I heard." He jerked his thumb at the door. "Go call your sources. Dubois doesn't respond by noon? We call it off."

Quinn put in his contacts, then squeezed my hand and left.

"There was no need to talk to him that way," I said. "He didn't do anything wrong."

"Besides taking out his contacts?"

"He felt bad, and he wanted to reciprocate--"

"Yeah. He wants to reciprocate. Middle of a fucking job. Starts playing 'I'll show you mine.'"

"Actually, I think I showed him mine first."

"Not on purpose." Jack moved closer, the edge leaving his voice. "You okay? Evelyn said he saw you. Saw your shirt."

"Which I should have never brought with me. A dumb move, but it...helps me sleep, and sometimes that's more important than being careful."

"I've seen the shirt. Had a problem with it? Would have said so. Back to the question. You okay?"

"I'm shaken, but I guess it's a good lesson for me to be careful all the time, and not relax my guard when I'm with just you and Evelyn."

"Yeah. Gotta be careful with Evelyn."

A small smile. "But not you?"

"Not unless I open my mouth. Then I'm dangerous." He paused. "About yesterday--"

The door swung open.

"Jack? Dee?" Evelyn called. "Dubois bit. He's in."

"Now the fun begins," I murmured.

We'd arranged for our point person to meet Dubois at eleven thirty. Just because he'd agreed to speak to us didn't mean he'd agree to our plan, but we couldn't wait to find out. We had too much prep work.

"I ordered the radios yesterday," Felix said as we ate a late breakfast in our hotel room. "I called this morning and rerouted delivery to a plaza outside town. Quinn? Would you be able to pick those up later?"

"Will do."

"Need a safe house," Jack said. "Motel would work. Prefer a house."