I sputtered a laugh. "I haven't heard that since high school."

"I have maturity issues, in case you haven't you noticed. Is that a yes?"

"Hands over clothes it is."

"Does it still count if I take mine off ?"

I put my hands on the back of his neck and pulled him down.

Quinn did manage to get his shirt off, but I didn't complain. Otherwise, he stuck to his rules--just kissing, a relaxed, sensual intimacy that, in some ways, I needed more than sex.

After about ten minutes, Felix unlocked the door, but the chain stopped him from opening it. He must have figured out what was going on and called that he'd be in the lounge, and for Quinn to come get him when he was "un-occupied."

We lay there for another minute, Quinn's hand resting on the curve between my waist and hip.

"When this is over..." he began. "I know I can't exactly ask you out to dinner and a movie, but I would like to keep in touch. It doesn't matter how. Cell phone, e-mail, whatever you're comfortable with. I just want...I'd like to stay in touch, whether anything comes of it or not. It'd just be nice. To talk sometimes."

I smiled. "It would be. Nice, I mean."

"Good." A light kiss, then he pulled back.

"I should go," I said. "Jack's probably pacing by now, figuring I've done something stupid again and wound up in a ditch somewhere."

"More like figuring I've put you in a ditch somewhere. Go on then. Get a good night's sleep."

* * *


By the time I got upstairs, it was past one. I opened the door. The sitting room was dark. As I slid inside, I realized this was Jack's room, now that I'd moved in with Evelyn. I started to back out, but before the door closed, I remembered something else, namely that I didn't have a key card for the other room.

I tiptoed to the door joining the other sitting area. As I drew near, I heard voices. Typical hotel--you can shell out for big suites and nice views, but don't expect soundproofing. It was Evelyn talking, though I could only hear snatches of the conversation.

"...to do about it?...sit back and feel sorry..."

A low rumble. Male, probably Jack, but too low to hear clearly. I considered knocking, but didn't want to interrupt. Maybe I could watch TV, turn it up loud enough so they'd know I was here, in case they were waiting for me. And the blare of a TV would be less intrusive than a polite knock?

Evelyn again. "Fine, brood, not sulk..."

Jack answered, still unintelligible. As I reached out to knock, Evelyn's voice grew louder, her words coming clearer. I rapped anyway, but she continued. "...need to take what's yours."

Another rumble.

Evelyn sighed. "...not yours, then. So change that. Do something."

I took the handle and turned it, slowly, checking whether the door was open. It was. One final knock.

Evelyn continued. "If you think he's going to let this blow over, and just walk away afterward, you've got a hell of a shock coming--"

As she spoke, I eased open the door, then gave one last, loud knock, and she stopped in midsentence. I poked my head through the opening.

"Sorry," I said. "I tried knocking, but I guess you couldn't hear me. I just wanted to let you know I'm back. I'll wait over here..."

Evelyn pulled the door open and I nearly fell in. Jack stood across the room, arms crossed.

"Everything...okay?" I asked.

Jack uncrossed his arms, but Evelyn beat him to an answer.